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prince of the forest
growing inside of me
antlers feel like gold
to my searching fingertips

stag caught in headlights
warning signs on hazel eyes
yours were even bluer
than the bluest skies

hunters with silver knives
chasing our bumpy trail
but your hooves fast as light
they chased to no avail

young deer kissed the fox
yapping at its feet
predator and prey
in peace can finally meet
Zero Nine Mar 2017
Red, you see in red
skin puppets
must produce
life flow
Eternal soul, it drapes the line
deep blue veins
under tooth
Eternal life, unhallowed pact
See only red
Can't scrape the taste from tongue, so
Dream only that in the end you escape
Every season I loathe
The change faced
Every season
Zero Nine Mar 2017
Crazy is the medicine
as is what the body does
Blood let won't be of my own
Problems? Come find
my home, secluded precipice
Hold up your hand
still it of the trembles
willingly consign
worry at the cost of
all you own

Medicine, come fight me!
Split existence, split to wind.
I'm paper, aren't I?
The weaker of the two.
You're ink, aren't you?
You will do.
Stan Patty Mar 2017
I came at first to feel some dread
When eagle wings rushed near my head
His haste forced him to drop his prey
Then move to branches overhead

I thought for sure he’d come my way
To find the prey he’d dropped that day
But no bird came, the prey was lost
And left for game to haul away

The next day came a heavy frost
The shallow creek could now be crossed
The snow clouds pushed their blackness in
Some broken trees an added cost

When snowfall starts and calm begins
I hear some chatter on the wind
An eagle family settling in
An eagle family settling in
Composed in Iambic Tetrameter & an example of a Rubaiyat stanza, which has a rhyme scheme of AABA.
Denel Kessler Feb 2017
Mirrored silver
tag me blue
reflective sky
widgeon, merganser
blithely sail
broken ripples

cawing crows
anxious ducks
explode airborne
duly warned
silent drone
fateful wraith

glides over
the settling
razor eyes
the meek
the weak

fleeing flock
white bellies
exposed to the sun
banking hard
return to serenity
certain death

in nature
alliances are clear



no match
for those
against him
True story...
: )
Brianna Feb 2017
It was in that one second between her falling down and getting up that she made the decision to never let herself get that low again.

Bruises vivid in her pale skin.
Blood actively pouring from her nose every other day.
Anxiety and fear running through her veins around every turn.

Fairytales never show you what happens after the honeymoon phase.
They don't show you what happens when the prince lets go of his cool composure and just wants to beat the **** out of you.

He didn't need alcohol.
He didn't need drugs.
He liked the adrenaline he likes the feeling of prey and predator.

In between that one second of falling down and getting back up she made the best decision of her life.

To switch the roles of predator & prey.
We all pray,somehow,someway..
And being prey,we have no option but to pray,somehow,someway,someday.
Hayley Siebert Dec 2016
A woman is a rabbit
She lives with notions determined by her ***
Thus constrained to her Father’s or husband’s will
Hunted by the predator who hungers for her flesh
Hunts in the dark of the concrete woodland
She is forced to be silent and suffer lack of wit
Forsooth her body is a puppet by the Male hand!
She forced to wed and breed
She faces a society that would **** her
And condemn her for her free mind
Tongues of blinded minds order her to undress or cover up
She must walk like that of prey
With a keen eye over her shoulder
She must console herself to the ideas and thoughts
That one day or one night she may be killed, murdered
She must play the dumb beauty, the cow on market, the ***** on heat
She isn’t powerful, or strong, or noble
She is a Rabbit….

A Rabbit is a Woman
A creature of God made out to be cute and small
Butchered, abandoned if illness takes hold, or stomachs are gluttonous
Hunted by great beasts for Frith gave them their gift to slay!
Tortured by experiment, at the will of a child they are rejected
Forlorn by notions of uneducated fools
They hide and huddled for man is their greatest enemy
This mammal is that of prey
With a keen ear scanning the hills
Bright eyes foresee the predator that lurks
They must be silent, they must be sweet, they must breed, or food to feed
They are forced to die! Forced to live!
Abused, beaten, slaughtered, they know in any moment they could be killed
They must hide their instincts, in filthy bed holes of hutches
They are forced to succumb to disease, hardly nursed
They must be petite, they mustn’t chew, they mustn’t ****
They aren’t intelligent, or strong, or noble
They are Woman…

A Rabbit is a Woman, A Woman is a Rabbit
Both hunted, beaten, abused…
Both by society and mankind used
Both are powerful, intelligent, strong and noble
I am Woman, I am Rabbit
Thomas EG Nov 2016
Hold yourself back, girl,
Rest those wretched fists
The laughter is surrounding us
Don't try to make it quick

Your customs may not differ
From those who face the west
But slow your heart rate, girl,
For the hunter can hear best

Whisper behind the willows
And set your secrets free
They don't dominate you, girl,
Yet predate on you and me

Now, if the majority strikes
You should never dare wither
You're safe when I'm around
So... What if, girl?
Imaginary noise Nov 2016
You were always jealous
Jealous that the only hardship you had encountered was a lack of fluffy pillows
Fattened from the abundance of food
Spoiled in free cars and free gas
Free is the price listed next to your dinner
But it's what you claim not to be
Free will and free reign
It's stamped across your forehead because you are what you eat
But like all spoiled children
You needed a reason
To cry to whine
"My mommy never loved me"
"My daddy never hugged me"
Attention is what you want
What you lie for
Creating problems that make you victim
The word of the day
'Person who is tricked or harmed'
Synonymous to loser prey and chump
So loser
Tell me
Does the silver spoon not suit you?
You want to come out and play with the big kids?

With open arms big kids welcome broken souls
With crumpled dreams and stained pasts
We whisper comforting words to stop wet eyes
Broken bones bending to back to normal
No one ever taught us love
We found it in the eyes of hungry animals whom with we shared our warmth
We found it in the beauty of Mother Nature
The colors of the flowers sprouting from the sewage overflow is the brightest of all
Or I guess it's a ****
A plant that finds a way to survive in a place where it was never wanted

Fed nothing but *******
And stomped on with poverties giant feet
I guess I am a **** of my generation
But at least I'm not a snake
Slithering it's way through the tallest flowers
Pretending like it fits
Like it grow upwards towards the light

So chump
Tell me
How are you snake and prey at the same time?
Weaving your way through
the tightest knits of flowers
Mowing down some in your wake
A flattened trail getting larger and longer
As your body grows thicker
Fattened by the food

You may be
Camouflaged in envy green
But you can never recreate
Our colors
I hate the title.
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