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Fear is the speculum that keeps your jaws open,
while the cherries roll down your throat.
natalie Apr 2017
you planted flowers in my lungs with a sinful kiss,
but there were weeds i could not expunge
they stole my breath and broke my heart.
Brent Kincaid Jan 2017
You’re two-way traffic
On a one-way street
I get a bit of sugar
But it is not so sweet.
You go and you come
But I’m here to stay.
You may or may not be here
At the end of the day.

You’re a true free spirit
You will hasten to say.
You’ll always come back
Just maybe not today.
You tell me to trust you
That you are coming back.
That’s so hard to believe.
You have no bags to pack.

You make only promises
With your body and your smile.
That only lasts a little bit
The scariest piece of a while
And fails to keep me warm
While you have gone away
To express your freedom
And to revel in your play.

You’re a wandering stranger
In a game made for friends
I fail to count any winnings
When the game finally ends.
I’m sure the game I’m playing
Is quite different from  yours.
It has you in the playground
And me in doing chores.

You’re two-way traffic
On a one-way street
I get a bit of sugar
But it is not so sweet.
You go and you come
But I’m here to stay.
You may or may not be here
At the end of the day.
Simon Soane Sep 2016
Many people have phobias in this life,
what for others seems innocuous fills them full of strife,
some can keep firmly on their lid
when they see an arachnid,
they are calm and serene
but then cower when they see forked lightning beams.
Some can stroke a snake
but when thinking of flying begin to shake,
or can skip through massive open spaces with joyful vigour
but when slightly confined begin to quiver.
Me?  I found great white sharks most perturbing
even a picture of one was completely disturbing,
their visage draining the light from the air,
I saw a totally cold demented stare,
terror lurked in every photographic depiction,
like reading a letter calling me to conscription,
I felt briny constriction,
I'd shiver at an image of a wake they’d left in the sea,
that’s made by a thing that has the death glare of Ted Bundy,
making ominous mist,
this big fish is as crazy as Albert Fish.
Smelling blood from far away, never needing to sleep,
these great white traits gave me the creeps;
barely leaving a silhouette in the sun,
but with the ferocity of Attila The ***,
marauding silently to selected prey
even the water gets out of the way.
The seal was just chilling, thinking of going home,
he’d had enough of a daily roam,
about to paddle back in leisurely slow
but then it appeared from below...
a serrated chasm charnel pit,
Atlantis nuclear bombs would look like it,
fanged latch on, a phantasmagoria spectacular;
it bites for keeps this oceanic Dracula.
The aqua fills with gushing red,
it submerges, fully fed.
Anything to do with them would send me to terror filled gorge,
The Reef, or Sharky and George,
I’d scream on instant at the thought of a fin
that dorsal jut carrying sin.
But then one day when I was cowering in the kitchen after one had surprised me on page 15 of The Metro News,
I thought “Si, you gotta banish these deep sea blues.
You can’t keep dropping your pizza at the merely the sight
of a dreadful gaping awful great white.
It’s not a good state of head to engage with fear,
especially with something that’s not even here.”.
So a couple of days later when I was pretty ******
I was like “right, let’s have it you massive fish!”.
I picked up the newspaper and looked right at one,
initially my startle went to a million from none,
but I held my nerve and slowly the burst of scare began to ebb,
I gingerly untangled myself from this great white web.
Don’t get me wrong like getting over anything it took a bit of time,
I could be whistling through Town feeling fine,
and then see an advert for Mega Shark V Crocosaurus and feel a hint of chill in my spine,
but as the minutes turned into months I could handle impromptu shark,
a pic of one wouldn’t disrupt the larks,
or cast a brief pall on a sunny day in the park.
Now I can watch Blue Planet without apprehension,
in fact when David says “great white” it gets my attention,
in an inquisitive sense of “let’s see what these guys have got to give,
we’ve wasted years but now let’s live!”.
I love the malleability of the mind and it’s super anoint,
it can dimmish with ease what seemed like fixed point,
ingrained weighty states can be waved through;
foggy mire to brilliant blue.
What can appear to be etched for rest of the days
can just be a shackled phase,
a bricked up room growing doors.
Ahh, it’s Saturday, I think I'll watch Jaws.
Viseract Sep 2016
"What do you fear?"
"The thought of never fearing"
"That doesn't make any sense though"
"Allow me to explain:"

Fear itself is an immense power
One that prevents us from rising, gives us bounds
Without it, Man would fall into chaos
And in the spree of delirious glee, he would get lost

If Man had no fear, he wouldn't care for rules
Only then would the smart ones be called fools
Be content with what you've got, don't try to take
What isn't yours, a potentially fatal mistake

Man is jealous of those who have
What he doesn't and this'll just make him mad
Without any fear, he'd challenge someone
And pretty soon the world would be bursting, full of guns

Rifles raised and triggers pulled
Blood spatters and bodies mauled
But without any restriction, Government or rules
Fear would disappear and guns would be our tools

So be thankful you have capacity to fear
Because without it you'd draw the world quite near
The end of its life, so forever and again
Be grateful the fear isn't in your hand but your brain
I actually talked to myself about this for close to an hour... I'm not crazy, just different, I guess.
gray rain Jun 2016
Yes, I don't like life at the moment,
anxiety fills me but I am numb to emotion.
I'm ridden with fear, a plague
infected by what people have said
in the past
but the effects stayed,
they seem to last.
Repeating in my mind
played over and over all the time.
They speak acrimoniously
and use words unconservatively.
Unknown to them that their words are trenchant
and highly unpleasant.
I'm usually strong
but the pain caused has carried on too long.
I usually don't care how people have come to their reason
no matter what people say, they hurt! What ever the time, day or season.
I'm tired of hiding who I am.
I want to be free, not live in fear that others wouldn't understand.
I hate that people use words in a negative context then wonder why people are afraid to come out; what they don't realize that it's a difficult thing to do in a hetero-normative society and what they say can make people feel rejected even though they have done nothing other than be themselves.
Emmeline Mar 2016
The agony was too much
and the memories suffocated
her until she could not breathe.

For two months she found herself
in a hospital, for she thought
seeking Death would be

a better choice. Jagged red
lines smiled at her
cunningly from her own wrists.

The doctors, nurses and her family
kept her far away from
her best friend, a sharp

point dripping in crimson.
She wondered where it was;
if she was going to see

it again. For days, she
slept and wished
she could sleep forever.

But one day she was told
by the doctor
there was nothing more to be

done to keep her from
thinking the bad thoughts,
except to prescribe drugs

to make her either numb
or fine for a while.
So she went back home,

back to the empty spaces,
back to those horrible memories-
that time of the year

she could not forget, no matter how
she tried to push them to
the back of her mind. Then

she found the farewell letter
she had written two months ago,
meaning to say goodbye

and never, ever come back.
She read it and the agony
came back once again.

It was too much and
the memories suffocated her,
until she could not breathe.
For the brave girl with a kind heart,  beautiful smile and for being such a strong and wonderful person.
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