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Audra Jun 2018
Does he know how much I worry?
Of his hurting and his pain?
Does he realize that it kills me?
Every week he is still away?

Of course not,
I don’t share that stuff.
No, I still seem very alive
Each week I’m still bouncy.

What would happen if he returned?
And I asked the simple question?
Would he sense any of my concern?
And would he put the fear to rest?

I guess I’ll never know
Because I couldn’t do I anyway.
No; worry would fade to nothing,
And I’d be happy for the day
I know I haven’t done much with this series for a bit, but if you are good at reading into things, then you may realize why after reading this poem.
Gene Jun 2018
what do you call that hurt you feel that is less than a heartbreak?
you know the one that you can't categorize as heart wrecking pain but still makes you want to rip your heart out?

the one that makes your heart hurt just enough so that you can still carry on with your daily life
but still enough to keep you up at night

it's like a cut that will not make you bleed
but will still leave a scar
it will scar and remind you of someone

someone who showed interest
someone who caught you off guard
someone who made your heart flutter

someone who keeps you up at night thinking about the endless what ifs

what if you had given it more time?

would the cut be deep enough to bleed?
i havent been here for a long time. hi there. i wrote this yesterday, minutes before midnight. i had the worst headache plus my sinuses(?) were failing me. despite all that,, these thoughts were the ones that kept me up. i havent written anything for so long, this isnt something im proud of.

these are just my raw thoughts and questions. i didn't know what to do with them, so i just wrote them down my notepad and brought them here in the hopes that maybe you too can relate. so here it is, this is for anyone who is hurting but still functioning bc the wound wasn't deep enough.

the wound didn't need time to grieve or heal or move on. it's just there like a mosquito bite that you scratched.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

Lost in the world, searching for answers.
Why do we only live once?  Why are there no second chances?
What is the meaning of life?  What is our purpose for being?
Why do we not yet know?  Do you know the reason?

A search for enlightenment, using many different teachings;
I must find the answer, by using any means,
To reach a state of enlightenment and find my nirvana.
So I'll ask someone who knows; can you hear me Buddha?

To find your nirvana, follow the teachings of Buddha;
Buddha gained enlightenment, so you must become a Buddhist.
Buddha was an atheist, searching for his Heaven;
A way to be free and stop repeated reincarnation.

To reach a new state of consciousness,
You must become free from life and your attire.
Your possession’s you must leave behind and you must forget your desire.
To find freedom from life, you must want for nothing;
Then you shall become free, from eternal suffering.
From the pain of the circle of life being repeated;
Because Heaven can't be reached, if you’re always reincarnated.

To find enlightenment, forget human treasures;
To raise up into the sky, you must not crave possessions.
Trinkets or money or power keep you trapped and without insight.
They stop you leaving this life; they stop you reaching the light.

Buddha’s Buddhist’s, practice his teachings
And they lead their life in the way in which he believed,
Was the right thing to do and he did do it right;
Buddha left this world enlightened…he walked into the light.

To find your nirvana; to raise to a new state of consciousness,
Is to die as a man and then pray to go to Heaven and be blessed.

Maybe there is life after death
And maybe I will fly up and face God.
Maybe anything is possible...

But when I learn the truth, I will be gone.

(C)2005 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Q & A

Can you tell me please, how am I meant to live?
Can you answer me?  Do I need your forgiveness?
Can you tell me please, what am I meant to be?
Can you show me something in me, I have never seen?

All those nights I’ve worried about my health;
All those mis-spent moments, I could have been somewhere else.
In another world, or another reality;
If things were different, would I really be myself?

Won’t you answer me!?  God someone tell me!
Won’t you answer me!?  God can you tell me!?
Won’t you answer me?  God why can’t I be;
Something different to what I was meant to be?

And if our fate is already written, then what does that mean?
Are we living our lives on the edge of our seats?
Or are we even living at all?
Or are we just moving through our time like fools?
Who cannot see the bigger picture in which we live?
If we’re falling apart, is that our destiny?
And who has all the answers to all of the questions?
And would you like to live if all your questions were answered?

Won’t you answer me!?  God someone tell me!
Won’t you answer me!?  God can you tell me!?
Won’t you answer me?  God why can’t I be,
Something different to what I was meant to be?

All my life I’ve wondered, is this really it?
Is this all I’m ever going to turn out to be?
And I’ve always thought, I’d be much more than this;
But I guess this is just the way things have to be.

But there’s just one question I’d like to ask;
Before death comes to take me, can I have one last chance?
And please allow me to ask you this question, before it’s too late.
If I’d have changed my world would I really have been myself?

Won’t you answer me!?  God someone tell me!
Won’t you answer me!?  God can you tell me!?
Won’t you answer me?  God why can’t I be,
Something different to what I was meant to be?

Are we just changing our future dreams?
And moving them into something we can reach?
And if all that we want is always out of reach,
Is that really just the way life is?

And if all that we have is all that we need,
Would it mean that we couldn’t continue to live,
Without having it all just taken away?
Could we not be content until our dying days?

Won’t you answer me!?  God someone tell me!
Won’t you answer me!?  God can you tell me!?
Won’t you answer me?  God why can’t I be;
Something different to what I was meant to be?

