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Amanda Kay Burke Mar 2019
I really love you

I wish I could write that phrase over and over again
How it is in my mind

I cry for you sometimes
Hope for salvation for your soul
Wish happiness for you
Also for me
Every once in awhile for us
Rarely for her

I think about you when it is sunny
Think about you when it's raining

I miss you when the sky is clear and blue
I miss you even more when it is cloudy and storming

The wind reminds me of your fleeting smile
The ground of your even voice

I miss it all too much
Care too much

Every mention of her breaks one more piece of me
Each time I hear her name I feel like crying

I open my heart up to you
When I'm done I feel raw and exposed

I'm struggling with the patience to wait
I need you too badly

You bring so much joy
Bring me so much pain

But if no one else believes you
I will believe IN you

It's worth fighting for..

YOU are worth fighting for!
Written back in my high school days.
be-no-one Mar 2019
I have no doubt
that I will live many more years
as a result of knowing you
this is good
for it will give me more time
to spend with you
and more patience
as I wait for you
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2019
I am currently
under construction.
Thank you
for your patience.
I know
I'm not always the easiest
to deal with,
but in my defense,
teenage years
aren't always the easiest
to go through!
For all those who deal with me on a daily basis.
Ammar Mar 2019
Being able to reason
with yourself
is the most painful thing ever
as you are
standing against
a brewing storm
of yourself
on your own.
I've always struggled with it.
Poetic T Mar 2019
Jojo Mike Mar 2019
I believe in life after love
The feeling of joy in everything I see
The smile on my lips that only I could put
The feeling of the sun on my skin
The smell of a rainy day without mood swings
That strength of coming to life
Of feeling your heart heal again
And knowing that it will beat one day
But for now it only beats for you
The feeling of walking around town
With a genuine smile
And no sadness of seeing where we first met
The joy of seeing couples so in love and entranced
Knowing one day, someday that will be me again
Full of life, joy and love
All because I lived after it was all taken away
For with loving me, I will never accept less
In a way I’m glad you broke my heart before
Because of the great pain an even greater lesson I learnt
That love is never love if you don’t love you first
And now self love repairs my heart slowly and steadily each day
And it is a wonderful feeling I cant explain how wonderful,
And I believe in life after love
Because I lived before your love came
And I will also live without it
Because I have me, something you’ll never have again
- Jojo.poetry.
even when it feels like its the end if you let yourself live you will realize life isn't
bad its just some people who are
Nishi Shah Mar 2019
"Oh how you drift so slow,
don't you know you have a long way to go,
She smiled and whispered, my beauty lies in the flow
For you see,
In the end i'll just be the sea,
But that's not the prayer unto him I make,
Behind me, therein lies my legacy,
For where she touched,
she left flowers in her wake"
This poem is a dialogue between a young girl, fresh into the world who can't wait to achieve her dreams and a gently flowing stream still miles away from reaching the sea.
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