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Evening rain
Kissing every exquisite part
Of her with our love

Reynaldo Casison
Evening rain symphony
Sometimes Nature cascades
Like Chopin nocturnes

Reynaldo Casison
Clouds form and fill the sky
Everything turns gray.
Still, there is no you.
You don't say sorry.
You don't say anything.

I walk outside,
Expecting to see you
At the very least, hear you
Rumble closer.

The sky is just as stubborn,
Refusing to move.
Here I am, outside
Head tilted back,
Mouth open, waiting for you.

Picturing your voice
Rumbling in the distance.
You don't say that you're sorry.
The rain still hasn't come
Rose 15h
Rain is pouring,
Ive never liked the rain.
It ruins beautiful days,
Leaving its gloomy stain.

I’ve never liked the rain,
It pulls me into bed.
The rain drowns it all out,
And I end up trapped in my head.

I’ve never liked the rain,
And the way it makes me feel.
How could I like something so pitiful,
I’ll never see its appeal.

I’ve never liked the rain,
Writing this poem, I now see.
I’ve never liked the rain,
Because rain is like me.
I know this one isn’t very good but yeah idk it’s just how i feel rn
Jia En 22h
Today as I was walking home it started to
Rain. And all I could think about
Was looking up at you
(You’d stuck out
Like a sore thumb) as the rain came
Down on us; I was just saying the same
Things over and over “just take
Out your umbrella, bodoh”
But your ego
Would break
You didn't and so
We stood there at the traffic light
Waiting for the green man
So we
Could get to the MRT
Station as planned.
I'd been right.
The umbrella was indeed
Exactly what we had need
ed. And so we ended up quite
Wet by the time we got underground.
But I didn't run today.
I guess there wasn't much to go around
But still it was what I should have done.
Take it from me when I say
Walking alone in the rain is not very fun.
and unfortunately now we dont get the chance to even walk together much because you have a life of your own. good for you. you deserved better friends.
Caress Rose serenades
Within your hair
WithIn the honey coves of our love
My exotic dove my sweet luminous one
Ive chosen you
from all the exquisite flowers
As Your Loves intimate rain
and rose melodies has chosen me
To sweetly scintillate and kindly soothe
My pretty candlelit *****
Unveil with the evening stars
diamond psalms,
Your Exotic sanctities
To the Fountains of my love
Dance In translucent
Moonlight robes
within their honey sacred waters,
Like a salsa rose for our love only
While the world is beautiful yet lonely
Our love longs for one another
Like sweet waves long for luminous
And soothing shores
The melodies
and rains sweet balmy kisses
Is tenderly deep within our love
WithIn Its Sun and Moonlit Vineyards
With Our Love Infinite
dear within your pretty soul
Stay awake my luminous sweet one
Even while all is surreal
Waltz Sultry within the cool
And enchanted maple trees
Dance like jazz exotic and sweet
Within the Salsa Dream
With every sigh of Our loves
Sunflowers and roses
The Heavenly Moon
In Sweet Iris repose

Reynaldo Casison
This rain reflects my somber mood
These clouds, my clouded mind
Rain and wind, the only sounds
No happy birds
No laughter
of playing children
in sunny weather
No happy thoughts
No laughter
on the inside either
Only exhaustion
pulling down the edges of my mouth,
holding this tired body
under a familiar weighted blanket of defeat
Tomorrow the rain may stop
Tomorrow the birds may sing
Tomorrow the sun may shine
So I lie in wait
holding on for tomorrow
for happiness to once again be mine
It's okay to not be okay, and today was one of those days for me. I couldn't help but notice how today's rainy weather reflected my mood. I wrote to capture it and to try to feel better.  It helped!  And I hope reading it can help you, too.
Soothe me Within the Rose Stillness
Of your Love with your Sweet Beautys
Rain and Harmonica hums

Soothe me through all the pain
Until Our Love blooms forever gardens,
Roses irises sunflowers sighing
With our love
Blushing with your exotic beauty

Steady the Shivers like Moonlight
Upon the Salsa waves dreaming
To luminous shore,
And You are my Sweet Sultry dove

Soothe me to the first honeysuckle blush
And infinite rose sighs of your love
My Sultry dove

Ah let me adore your Unique beauty
When all the revelers have drifted
Like clouds
And Let our love kiss sweetly
more than honey

Let Us Feel your Beauty like a Salsa rose sway like the Exotic Vineyards of May

Soothe me Sweetly the way only
Your Unique beauty
and Exquisite love can
Soothe like Roses within Sighs
our rose golden moon
Sweet within
Midnight skies

Soothe me beyond the blue
to Our loves infinite honeymoons,

Soothe me my Sultry dove
Within the Candle Stillness of Your love
Were neither above or below one another
Were deeply sweetly Within,

Soothe me to our heavenly and exotic
Flowers that sigh with moonlit serenades
To bloom and lovingly sway

Soothe me through the clouds
With the sweet rain of our loves kisses
That robes like golden sunshine
And rose moonlight your Sweet beauty

Light the Candles
within the Crescent hours
Youll be feeling like the Summer flowers
In the deep sweet breeze

Soothe me to the infinite gardens
of your love
Soothe me within the heavenly vineyards
Of our love my Sultry dove
Soothe me through the Shivers
Like our love is the moonlight
For the salsa waves dreaming
Themselves to Shore,

Soothe me cool and soothe me warm
Soothe me Whole
the Candle
Stillness of Your Love
my Exotic Sultry dove,
Its always been you
With the Stars and Moon
Ive always loved

Reynaldo Casison
arby 2d
Riding my motorcycle,
music whispering through my AirPods,
the drizzle kisses my skin,
but I keep going.

Then the rain thickens,
thunder growls like a beast in the sky,
and I don’t speed up.
I let the storm catch me,
daring it to take me,
wishing, maybe, it would.

But deep inside, I fear it too.
Not the dying
but the thought of not going instantly.
A cruel hesitation,
a war between surrender and survival.

How pathetic, how fragile.
I was only going 20 km/hour,
while I Love You So by The Walters
played like a farewell,
or maybe, a reminder
that I was still here.
There once was a woman from Spain
Who loved to make love in the rain.
     She also had fun
     Making love in the sun,
And always in the public domain.
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