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Garry Nov 2017
I would hate to trigger
your triskaidekaphobia,
So please don't count
these words
Lynx Nov 2017
As the crowd moves around me
I cower
and make myself
as small as I can
My eyes burn
and my chest hurts
"don't hurt me"
I think
as I cry so hard
my throat refuses
to let me form sentences
people ask what's wrong
but I can't answer them
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry"
Is all they can make out
and all I can make escape my lips
I'm sorry I'm scared, but I don't know what to do
Please forgive me
and don't hate me
for the fears
I can't control
I experience a phobia of crowds, and although it's not nearly as bad as 3-4 years ago, it's still pretty awful.
zero Nov 2017
Ashen doves float within the waves,
slinking like silent demons in the night.
They curl around my body,
jaws operating like steel machines,
gnashing at my limbs.
I begin to scream for help,
but they ****** my breath,
they drag me under their tides of black,
unleashing my unremitting fear of water predators.
their teeth, sunken into my flesh,
gnawing at my mind,
painting me my new mortality.

These are my demons,
the sharks in the bath when it comes to hygiene.
the fear of the below and the depths of human mentality,
the untraceable percentage of human worthlessness,
the detestable attraction to the demise of our minds,

I float lower into the aqua,
pressure building,
unforgiving and foreboding
I close my lids, and dream of the sand,
praying it to be underfoot when I open my eyes,
but when my lids open, the doves loom closer.

The irony of a hydrophobe,
dying at the hands of the sharks.
The fear of the ocean is the greatest fear I know.
Marc Hawkins Oct 2017
Total irrational fear, I’m
Haunted by noises and
Interred by the
Rumble belly, *** tightening,
Twitchy eyed, false alarms that
Evolve into conspiracy theories,
Even though I love every single
Nonsensical asinine fear factor…ish

Falling is now a favourite.
Eleven other aversions form a line and
An extra number comes to mind (and with it comes ‘Whoa’)
Reset the clock to zero!
Stride on, wipe your feet, step off.
aphotic blue Sep 2017
stop living your life like you're in some kind of movie
where you don't need to make effort to change somebody
maybe it isn't what happened where you are in the urge of living life
you need to make decision though it's difficult as it is a strife
the need to accept the fact that a decision can lead to some conclusion
where guilt, hatred, and confusion are not required for prevention
climb up the ladder without the stairs, where flying is part of your mind
where you can keep in your history that life is blind
make that living on to something above imagination
though it's hard to take stairs, you need information to change the situation
trust yourself and never into somebody's relation
since it can distract and make the decision into some explanation
Secret-Author Jul 2017
It shouldn't be a problem and it is.

I should be happy, but I'm not.
If I were a seaside, I'd be one time forgot.
Swings rusted still, and women of an age.
Same season all year, like dried ink on a page.

Getting overtaken, doesn't mean you lose.
It only meant you shone so more when came the time to choose.
Wind can be so vicious as it stings across your face.
A gentle stabbed reminder to always know your place.

Eventually what you will find is your heart does turn to stone.
Or constantly you feel the pain has seeped right to the bone.
Now at this point it really is so much easier to say.
Just leave me here and I'll wait in peace until you've had your day.
Oni Olusegun Jul 2017
Somehow I ended up poor,
Ended as mere dream my world tour
Fancy cribs, fast cars, model wife
Dinner with kings and good life --
Just me and my ****** ol' guitar
Needless to say, it's out of tune.
Oh!  I have a dog - wagging its tail
Go to sleep, june
Tonight, no midnight tale
Maria Etre Jun 2017
A writer's greatest fear
is being lonely
in his
Scarlet Niamh Jun 2017
Dilapidated. Dust seethes
within my lungs.
for air, my hands
reach out to grab hold
of a better world.
Fading and old - broken
light tears me apart
for days.
Revealed rust,
dark eyes,
decrepit limbs.
I am worn, weary,
filled with dust.
Thick, ugly dust,
choking me,
drowning me,
destroying me.
~~ Amathophobia, the fear of dust. ~~
Anthony Smith Jun 2017
The faces of the night,
formed by air and fright,
are of the strongest barriers.

From a child so small,
to many so tall,
the barrier keeps us trapped.

We dare not attempt
to cross a wall so dense,
for what is the creatures are more than they seem?
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