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close your eyes.
breathe in eternity.
let the weight of time dissolve.

what is your soul’s curriculum?
what lessons are carved in your bones,
whispered in your dreams,
woven into the moments that brought you here? Saturday.

what an andy wants.
what an andy needs.

Saturn’s touch…
did you call these trials into being?
shape these crossroads before you arrived?
do you feel the pull of destiny,
or the echo of something you’ve already known?

what an andy wants.
what an andy needs.

are you listening?
to the hum beneath silence,
the flicker between waking and sleep,
the voice that speaks when all else is still?

what an andy wants.
what an andy needs.

the answers are not ahead of you.
they are within you.
all you have to do—
is remember.
this poem is a meditation. a ritual. a mirror.

it is about listening—to the whispers of dreams, the weight of time, the hands of saturn shaping the road ahead. it is about remembering.

returning to what was always known.

saturday. saturn. return.

what an andy wants.
what an andy needs.
some people will
tell you
to act your age

a being
who is ageless
in a temporary body

she got lost

some can
go back
in time

to a place in their mind
when life was easy
when it didnt hurt

when they were happy
having a bit of a rough patch
poketry is cheaper than therapy
cuz im broke
It returns!
Not a minute too late,
For I was getting worried,
It wouldn't return today!
But boy staring at a blank screen,
It really made me think,
Maybe I need something than this?
Idk if this happened for any of you but for me HP went down from about 2:20 to right now. Dunno why but I happy it's back online.
Why does this color feel so familiar to me?
bringing serenity into reality,
are present and yet still comforting…

It’s funny how casual symbols
and ephemeral frames together
create a surprisingly good script.

Once my dreams were nightmares,
goodbyes, delayed journeys.
But that night was different.
I wanted to fly in the light.
My spirit levitated
as gently as a bright spring day
in the silver-white flickering shine.

I saw my transparent corporeal tissues
my hands, my feet, my pulsing veins
a glowing surrealistic sketch.
For the first time, I felt deep and sincere,
fondness for my body.

How often have I punished myself harshly
for its perfect imperfection?
As I lay on the floor, wanting to numb the pain.
There is no poetry or beauty in physical,
ugly, unbearable suffering.

That night, I saw the deep blue-indigo sky
flowing through me as a quiet living brook
that I used to meet while walking on summer days
in the green, life-scented forest.

I saw my still-living body
so vulnerable, forsaken by my awareness.
When I woke up, I understood that
loving myself isn’t overwhelming egoism.
How strange that even a silly dream
could give me strength and bring me
to a safe home—to my own body.
Maryann I Feb 22
The door swings wide, the moment near,
A voice I missed, so bright and clear.
Familiar hands, a knowing smile,
Collapsing into joy awhile.

No miles can stretch, no time can break,
The bond we hold, the love we make.
For home is found in hearts, not place,
And yours will always be my space.

No words are needed, none suffice,
Just laughter shared, a touch so nice.
The world feels whole, the past erased,
In arms once lost, but now embraced.
2. Reunion and Homecoming
Maria Feb 8
I’m cold… You think I’m really fluey?
I’m not for sure… Maybe you’re right.
The weather’s nasty by mischance for now.
And I’m not wearing my cozy woolly scarf.

This February snows a lot and rages.
I’d like to wrap in plaid and not to leave.
I know it’s blues. I know for certain, sweetheart.
You shouldn’t get a feel for me. I’m peeve.

The spring will come. There will be a revival
Of new ideas, follies and delight.
And I will rise, I will return, my dear,
Better than previous. I will be vitalized!
Maria Jan 30
Sorry, but you have to stay.
I don’t let you go. You hear?
We both have some things to do.
I won’t get through them alone. I fear.

Maybe you like quite another.
A cushy life without any jerks.
But tell me, please, at least for the last time,
What should I do with my love in fact?

My love is mite, but it’s so forceful!
Touch it slightly, it’ll burn you at once.
Leave it answerless, it will be prickly,
Tameless and cruel. It’ll die to us.

My love isn’t pampered, but it’s with pretense
For languishing gaze and beautiful phrase.
You tamed it firmly, you made it subject.
You didn’t wean it. Just put it in maze.

Sorry, but you have to stay.
I’m still in love with you as yet.
I’ll cope with my life on my own totally.
But the fate of my love without you will be sad.
Maria Jan 23
I’ve stepped again into my old life.
I know it’s nohow and nowhere.
I lived there, yeah, I was there long.
But I don’t pick out it, however.

I keep in mind my love to you.
I lost myself, chucked wildly and fouly.
My life was ruined and I was nowhere.
I swapped myself for you blindly.

