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Payton Elizabeth Apr 2016
"I'm fine"
I'm dying
"I'm just tired"
I'm sick of arguing  
ylruceiram Apr 2016
Walking on this cruel world
One cannot be bold
Fake truths are hidden
Real lies are flaunted

Authentics are hardly  distinguished from synthetics
True ones are mingled with the sinners
Pure ones are tainted with the abominations

Masks flew from one face to the other
Hiding from one problem to the other
When will we stop?
*When will this end?
People just acting like people.
Your deep stare unveils the secrets I have kept for so long
Every flick of your eye strips me down to my bra and thong
Naked and raw, I find it hard to lie
My scars, my imperfections become the apple of your eye
Now you see the reason I won’t tell my dad that my mom is cheap and easy
That every Friday night she hides in another man’s blanket while he is busy
-With workloads of paper he has to finish to bring home money
Yes, he was less of a husband but he was a provider than any of her men could ever be.
You told me I should free myself from what I know
But this is the only family I have, I have nowhere else to go.
Now you see the reason that I let the guy- the only guy I loved
-find his way out of my life and build new memories with a new crowd
It’s because he was unhappy, and she was the only thing that could make him feel good.
That is why I set him free, like every true lover would.
I felt so broken, you told me that this I shouldn’t regret
But I am always hoping that one day he’d end up with me instead.
Your deep words echo into my unwavering soul
Making love to my mind, sending me to an ******* fantasy
Slicing my insides like a dull knife, making my head go crazy
Piercing through every vain, making me remember that I am living in regret
Every whisper lingers in my head and makes me want to take a bullet
But without your words, I know I’d still end up dead.
With those words, you told me once that I am a woman of independence
-that I imbibe strength of character
But every wall I built you managed to tear down and shatter
You make me fall short and I even surrender
You uncover my secrets faster than I learn them, in my mind you create a mayhem.
A giant twister of ideas I could put into paper but before I even put it, you’ve already read them.
As I run out of ideas, I remembered the way you looked at me
Like I was a piece of deep and emotional poetry
Captivating and enchanting yet full of misery,
That moment your eyes were so skeptic but kind,
Making me confused or am I just blind?
Blind from all the hints you’ve dropped, Deaf to the sound of my heart
Numb from all the emotional beatings
You expose my body and my soul, you take me willingly as a whole
I’ll let you take everything though only a piece was left
I’ll let you lust for me, please make me lose my breath.
As I end this poem, I want to make you feel the same way.
I want to make you give in to the pleasure-ride with me in the storm
A storm that started the moment you stripped me out of every piece of my clothing
Now, let me be the one to take yours off and see you blushing
I’ll uncover every inch of your secrets, expose your every desire
I want to see if you could handle this raging fire
But deep inside I know you’d have the control in our little bedroom game
And I ‘d still be the one who’s tied in your bedpost frame.
JRS Apr 2016
“Have a cup of tea, it’ll all be OK”
No matter the problem, that’s what they say
Whether you’ve lost your cat, your keys or your Nan
“What you need is a brew”, not some help or a plan.

Got a paper cut?
“I’ll make a ***.”
Laptop caput?
“It’s nice and hot..”
In massive debt?
“All soon forgot.”
Mourning a pet?
“It’ll help a lot.”

It’s as if that milky brown solution
Held inside the resolution
To every problem ever cried
And yet it tastes like a bare-faced lie

“Have some tea, it’ll be OK”
Will it make all my problems go away?
Will it fix the famine or end the war?
Will it house the homeless or feed the poor?

You’re telling me dried vegetation
Is the answer to my agitation
“I’ve stubbed my toe!” “I’m going blind!”
Drink up, cheer up, never mind!

If it were true, can you even dream
Of a world where tea can fix a melted ice cream?
A cuppa here, a cuppa there,
The end to all the world’s despair!

But we’d eventually run out of space
There’d be a great big global tea-growing race!
The cost of tea would go sky-high,
Only the wealthy could afford to buy
The medicine, the wonder drug
Your future secured in a polka-dot mug.

I simply find it hard to believe
That a soup of steaming boiled leaves
Has the unlikely power to relieve
Even the very most naïve.

But don’t you worry,
Don’t dismay,
Have a cup of tea, it’ll all be OK..
Dealing with the dangers of everyday life
Each day alone with stress and strife
Praying to God to sort it out
Remembering what brought it all about
Every day a different test
Securing a future, nevertheless
Seeing its secrets and letting them go
In life itself, and the world we know
Only thinking that maybe someday
Nice things will happen, like peace, we pray.
Brigette Beck Mar 2016
“If you can find the problem in your life,
Then you can cut it out.”
But what if my problem is me?
What if everything that I'm trying to run away from
Is myself?
What can I do?
I can't escape it no matter how hard I try.
I can't cut out myself
Because my problem has consumed me
It is me.
Wrote this a while ago :)
synchronize debt
unfortunate occasion

apply a pinch of poverty
unreachable secession

integrate inconsistent economy
lack of intuition

and then you'll be america
it's financial oppresion
rough draft poem in science class xD
George Krokos Feb 2016
If you think life is daunting and find yourself on the brink of despair
what then of all those people who for them no one does really care?
It's an individual or social human conscience that can make a difference sometime
but isn't there a lasting solution to this problem which barely falls short of a crime?
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
MsAmendable Feb 2016
The numbers change;
And it doesn't add up.
Change again.
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