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Mario Bañuelos May 2018
Nightfall should be a time for sleep, but it isn’t.
My brain is jumped started and the questions begin.
Do I let down my walls?
Do I let him come in?

Is he really different? What’s his goal?
Sure, he says what I want to hear and does what I want to see.
Does he mean any of it?
Or do my senses deceive me?

Maybe it’s real and his intentions are true,
And I’m letting the past play with my mind.
Maybe I’m looking too deep...
Maybe he’s true and kind.

The sun starts to rise.
Somehow the hours has slipped through my fingers...
As I move through my day,
The questions still linger.
This was rushed. Sorry about that.
Brent Kincaid May 2018
What happened to the land of the free?
What ever became of American equality?
When was The Great Take-back begun?
What became of “with malice toward none”?
What happened to rich people’s responsibilities?
When did we decide our peers were enemies?
Why didn’t we learn from the Great Depression?
Why are we letting them set up another session?

Eenie meanie mighty mo, when is it fine to hire a **?
Hickory slicker zippity zopp, when is this b.s. going to stop?

Why have we let ourselves think like adolescents?
Why do we keep liars and cheaters in our presence?
It’s up to us each who what lies we should tolerate,
So when does being a mountebank go out of date?
When do we start fighting and hitting bullies back
When they make it known they’re on the wrong track.
How many times will they have to lie and steal
For the rest of us to know their villainy is real?

Fluster and bluster and flippity flopping, confidence is dropping
We can no longer trust our leaders to protect, so let’s reject.

When did all of our statesman turn into real estate’s men?
When did the human in humanity cease to matter at all?
What makes half the country vote for a scoundrel horde?
What did our country accomplish by dropping the ball?
Why have we become the people we used to dislike so
And now we are the ones who arm and **** each other?
And why do we still have many lifetimes or more to go
To finish paying for murdering and pillaging our brothers?

Questions, suggestions, all are loudly ignored by them,
Our leaders whose sense of decency has grown dim.
Mary Coleen May 2018
As the temple throbs
For each wham of a thought
A push back is made
Leaving you distraught.

As each stitch is cut
And the wound gapes wide
The light in your eyes dims
Your gaze cast aside.

You question yourself:
"How can a heart, once young and ready,
Turn its petals to shades of ash,
And cower when it wants to be happy?"
Zoe G May 2018
Hello friend,
Are we friends?
Yes we are,
But what kind of friends are we?
The best one,
So, can I trust you?
No, you can't,
So, can I relay on you?
No, you can't,
So, how the hell can we be best friends?
Zoe G May 2018
This world,
Those people,
Where should I look for those who didn't lie to me,
Or for those who still kept their soul,
Because too many people are standing without them,
And too many people just don't believe.
Because too many people are drowning without them,
But is there is something that they can do about it?
I wrote it in the school hallway just looking at people.
Frances May 2018
Meets the madman
Conducting orchestration
For our mothers lips
Saint Frances
Saint Frances
Saint Frances
I hope you've arrived
Cacooned eyes awaiting
Ephemeral steady fluctuation
Persephone gaze
Diana's rage
Eternal blue flame
Dripping crimson fingertips
The heavens eloped when you left us here.
Remains on the fire escape
An external buzz
Heard during my cigarette break
My sight caught by persephones polenating powerhouses who remains meditative and floating
Above the clover grass
Elucid and fleeting
Yet evermore
Remains on the tumbling limestones and mounds of our ancestors.
I beg for your wisdom
Sometimes I think
I'm hearing your voice
Asking me to be calm
And stop searching so deep
Saying your "with me
In more than the form of a humble bumble bee
But still keep running for me through the vast trees
Until you find your self unmoving and buckled at the knees"
I hear my grandfathers voice when I see a bumble bee, and my Grandmother Frances' face when I look at a church. I never met them or heard their voices while they were alive, but I'd care to believe they're with me always.
n0r May 2018
eyes glazed, passing...
at magnificence...
this doldrum...
muddy browns...
streaks of green...
an ever changing blues...

a sudden crackling in synapses
erupting through the real!

a pale iris gaining
electric sheen!
a meaningless menagerie
collapsing into an expanse!
within this little slab of goo!?
Shadows or shadows of shadows?
Meruem May 2018
Up to this day I get the same question, is this real?
Much has been said and done, that's the deal.
I honestly don't know what to feel,
Maybe this is His way to finally make me kneel.
It's good to be back!
Jay Dayz May 2018
A word that has been defined and redefined by our conceptions.
A word without true universal meaning as it's so controversial.
You and I don't have the same perception,
our views are flawed by human nature.
But what is perfection in the heads of humanity?
What is perfection when lies rule reality?
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