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Brenda Mukisa Nov 2018
what comes to your mind every time you think about tomorrow
is it some distant place you want to see
or some place you don't care about because apart of you knows what tomorrow will be like*.
reminder of loving him over and over knowing he cant love you back
another day
another sad reminder.

you do not want to love him
you have tried for so long to move on from the night mare
its killing you on the inside
but you are stuck

this is not a poem
this is a reminder
of how many times I have failed to not love
when all I want to do is stop loving

this is a sad note
from an empty soul with too much misplaced love
a note from someone who should stop but for some reason continues
a deadly cause that is eating my happiness
that is draining me slowly

I just want to stop
Please help me stop.
Let’s go to a place
Where we can hear the sharp ticking of the clock
Where we all know what’s happening
But no one wants to talk
As we stare at each other silently
Knowing what’s about to come
Until finally
Those words spill out of your mouth
‘I have something to tell you’
Strange, how can two sentences
Be so same yet so different
Once filled with sweet promises
Now all it contains are bitter endings
For we all know the time for us to say goodbye is long overdue
Fighting without any reason
Shouting cause no one wants to listen
The laughter has now turn to
We both know we’re driving without a license
And the car’s about to crash
But still we sit side by side
Holding on to hope that it’s not goodbye
Even that tiny hope has died
Sometimes it's hard to say goodbye but it's even worse to hold on. I know that it hurts and  no matter what has happened, you just keep hoping and thinking about 'what if?' However, we must look forward and keep on going. The pain and heart ache are not forever but the memories are. So to all the people who have just gone through a breakup, I sincerely hope this will help you feel better and know that you can relate.
©2018 AlessiaKoh All rights reserved.
written by Alessia on 17/9/18
Melili Jun 2018
One day,
I'll leave the world
and never, ever
come back.

You won't hear
my annoying voice
or laugh ever again.
Neither see my smile.

You will miss me
when everyone will leave you
and you are all alone.

Tears might fall out from
your beautiful eyes.
Drop by drop.
Drop of tears
falling from your face.
Tear by tears.

Everything will end
right there.
I will be gone.
No one can fix it.
I always think "May I die?". And my head answer "No". I want to die by all the pain I have right now. My Head thinking of you and my heart telling "Talk to him, get him back". I said to myself it all lost now.
Melili May 2018
Would you cry if I wasn't here anymore?
I always was waiting for you to come
and tell me that you love me.
But I think,
I waited to long for you
and now I am dead inside.
Man, I can't wait anymore my heart is breaking. I don;t thing I can;t take this any longer.
Melili Apr 2018
Days had pass,
Words gets around.
People talks about you,
And I heard, that
You found somebody else.
I thought it was a lie.
I can't help but wonder
What went wrong
To make forever dead and gone.
Goodbye my love. I hope she make everything for you.
Melili Apr 2018
Everyone's careless,
Talk about our mess.
They don't care how it hurts me.

They say you have a new love.
I'm happy for you, love
I just don't wanna meet her
I don't wanna see her.

I can't shake your calm voice
Saying you found one
That make you feel as strong
And helps you through hard times
Cause that job was once mine.
I don't want to see you with her. :'( <3
Brenda Mukisa Mar 2018
I guess I have been tired for a very long time....
maybe it was the first time  I decided....
that I did not want to live anymore.....
or the next....
or the other few times i thought about it
but didn't do anything about it.

I am practically a big ball walking
with all these things weighing me down
and dragging me to accept and go underneath
it kills me yet still....
I am still here, stuck...
caught in the middle and not going anywhere

I would give anything to wake up,
break free.... start over..
clean slate and all..
all these memories and feelings
only remind me of who I am
why I should not be here anymore....
no where feels like home enough for me to want to stay....
isn't it weird that at this age?
I do not crave anywhere and no one I know?

Yet that is it...
I'm a blank canvas
empty....yet too full of white.
it tears me apart every day
not knowing which person I will be when....
I'm scared of being....
I am tired....
Oh, never say me that, I was false of my love,
Never claim that, I betrayed your trust!
I find the beauty of love in each of our dispute time,
I kept silent every moment, to win your trust.
You may forget all the moments with the time,
But never say me that, I was false of my heart.
I loved you, by all my soul...
I felt your walk in the beauty,
I enjoyed all of your simplicity,
But the time changed you, I never found....
And when you started a walk of going far,
I tried to hold on...
But in a few days, u made all the memories so blur.
A poem that concludes a thousands of memories....
Touch the elixir of fire, to my soul,
     To set out my final tour!
Let me 'take wing' to deep of the air,
Let you light the lamp, with a devotional care;
And stay there, to welcome me---
I'm coming to have my eternity!
Let my pyre, be burning for long,
Untill I may hear your last song....
Let the flame of the pyre, be an emitter,
To illuminate the night of darker.
At the time, I'll leave,
May there be no mourning or grief...
May the way of my leaving be so peerless,
That, I may usher a new journey to the endless.
Let the vim of my pyre be so mighty,
That it may clear all the ambiguity;
And burn all my vainglory!
It's the time, of getting rid of all my pain,
And fulfillment of a dream;
That, When I may meet you again?
              __ Sougat Dasgupta.
A few lines.....remembering my elder sister...... waiting so eagerly to meet her again.
N Mar 2018
While bearing the weather of a storm, you don't consider the aftermath; you don't consider the damage that's being done. In that moment, all you can do is brace yourself. You hide, tuck your head between your knees, close your eyes and try to convince yourself it isn't happening. The ground shakes, the wind whistles through the cracks of the doors and it feels like the world may fall from beneath you, but you bear it. And then, after what feels like a piece of forever, the wind settles, the rain stops and you can breath easy. You survived. For a while, you think it's over. The calm is a silent whisper convincing you that you'll be okay. You think all is passed. Until you look up, step outside your home and see the damage that's been done. The gardens that have been destroyed by fallen trees, the broken windows of the house down the street, the flood of water from the rain that swallows everything in its way. That's when you realize; the worst part has only just begun.

Losing you was the storm. It was slow at first, then it progressed as time went by and became aggressive...angry. It was loud, it came with too many words that should have remained unsaid to save ourselves from the damage. But you see, you didn't consider the aftermath of breaking me. You didn't care enough to spare me the pain of forgetting every promise you ever made me; telling me things that to this day create thunder in the back of my mind on the sunniest of days. I braced myself, convinced myself we could survive this. I convinced myself that your anger was a cloud that needed to release its rain. And rain it did. But it's been days since it stopped raining and I'm still coughing up water from the flood you left behind.
Just when I thought we were in this together, you couldn't handle the changing weather and I'm here in a pile of broken branches with bruised feet and ****** knees wondering how I could have avoided this. What happens when the one thing I tried to protect is destroyed? What happens when it's my heart?

How do you fix the aftermath of a storm when its somewhere your hands can't reach?
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