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Tim S Aug 2016
If she read this,
She would know exactly what I mean.

Her ghost is all around me.
Her voice rings in my head.

Even though it seems our chance has passed,
I'll never forget her.
Anna and I were always poorly timed. For one day in the summer of 2012 we weren't. That one day was amazing. I always thought that we should have tried to be more. This was written after reading Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Fantastic book if you haven't read it.
Mary K Aug 2016
The gap between the platform and the subway car
seems to grow the closer you get to it
Until crossing it seems like the worst idea you could make
But you close your eyes and brave the void
Taking care not to thin about the tracks beneath
So alive in their snaking routes and tortured screeches.
The doors shut abruptly once you've sardined inside
And its all you can do to grab onto something, anything
Before the wheels begin to turn again
And you're lurched into some other time,
Some other place
As the tunnels decide what your fate will be.
And the doors will open again
As a ghost of a platform appears
But commuters be weary
For the tunnels and the tiles can be deceitful
So as you leave the decay
And the fractured tiles behind
Take caution
You might not notice it at first
You might not notice it at all
But the subway tunnels are unpredictable
And they enjoy making the rules
So the vortex you thought you imagined with the tunnel's lights speeding past the windows of the train
Might have actually transported you to some unknown city
To some other dimension
And there's no turning back.
the finale of the series!
Mary K Aug 2016
The fog of forgotten memories
Blankets the cracking pavement
So nothing can be seen aside from yellow and white lines
and the bottoms of tires.
A slight drizzle begins to fall out of the clouds
But just as quickly as it started
the fog is receding
And the diluted colors of a vibrant city
pulse all around
Like a heartbeat from somewhere deep inside.
Muffled sounds of people come from somewhere,
come from everywhere.
Its almost as though its all a dream,
you can focus on one thing or nothing but not everything at once,
and everything seems too crazy to be real
But a pinch on the arm can be felt
And the dream doesn’t end.
Everything looks and sounds like its underwater
And the colors blend together until no colors exist at all.
The sounds get louder and everything is coming more into focus
And a symphony is playing
With the staccato of honking horns
And the shrill of constant chatter.
But its all hidden from the rest of the world,
the sensations fading as you cross the bridge away
And looking back, all that is seen is the fog and the road,
Making you wonder if you imagined it all in the first place.
New York City
Egeria Litha Jul 2016
Smokin' THC not ***, nor DMT
with an EMT on the PCH
and I'm feeling GREAT
Oh Lord, I won't get the answer tonight
Because the question needs to be right
Not Why, but to know HOW

And that's why I took for a drive...

Smokin' THC not MET, nor OXY
in NYC on a balcony with company
and I've known people to hurt their bodies
and that's why I took for a drive...
So long!
I really got so far
so far from them addicts
Oh Lord, I won't get the answer tonight
Because the question needs to be right
I need to know how...all this time...
searching for why
always been wrong, so long, so far gone

To search for why is what grips the sand
But how will get me to understand
How to Love, and I drive for love

Smokin' THC on the M.I.C.
treated VIP like an MVP
cause I'm singing for Love
Oh Lord, give me the answer tonight
Ganesha, give me a smart place to run
Oh sky, Give me the strength to fly
This is my new song
Grace Urquhart Jul 2016
New York City
Biggest city
In the USA
8.4 million souls
Rank of U.S. states by population:
2.9 million souls
How could a small town girl from Kansas
3,500 souls
Ever feel at home in
The answer is quite simple
In fact
I love people
With all of my heart,
I love people
I love to watch and feel and see and listen
To them
But I don't want a real
With them
Those souls
Those dear souls
In the town of 3,500
Too much
So later
You can find me in NYC
And when I'm off
I'll be on the beach,
By the lighthouse
Watching people
By myself
Surrounded by 8.4 million souls
AndSoOn Jun 2016
Tonight I miss home
I miss my friends
I miss myself
I miss being not alone

At my window, looking outside
I wish I could jump
Fly above the lake, mountains and seas
Join the big Apple...

Because I hate when it ends
But I just wish it to end
So I can move on
Across seas and oceans
Aaron LaLux Jun 2016
So I made a song with this poem. Please listen to the song when you read this poem. It's kinda experimental, please let me know what you think. Okay, here's the music link and here's the written poem. Go ahead play the song and read the poem at the same time :-) I'm REALLY CURIOUS to see what you think about it for real. Thank You and YES I Love You. ∆

Soundcloud; Aaron La Lux, Welcome to Wall Street;

Wolf of Wall Street

Belly of the Beast,
Bull by the Horns,
welcome to Wall street,
where it's always calm before the storm,
sun rises in the east,
then sets in the palms,
joker brokers don't give a ****t,
Robin in sin giving no alms,
just stock certificates that are counterfeit,
the poor being robbed blind distracted by Tiffany's charms,

Belly of the Beast,
Bull by the horns,
Raging Bull ****t stinks,
blood red roses and platinum thorns,
devils defecate drama causing trauma dreams decease,
when the American Dream finally dies no one will mourn,
we'll all just grin and bear it like we do when we have a disease,
commerce is always calmer before a perversely well performing storm,
broken hearts we wear on our designer shirt sleeves,
no cuff links just conflicts and economic hit men in uniform uniforms,

in Belly of the Beast in Hell's Kitchen brewing up a **** storm,
can you smell it?
I tell it,
can you hear it,
We're it,
though that what that we are I can't fully describe,
going to hell in a Bentley hand basket,
but at least we're enjoying the ride,

one way,
upside down,
in an elevating elevator,
self implosion motion here in boomtown,
one way on the rise,
rising down,
one way,
on the rise,
rising up full of hot air in a balloon,
until the bubble burst and we fall from Cloud 9,

as we free fall out into nothing...

