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Gideon 6d
It’s time to begin something new.
Something small that never grew.
It’s time to bury something old.
A long story far overtold.
Gideon 6d
Uphill battles may be ahead,
but they are also behind us.
Do not follow Sisyphus’s footsteps.
Reach your goals and be complete.
Gideon 6d
Profundity is found
in the simple, everyday
occurrences that our
human brains apply
immense meaning to.
Reece Mar 4
I hold onto a rope,
Though I don’t know where it goes,
But I’ll keep on holding tightly,
Since I fear what lies below.
Somedays it’s hard to hold onto hope,
Somedays I wish I’d just let go,
But I won’t,
I won’t.
I’ll climb out of the hole,
That my friend dug to bury me,
With her resentment,
And discontentment.
I won’t let her pain be my end,
Like it nearly was for her.
On those dark days,
When there’s so much unknown,
The one thing,
That’ll stay the same,
Is my hope.
I will make it to brighter days!
Sometimes, it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I assure you, it's always there.
When it seems as though
The human coil is unravelling
And we have peaked
Our REM of creativity
And we seem awash
In half-baked positive negativity
And the whole world seems
To be drowning in self-induced sleep
While even the watchers
Seem to have both eyes closed...

Turn this thing around
And open bloodshot eyes.
Stop your own unravelling
And delve deeper into creativity.
Strengthen the bonds
Of your own exclusive and non-exclusive spheres.
Allow your peaceful world to dawn
Even though the outside world drowns
In its own exclusive and non-exclusive pool of fears.
©2018 Daniel Irwin Tucker

Salvaging and maintaining what we can in devastating storms of life, and to never stop growing and caring or trying to care for others who are in their own little worlds.

REM (rapid eye movement):
The phase of sleep in which most dreams occur. During rapid eye movement sleep, a person's brain activity, breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure increase, and the eyes move rapidly while closed.
Used as a metaphor in this poem.

"Watchers" in this poem does not refer to angels as in the biblical context. "watchers" generally refers to individuals who actively monitor or observe something, often with the intent to protect, detect changes, or report on specific activities.
I'm (not) stupid,
I am (not) a fool,
I'm (not) only useful to you,
I'll never (not) be useful to anyone.
When negative thoughts come, add a (not) in front of the statement.
Well I'm sure,
These rainy days won't stay forever.
There's not a chance,
Clouds are big enough to hold that much.
So that is how I know,
The sun will come out and melt this snow!
It may be gray but gray fades so easy.
Sleep, Genesis, sleep, in the shadows of night,
My fallen sons, amidst the fading light,
Slumber in peace, where the echoes fade away,
No more sorrow, let your spirit find its way.

Rest now in dreams, where pain won't find you,
The Last Adam can blot out the first sin too,
Paradise lost is in need to appease,
Reaping and sowing like a disease.

Sadness desends on humanity expelled,
In wrath we flee our shame has repelled,
Drinking scorn like water, cascading tears like rain,
In this hollowed space the door bound by the chain,

Beneath the cradle's bed, two angels in repose,
In heaven, in death, where the cold wind blows.
Cease the pain, as your body lies still,
Life's just in vain for a time, like a bitter pill,

For us to gain, what the darkness conceals,
By mankind's true Savior, what will be revealed?
Now let us lie in no blame dancing free,
In peace we will rest in hope, for eternity.
Just a touch of faith, rhyme poem.
Sun that smiles in summer,
waking you up.
Birds chirping their favorite song,
That you'll never forget.
The sound that you can never forget of the dogs barking widely,
on a dark summer night.
Ocean waves and the sound they make as they hit the shore.
Your feet in the bare hot sand,
Walking fast as you can.

Let them be at least a Reason To Stay
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