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Jorge Diaz Aug 2017
We do not have to plead our case
For he took our place
Tracing back-to Genesis
When we were molded by His grace

His love demonstrate
Gender and race
For we are all the same

It’s a shame
What we are today
Is not how we were made
To walk around with these chains

For we bear His image
To a perfect finish
But we’re stained with sinful *******

It's self to blame
Self-most fade
Our ego trade
For a righteous change

He paved the way
So that our sins will be erased
Our hearts engraved
With the message that saves

Demons shack
When they see His face
The devil races
Back to his cage

His love is like a flame
Power with in His name
From death the grave
To life, He reigns

Your guilt exchanged
With your sins paid
Forgiveness He give
Don’t have to wait
Come to Jesus today.
You have saved me...
Lia Frenae Aug 2017
The nazis are coming
And I'm afraid.
The nazis are coming
Continuing to invade.

I want to hold every dear person I love,
keep them locked away
until they are gone.

They will scream, shout, and fight
And so would we
But this race war
Is not what this country needs.
Lshassan Aug 2017
Oh, say can you see
That racism is a big problem in our society.
A Colored citizens reality,is police brutality.
In this “land of the free”,
We are free to be attacked and harassed
We are free to starve and die
We are free to speak,
But we all know that's a lie.
If we try to make a change,
We will presumably die.
Say, if Martin Luther king didn't strive
Wouldn't he be alive?
Big Virge Aug 2017
Ya know …….
" Syndromes " … roam …

Through phones and homes
Like …. " Twilight Zones " …
have … " Darker Tones " …

Tones that … LACK …
" Balance " …  that stands …
next to …. " The Truth " ….

Instead …. most choose ….
Syndromes … that … " Prove " …

How Many … play tunes …
that … Don't Sound … COOL … !!!

Condescending … quotes …
that … HIT …. " Dud Notes " …

because they … Play Out …
of … " Ignorant " … mouths … !!!
whose views are … "Bound" …
by ….. " Colonial Grounds " ….. !!!!!

"Those" … that see …
White Views … as … CLEAN … !!!
and having ….. " Sheens " …..
of …. " Positive " …. Dreams ….

While … Darker … voices …
are … NOT … Anointed … !!! …
in …. " CEREMONIES " …. !!!!!

because they are seen ……  
as being … "unclean" … !!! …
" NEGATIVE " … and … Mean … ?!?

The Type … that … NEED … !!!
to be … Put to … "sleep" …

Until someone … white's …
Inclined to …. " Recognise " ….
the type of … "Insights" …
of say … " Rastafari " …

without **** … in sight … ???

Coke takers … are … FINE … !!!
because ….. " Their Lines " ……
are the shade … THEY LIKE … !!!!!
NOT Dark … but … LIGHT …

In Fact you … find …
it's alright for … THEM … !!!
to gain … Fame … and … Express ...
as if …. " Sniffing " …. DEFINES ….
an …… Inspired Mind …… !!! ??? !!!

These days … I See …
and hear … " Pretty Speak " …
from … " Mostly " … white peeps …

who seem to … BELIEVE …
that … " POSITIVITY " …
and ….. " UNITY " …..
are the best things for ….
….. " HUMANITY " ….. !!!!!

when they live … " Up the street "
from … " impoverished " … peeps …
Who .... They'd rather ... "Keep" …
AWAY FROM …. " Their Breed " …. !?!?!

"But, I'm alright,
cos' i'm not like them !!!!!"

is the … " Usual line " … !!!

as if … THEY … are PHLEGM ... !!!!!
and just cause … " Problems " ...

" Third World " …. Heads ….
who … NEED TO … " Affect " …

A change of … " ATTITUDE " … !!!!!

INDEED … Some Do … !!!!!

But …. Historical Moves …
Some Whites … have used …
were put …. in place ….
to … IMPRINT … in brains …

That … " They are " …

…… SUPERIOR ….. !!!!!

while … " The rest " … are …

…….. INFERIOR …….. !!!!!!!!