World wide assisted suicide,
I held him until he died,
self assisted suicide,
from a self inflicted desire to die,
had that beautiful corner office view from floor 49,
until he jumped out the window when he went out his mind,
sometimes the darkest souls burn the brightest lights,
for better or for worse these are the days of our lives,
be careful what you wish for be careful what you find,
and I'm not Darth Vader but welcome to the Darkside…

Who decides,
who lives and who dies?
No one does,
and that's because,
everybody dies,
Bulls eye,
spot on,
bodies in,
the Hudson,
no man or mother is a match for Father Time,

what Son?
What's one,
life when all is divine,
as we walk the line,
with a pocket full of Johnny Cash,
Persian rug burns I've developed a rash,
as we walk the line,
tight rope,
tied between Twin Towers,
a World Trade of world slaves,
intoxicated by the power,

in the Belly of The Beast,
got the Bull by the horns,
so we grin and Bear it,
we take the roses with the thorns,
as we count the moments,
down to the final hour,
there's no time left for atonement,
because our souls have been devoured,
so now we're in the Belly of the Beast,
forgot the Ten Commandments here in the 11th. Hour,
at war with ourselves death will be a relief,
looking forward to the moment when we can finally rest in peace.


∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆

from The H Trilogy;
available worldwide 7/7/16

Julia Elise Jun 2016
dear new york city, my new love,
our affair was short lived and I cannot fathom how you were able to, in the single moment I was with you, take me by the hand and lead me to something I didn't know I needed. a place where kaleidoscopes of people are
not only living but alive and everyone has the chance to be whoever they want.
somewhere that is somehow an escape and a reality. you are a wonderland straight from a fairytale, full of extraordinary culture and ordinary people that somehow become more once you you force them to succumb to the lights and sounds of the city. and when all these things come together and connect like the pieces that make up the sides of the glass palaces, i realize you become the most beautiful thing I've ever loved.
Mary K Jun 2016
the cracking concrete stairway practically reeks darkness
this is the entrance to the labyrinth.
step by step constantly downward until the sliver of sun that you always thought would be visible has finally disappeared
and left nothing but the blinking of the dim artificial light broken by time.
the warmth you surely felt outside has been leeched away
leaving a constant chill to raise the hairs on your arms
every time the ghost of a subway train emerges from the depths of the tunnels to all sides.
crude steel and fissured tiles paint the portrait of the lives that have passed through here
the tracks making no distinction between foreigner and local as they dole out their fates.
and every rushing train blurring the shadowy lights of the tunnel
reaffirms your suspicion that this is a vessel through a vortex in disguise as a breaking down train.
and as the doors slide open once the wheels lock and screech in agony until the momentum is stopped,
take caution
for the city you exited from into the subway
may not be the same you’ll enter here.
subway series #2!! check out my poem subway series no. 1 for the first part of this (although unrelated in that this is not a continuation)
Is this a city?
             -It’s a city you see?
It’s just a place,
               -it’s a place to be.
Growing up here,
                   -was hard you know?
Comin’ from the streets,
                           -you know you’re in the know.
Ain’t nothin’ real here,
                           -unless it’s made from dough…
Realize your dreams,
                     -if you make ‘em so,

And I’ve been ready all these years; yeah I’m ready to go,
Now I’m headed to the top of the Big Apple Show!

This is the city,
                 -it’s the place to be.
A place of dreams,
                 -a place of des-tin-y,
Growing up here,
                   -made me ready –complete,
Soul in the know,
                 -no I can’t be beat,
This is the city,
                 -and it was made for me.

My heart is on fire and I’m ready to go,
So now I’m headed to the top of the Big Apple Show!

This is New York,
                    -this is the place to be,
It’s made of money baby,
                               -yeah it’s a fan-ta-sy!
Came from the ghetto,
                        -that’s no place to be,
Make your move, make your mark,
                                             -come on get on your feet!

My soul is filled with knowledge; laying down the flow,
My heart is on fire and now I’m ready to go,
Man I’m headed to the top of the Big Apple Show!

Only way is up,
                   -ain’t another way to go,
New York is the place,
                          -for your soul to flow,
I’m laying down tracks,
                          -‘cause I’m ready to blow,

Soul is full of rhythm, so here I go,
My heart is on fire, I’m so ready you know,
Man I’m headed to the top of the Big Apple Show!
The only way is up, ain’t another way to go,

I’m headed to the top of the Big Apple Show!
I’m headed to the top of the Big Apple Show!
I’m headed to the top of the Big Apple Show!

Baby I’m on top of the Big Apple Show…
Lyrical poetry or song whatever.
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