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
I don’t know

In your smile, I feel locked in love; no longer alone.
I don’t know, I don’t know;
I don’t know why I love you so.

We are him and her
And he and she;
Will we always be…you and me?

I don’t know if we will love each other forever;
I don’t know if we will drift apart.
I don’t know if this is as good as life gets,
Or if you could make it become even better.
All I know is…
I want to remain a little piece of your heart.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
florida Jun 2018
do you ever miss the rain?

which one?

that one.

yeah i do.

the simple feelings of safety

the smell of the rain

the similarity of home

where you didnt care about technicality

or psychology

when nobody cared about each other but felt home

do you miss the old screen?

you mean the OS?

no the screen

where it was simple but complex

the feeling of the rain mixed

feeling of friends

not that feeling

the other feeling

the similarity of the old layout

not old the better one

yeah the better one

where it seemed as if you knew it for so long

but you didn't

when everyone was innocent

no sketches

playing at home with no pressure

with a head that stops when you stop

the feeling of feeling as if the adults know everything out there

where you felt as if being sad was just a myth

miss the old room?

which one?

the magical one

where your imagination ruled the emptiness

now filled with a head that is technical as it can be


because maturing

looking at the abyss called reality

where everybody is a child

being an adult is just a myth

everybody feels alone, feels selfish, trying to wisen up

they can’t

because you just can't

wise people aren't wise

they aren't adults

they are just children

acting like adults

people want to get on top




why not?

everybody looks up to you

everybody obeys to your rules

they aren't forced to or obliged to

they just do


because they are searching for an example of an adult

they search for a person to look up to that no one can look down on you for

but when you are the person on top

you still feel alone

you don't feel complete

you feel like a child

but then you look for another person to look up to

there are no other

so the cycle continues

everybody stomping on each other

we are on top of a flying rock and everyone is focused on looking down upon people with different imaginary views


why not just have fun?

do you ever miss the rain?

which one?
made this one way too early in the morning. had a lot of questions about life that needed answering.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Zero heroes

Whatever happened to the heroes?
Those that we used to adore.
I need somebody to tell me,
Where do they go when they’re about to fall?

Whatever happened to the heroes?
Where are they now?  Nobody knows.
Where did they all choose to go?
I guess I lost all my heroes.
They all seem to fade away in the end.
Whatever happens to the ego’s?
When we decide they have let us down.
I guess things will never be the same again; oh no.

We were surrounded by infamy,
But now they’re all so sweet; no-one is angry.
They’re all so nice it makes me want to scream!
Get back on your star and let us once more dream.
Why does this happen to our heroes?
We want to love them like we did all those years ago.
But something happens to our heroes;
No more shouting loud, they’re all so mellow.
Whatever happened to our heroes?
They change with time; they all fall or die.
Our heroes change in our life time;
I wish I could go back and see them in their prime…
I want to go back in time.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

Grace, can you hear me?
Grace, can you hear me, when I cry?
I tried so hard,
Left my mark on your heart.
I have fallen so far beyond;
What is normal?  What is life?

I just can’t tell you;
I just can’t tell you anymore.
So won’t you tell me, with or without?
Inside or out?
All of my loving words, you say you have never heard before;
You never hear me when I knock on your door.
I need you to see me;
I need you to see me as I fall,
Beyond this world into the abyss of an unanswered call.
Can you see me as I am crawling up this wall?
Can you see me?
How can you hear me, when we don’t talk?

I talk to your ears only.
I whisper to you softly,
I am here; do you still need me?
Do you still see me?
Do you still see me break?
Do you still see me, or am I just another empty face?
A ghost of love,
A hand to touch;
When all is dark inside my life, I want to see you.
I want to see you for what you are;
You are my hopeless love.
A truth so real it leaves me, touched.

I really hear you;
I really need to see you smile,
But you can’t hear me or see me,
Walking away as I leave you behind,
To words of numbers never dialed.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Lily May 2018
I have so many ideas swirling through my
Head, I never know which ones to write
Down, which ones to commit to memory,
Which ones to care for like my child.
So many of my thoughts I abort, and
For different reasons.  
Maybe this idea will slowly corrupt my mind,
Maybe it will harm someone else.  
Maybe it will be worthless in time,
Maybe it is already too old.
Yet what should I do with these
Thoughts I’ve aborted?
Just because I’ve discarded them,
Doesn’t mean they’re entirely forgotten.
Does a mother ever forget an aborted child?
Does she forget the feeling of the child in her womb,
The raging hormones, the night of conception?
Of course not.
My ideas are the same,
Still there in the back of my mind,
Wanting to be alive,
Breathing, Functioning.
If you had an idea that would stop
World hunger, create world peace,
Find the cure to cancer, or
Stop humans from harming the earth,
Would you **** it?
Then why would you do the same to
A child who could have those ideas?
This poem contains some of my personal opinions about abortion; you are entitled to your own opinions, whatever they may be, and I respect them.
Colm May 2018
Ask me not
The question I most want to ask
The letter never sent which flies
And falls apart between the lines
You think I'm scared of you?
No, not scared...
I'm terrified
Questions Midst Letters
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