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Dorian 7h
Every now and then
I imagine another stance
Where i have a chance

I dream about my free self
An ideal alternative
Happy to be talkative

Free to feel every sensation
Free to live, free to love
No one judges from above

I'd achieve the gift of freedom
I'd dye my hair and get a tatoo
No longer would it be a taboo

Then i shift back to reality
Fill my mind with all the norms
While hiding all my thorns

No such thing as an exception
Only one valid version, perfection...
Hope is for the hopeful
pain is for the hurt
fear is for the child inside
sweat is for the work
song is for the listener
and voices for the listened
Home is for where love resides
only found inside.
In the images we create,
we ****** a part away from fate.

In each act we are alive
and in between our quiet minds
will find some reason we are silent
thoughts turned dark, thoughts turned violent.

Prayer for the faithful
soaring for the soul
how can we bestow these gifts
isn't that the goal?
Not to ask the bird to fly,
the wolf to bear its claws,
but to ask the kind to fight
and the killer to know remorse.

To change one mind might seem so modest
of a billion minds on the planet,
But even to change a single mind
would improve the world we inhabit.
This fiend, he's black
but not in colour.

He tracks: not you
but your brothers' brother.

He wins and jeers
and sits and cheers
and loses and who says
strange words that confuses.

But for all his whim
and dashing trim
he's bound up, wound up,
he's ready for sin.

This skin he bears, drained and cold,
grows thin with wear, and frees his soul.

The Prantercalt lives inside
he's cosy, got a stellar ride,
but anger burning,
envy churning,
these the weapons at his side.
Don't let him out,
he'll run about,
and you'll find your mind'a turnin.
About: A personification of negative personality traits.
Things I'm good at:
- Keeping A grades
- Public speaking
- Making people happy
- Pretending to be okay
- Sleeping
- Making a fool of myself
- ******* up my body
- ******* up other people's life
- Crying
- Giving up

Things I'm bad at:
- Guitar
- Patience
- Managing my emotions
- Self control
- Self care
- Sleeping
- Socializing
- Communicating
- Being a good friend
- Being a good "daughter"
- Being a good Christian
- Being a good person
- Being a person
- Being anything

- Poetry?
Hey you there

It's not just me in here
Oh how I wish you could hear the coconspirator
Or see in a single tear how loud the fear of fear truly can be
And how I'm so rarely allowed to steer

I AM a dark passenger, MY dark passenger
A near prison like constricting atmosphere with no breathing apparatus gear
Life can be so impossibly cavalier
Death is always closer than it should ever appear, regardless of the mirror

In my story I have the glory of a lone fourth musketeer
With a crowded asylum between each ear
So many questions but not a single agreed upon answer will appear
And I've yet to meet this so called infallible puppeteer

Though the hierarchy is clear, it passes through an auctioneer
"Punish me if thy finds I should ever veer from thy holy 'engineer'"
Hell, they can stay put like a headlight frozen deer
I'd rather be allowed to disappear

I did not ask to be here

Dianali 2d
I’m stuck in my bedroom.
There’s a whole in the wall.
That’s figurative speech,
Of course.
The wall is my heart.
I’m watching another show.
It’s about the life of some girls on tv.
I’m trying so desperately to relate.
After some episodes, I finally succeed.
Somehow I make this about me too.
Now I’m imagining how my own life
Would play out for the masses.
Would I be a fan favourite?
Would he be the villain?
Would I be?

I stop.
I’m not that interesting.

Just perfectly,
average me.
The rays of the sun reflect on my eyes, from early this morning.
Thus I am still weary, Ye I shall scorn.
I try to chase the wind; my mind is too unique.
My heart filled with rage, O my why today.

2. Now it is noon, thus the scorching heat.
The boredom is depressing, for all I do is sit.
Perhaps I am contemptible, for my laziness.
My selfishness is outrageous; I am without context.

3. The sun is down, my energy is depleted, my willingness is diminished.
I am full of pain, relieve me of my misery.
Thou cannot save me, I am derisive.
Who will come to my aid, for I am dismissive.
Meliah 4d
I am a Coliseum—
Broken, but still standing,
A relic of past glory,
Hinting at a time when I stood tall, whole, and victorious.
When the battles fought within me were always won by the hero.

But slowly, the battles grew harder.
The hero began to falter,
Until she lost everyone.
Until her determination shattered like glass,
Almost as sharp as the razor blade against my walls.
Until crimson blood leaked from her chest,
Staining my jeans as it spilled from our bodies in unison.

She died, and I was left in a gray, hollow way of living.
Trying to make sacrifices of my own flesh
To revive the fearless woman she once was.
But I failed—again and again—
Fighting my own battles,
Facing my own shadowed lions,
Until I, too, was dead.

I've decided to stay that way.
Tablets for writing may record it,
And tablets for pain may propel it.
I drink some water to make it easier to swallow
I wrote this 8 years ago (I did edit it). I wrote it in highschool when I was depressed and suicidal. OBVIOUSLY I am much better now. If you feel like this- it's not everlasting.
For Humans

What is most perilous
& chaotic?
Is it the ghosts? The viruses?
?                 ?
  ?             ?
    ?         ?
      ?     ?
It is the self.

The Self.
The Brain.
A hidden sage
a wrecking ball
a firestorm in silence.
No alien force
could match
the tiny brain
the mighty peril of the human.
Eight years passed, and just like that
I came back and saw all the written hearts in this app.
Devices I used to lessen confuse.
Now that I'm back, I saw where I was at.

I can't believe I can no longer relate
to all the notes I once wrote with hate.

I knew in the past that "this too shall pass"
But how wonderful it is to experience at last.

I've waited for this...
𝙊𝙣𝙚 𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙄 𝙨𝙖𝙞𝙙, 𝙄'𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙦𝙪𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨
𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙥𝙚𝙙 𝙢𝙚 𝙤𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙙.
I can't believe that just like that, everything's behind me. How amazing it is to experience a life that moves forward, everything that you once hoped. The healing you thought will never come, now all you remember was the feeling but bearable to live with. I'm grateful to every season God gives!
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