I was cheerful for you and gloomy,
Freaky and as a gold itself.
If you wanted, I could be a dummy.
But I’ve never been just myself.

I always was near, but you didn’t sight of.
I left one day, but you returned.
And I’m here again. Again it’s all here!
And what is needless is simply crossed.

I’m like a kitten, blind and lost,
I’m crawling out at sounds or light.
I’ll hide in this life for now perharps
As if I’m not here for quite.
Hebert Logerie Dec 2024
Paso a paso. Oh Mujer, el Ángel Guardián de mi corazón
Yo te seguiría por el camino de la felicidad
Haría enormes sacrificios para unirme a tu camino
Te imploro que no tengas ninguna duda
Te volveré a encontrar porque te amo mucho, te amo
No me importarán todo tipo de problemas
Recuerda la hermosa canción de Alain Barrière
Yo cruzaré fronteras y romperé barreras
Para exhumarte, apreciarte y amarte más
Como se ha hecho a lo largo de los siglos
Si tú no volviste a mí, si tú no volviste
Tú y yo nunca jamás tendremos paz
Paso a paso, poco a poco, pequeño y gran paso
Tú y yo estaremos juntos bajo un nuevo techo.

A pesar de mareas, vientos y huracanes: te amo
Y no voy a gritar y vociferar que yo te amo.

Mujer, mujer de mi corazón, si no volviste
Paso a paso. Yo buscaría en las enciclopedias de secretos
Para encontrar la puerta de tu corazón y la llave de tu alma
Yo cruzaré valientemente todas las fronteras. ¡Oh Mujer!
Mujer de mi ser, estoy listo para ser criticado
Castigado, censurado, cañoneado, incluso crucificado y clavado
Como se ha hecho a lo largo de los siglos
Para resucitar el amor y amarte más
Por favor alimenta no, sin duda
Ya que estarás sola en mi camino, en mi ruta
Si tú no volviste a mí, si tú no volviste
Tú y yo nunca jamás tendremos paz
Paso a paso, poco a poco, pequeño o gran paso
Tú y yo cargaremos juntos la misma cruz.

A pesar de la lluvia, el viento y los truenos: te amo
Y me reiré, cantaré y sonreiré porque yo te amo.

P.D. Homenaje a Alain Bellec (Barrière), un gran cantante y poeta.
Traducción de mi poema en francés “Si Tu Ne Me Revenais”.

Copyright © diciembre de 2004, Hébert Logerie, Todos los derechos reservados
Hébert Logerie es autor de varios libros de poesía.
Hebert Logerie Dec 2024
Pas à pas. Ô Femme, l’Ange Gardien de mon cœur
Je te poursuivrais jusqu’au chemin du bonheur
Je ferais d’énormes sacrifices pour rejoindre ta route
Je t'en supplie de n’avoir absolument aucun doute
Je te retrouverai parce que je t’aime tant, je t’aime
Je m’en ficherai de toutes sortes de problèmes
Souviens-toi de la jolie chanson d’Alain Barrière
Je franchirai les frontières et briserai des barrières
Pour t’exhumer, t’enchérir et t’aimer davantage
Comme cela a été fait à travers les âges
Si tu ne me revenais pas, si tu ne me revenais
Toi et moi n’aurions jamais, jamais la paix
Pas au pas, pas à pas, à petit et grand pas
Toi et moi serons ensemble sous un nouveau toit.

Malgré marées, vents et ouragans : je t’aime
Et je ne vais pas hurler et crier que je t’aime.

Femme, femme de mon cœur, si tu ne me revenais
Pas à pas, je fouillerais les encyclopédies des secrets
Pour trouver la porte de ton cœur et la clé de ton âme
Je franchirai bravement toutes les frontières. Ô Femme !
Femme de mon être, je suis prêt pour être critiqué
Flétri, censuré, canonné, voire crucifié et cloué
Comme cela été fait à travers les ages
Pour ressusciter l’amour et t’aimer davantage
Je t’en prie de nourrir aucun, aucun doute
Puisque tu seras seule sur ma voie, sur ma route
Si tu ne me  revenais pas, si tu ne me revenais
Toi et moi n’aurions jamais, jamais la paix
Pas au pas, pas à pas, à petit ou grand pas
Toi et moi porterons ensemble la même croix.

Malgré la pluie, le vent et le tonnerre : je t’aime
Et je vais rigoler, rire, et sourire parce que je t’aime.

P.S. Hommage à Alain Bellec (Barrière), un grand chanteur et poète.

Copyright © Décembre 2004, Hébert Logerie, Tous droits réservés
Hébert Logerie est l'auteur de plusieurs livres de poésie.
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