I hear it … today …
in comments … now made …

That prove … HOW DEEP …
… " Colonial Themes " …
run through … the minds …
of … " Too Many Peeps " …

ALL … Colour types … !!!!!

seem … HAPPY … to lie …
or … NOT TO … " Think " …
about …. " The Things " ….
that they … KNOW … are …

………. " RACIST " ……… !!!!!!!!!

Like … " Playing Tricks " …
or … " Running Jokes " …
as if …. " Chain Links " ….
have … now been … BROKE …

It seems as though ….
" Historical " …. notes ….
have been …. ERASED ….
from … " Certain Brains " … !!!!!

But …..
NOT IN …. MINE …. !!!!!!

I don't … Carry … CHIPS … !!!

Nope …
My shoulders are … FINE … !!!!!
just like ….. " My Mind " …..

STRONG … and … Inclined …
to ….. NEVER …… Deny ……. !!!!!

The skin they live in … !!!!!

Dark and … " Tanned " …
like slaves that …. RAN …. !!!!!

I Ain't … THAT MAN … !!!!!!

But … descend from clans …
" Without " … Ku Klux … hands …  
and …. Hoods to …. Match ….

What's up with … THAT … ?!!!?

Did they just … " Disappear " ...
and are now … NOT HERE … !!!!!

Too many … I FEAR … !!!!!
Have been … " Well Steered " …
to believe … " The Veneer " …

That …. Powerful Racists ….
are … NOT IN … " High Places " …

because of …. OBAMA …. ?!!!?

……… HARDER ……… !!!!!!!!

and … STOP … Running Talk
that betrays … "Racist Thoughts" … !!!!!
when blacks … Don't Retract …
but speak …. " Quoting Facts " …. !!!!!!

About the … " Syndromes " …
where … Racism Roams … !!! …

because of the past ….
that leaves their cards ….

…… MARKED ….. !!!!!!

From Europe to … Asia …

" Racists " … still hold … favour …
because of the … " Paper " …
" They use " ….. to buy …..
……… TRAITORS ………..  !!!!!!!!

'" Traitors " ….

Who … " Sold Out " …
Black People … !!! ...
Don't Doubt … !!!!!!! …

Africa … has them …
These things … I Accept … !!!!!

while … Many Blacks … DON'T … !?!
So … have the … " Syndrome " …

Just like … These … " White Folks "
who make …. " Stupid Quotes " …. !!!!!
when they … CLEARLY KNOW …
That …. Racism Roams ….
inside of their … Homes …
and … "In Those" … who …

……….. DENY ………….. ?!?

What Lies … in … " Their Files "… !!!  

The Legacy of ….
Their past … History …

which … Still Runs … Today … !!!!!
in …. TOO MANY … Brains … !!!!!!!

Racists … have got … CLEVER … !!!
and …. Operate …. BETTER …. !!! ….
because their … " Defence " …
is … Now like … " Mayweathers' "

" WE'RE IN IT TOGETHER !!!!! " ……

So … if that's the case … ?

Where is this … " Third World " … ?!?
They Claim's … a … " DISGRACE " … !!!!!
But … buy places to … STAY … ?!?!? …

I'm a … " Little Concerned " … !!! …
at … some quotes …
White Folks … make …

Who then … get …. IRATE ….
when they … hear a … Black Man …
who now …. OVERSTANDS …. !!!!!!

and … " Reminds Them " … of Blots …
They hold … from the … " past " …
that STILL … " HAVEN'T STOPPED " … !!!
in the ….. " Whitest of Hearts " ….. !!!!! …..

They're quick to … " Now Say " …
that … " They Face Racist Ways !!!!! " …

If they do …. ?!?

Where … TODAY … ???
are … white people … BEATEN …
and … HUNG UP … like … " Slaves " … ?!?!?

I guess it's … " Such Quotes " …
that are … " Too Close To Home " …
for the types of … white folks …
who are … NOT … Alone … !!! …

When it comes to … " The People " …
whose thoughts are … "Controlled" …

and caught in …
what is known …
as this …. A ….

