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Faizel Farzee Aug 2019
" Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, drenched with a possibility of a new tomorrow"
Kylee Aug 2019
When you feel the thunder in your thighs
Look up to the sky
And thank only yourself
For being brave enough to allow him passage through your lands
Given the last time you peeked through the gate
It was torn down

               Scorched the trees
               ****** the birds
               Ate the flowers
               And ****** the rivers dry

C O L O N I Z I N G      you

Turning lush forests into the Sahara
You flooded them out

Now feel the cool trickle
Of his hands on your waist
The splash of lips, on your inner thigh
Notice the depth within you
The surge of water deep in your belly
Rushing, rushing, rising
Until it overflows.
For now let me drink your sweet nectar
But remember you decide when to turn off the faucet

-The life history of my sexuality
Feedback welcomed :)
Diána Bósa Jul 2019
Naked, true.
We are reborn
By disrobing the disguise.
Ann Brandt Jul 2019
He has brought happiness back to life for me.
I'll leave my depression behind; maybe happiness will take me back and love me again.
Ann Brandt Jul 2019
We are the brigade of the broken.
Take my hand and join us, so many brothers and sisters alike.
Leave your worries at the door,
For together we are strong.
Together we can live forever and be who we are.
We can heal ourselves and love our lives
Come and join us,
The brigade of the reborn
Nigdaw Jul 2019
This year clothes me like an old coat
Worn at the elbows, with saggy shoulders
A smell that suggests more wears than washes,
***** tissues and receipts filling pockets
A tear in the lining from a drunken fall,
A tear of pain from an emotional fool
Wiped on a sleeve to preserve my masculinity.

I need to shed this year like a skin
As a spider, a lobster, a snake in the sun
To outgrow and move on from restrictive tissue,
Embrace the world as new again,
Fool myself on New Year’s Eve
I emerge like the butterfly from its cocoon
Reveal my flamboyant new wings,
To kid myself I am reborn.
Joselyn Jun 2019
I rinse my body
in the most scalding water
trying to melt away
the old versions of myself,
but the tears are always scathing
Ensuring the dated me
will never truly disappear.
Inspired by an overreaction and the moon in scorpio
Abbas Dedanwala Jun 2019
as the May
sun sets over our
We breathe and savor
the flowers of the lily, wishing
they rise again, after the
late solstice of gloom comes and goes:

Sweet Lily, we shall meet again.
after the floods and the thaw, I shall be reborn.
but for now, my season has passed,
and the arid droughts of summer
must test the roots I have grown
in so short and beautiful a time
Are we ever reborn? Is this the only spring for me? Or will I get to savor the ever glowing feel of youth again? It has to be. I will miss this world and its lilies too much, to visit only once
Isla May 2019
I don’t know you
not really anyway
it’s small talk if not silence

but I do know that
you want to be reborn as flowing water
me as a ray of light

in another way
in another life
just maybe
we could learn to love each other
What am I doING
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