….. " Syndrome " …..
Well sadly, certain themes seem destined to run on, forever and ever, from Virginia to London right down to Barbados, it's all the same flavour, racist behaviour that's nothing to savour ! So,  old as this poem is, it's as relevant now, as it's always been ...... again .... Sadly !!!
Joshua Haines Aug 2017
Maggots boil from under her skin.
  I will never see her again.
I have heart aches that
  stem from mistakes.
I count them as they
  leak from her skin.

Her eyes are raisins;
  I will never find what
they last captured.
  Cheekbones higher than
my song. My finger brushed
  along all that was black
and seeped into her back,
  tripping on her vertebrae
like a boy frolicking home.

  The cacti stand still--
while I feel quite ill--
  standing in an ocean
of honey.

  The people stand still--
America is ill--
  standing in an ocean
of money.

  You stand still,
too afraid to ****
  an ocean of hate
you tolerate.
Joshua Haines Aug 2017
The President will start a
nuclear war over twitter
  if he has to.

  White Nationalist is a way
of saying Neo-****. It's re-labeled
  to desensitize us.

  The President sympathizes with
the White Nationalists because
  he can't afford to lose their vote.
My president does not have my
  best interest in mind.
He is a power hungry tyrant--
  and half are too dumb to notice.

You don't worship God. You don't.
  You worship politics infused
with spirituality.
  You dehumanize those who
are different from you because
  you are a scared little *****.

All Nazis must die.
Them dying is the
greater good.
Nazis are inferior.
Die ****. Die.
Sammie Aug 2017
Alive or dead, no matter how
We meet people with whom we share vows
Now, some might never be anywhere near
But they are still very very dear
I too met a wonderful true friend
But I still wonder why did the story had to end?
You taught me life was about growing with all
I never knew it was your last call
Seventh heaven was your muse
But why were you in such a hurry to choose?
Why, oh why you did you go at this pace
With us, you could have completed this race
Now that you are gone
Leaving our hearts so torn
Creating void in our heart
Of which you were such a big part
Each day we miss those assuring glittering eyes
Crying our hearts out till our tears finally dries
Stay happy and blessed wherever you be
This is, to the Lord, my final plea
Lou Aug 2017
Throwback dissonance, results in future social dystopian conversations. Tormented lives swept under rugs, in between the cracks of floor boards. Dust and filth, years of names. All scratched into the bathroom stalls of so called neighborhood's, subordinates of time and "hush-hush" the city to the suburbanites. Shocking to them eating dinners still in the 1990's, fastened tight in seat belts of self esteem, MTV news and 50 inches of reality. You must be joking, not ever knowing, folly box dwellers, why they say all "white".

The back doors were shut and locked when you looked left and double took right; as jokes from the safety of your water stained walls and cigarette burned carpets, to joke hatred like art and we must pretend not us though? Wall to wall, our prison starts here and ends in our front lawns as the country shouts "white man" and we must remain silent.

My father's land,  nearly 20 year cultural hiatus that split our family in two,  came back from time, in a paperclip, over the wall, east to the west side of Berlin and  delivered in a rebel DeLorean with bumper stickers of second amendment speeches and pro-life Bible out of contextual arguments. These retrospects, taking advantage of sales on tiki torches while stealing phrases from my great grandfather class of 1933. And the whole country shouts "white man".

No, my country,
not white men.
In skin yes, in history, no.

They were never men.
Never did my father speak of men.

I heard the gang rapes of Gypsy's.
Stories of slain Catholics.
Murders of homosexuals,
The bones crushed of opposing parties.
The staple mascot of pain, Judaism extermination that swept through culture like a bad advertisement tune.


They come for us all.
Not as white men.
They come as their own.

This is not man.
They maybe white, but not man.

I am a white man,
but it's always been human, first.

That's black.
That's white.
That's purple.
That's life.

They come for our progress, not our skins.
Virginia showing its color but I am not allowing them to show my skin. They are not white men. We don't want them. They are lesser, an insult to monsters and dogs.
at Aug 2017
My name is Yellow.
As in the skin I bare,
and the heart beneath.

like the perfect grades,
and the failing student.

like the title stripped from my father,
and the title he wishes to strip from me.

unlike the parents,
and the silent daughter.

My name is Yellow.
And I am proud.
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