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Theholycrow May 2016
What's in this city?
What brought you all?

Is it what you see,
That sent the call?

You must be so careful,
I do decree
For what you see
Is nothing.
AMBR May 2016
We fell in time
with the heartbeat of this city
Our eyes blinded
by the bright lights of Times Square

Both of us craving
the sweet summer sun
and the soft suburban stars
of home

But both of us afraid
that we may have found a new home
on the banks of the Hudson river
beneath the red Manhattan moon

Too sweet to slow down
Too quick to ask questions
Too late to build walls
Too soon to take them down
August Mar 2016
A busy city with busy people
With dreams and aspirations crammed into 22 sq. miles
The restless hustle and blaring horns
People looking for a life reborn

Keeping their eyes low and walking fast
Cars that always slam on the gas
Every street has a different story, and every story has a different listener.
A tiny world of its own,
But the city keeps getting bigger.

Returning to my routine
And missing the place I'd rather be,
Day in and day out doing the same thing
After moments have become distant memories.

The place I will one day live, won't sit and wait for me,
But I still dream of New York City as the place I want to be.
Em Mar 2016
Take me to the City that Never Sleeps
so we can spend all night
mingling with the mattress
and making friends with bedsheets.

Take me to the Big Apple
so we can make a fruit salad with our lips,
because mine taste like strawberries,
and yours probably taste like the Garden of Eden.

Take me to Empire City
and I'll be your Cookie
if you feel like your sweet tooth
is craving more than the forbidden fruit.

Take me to the Melting ***,
even though we're the whitest people I know,
teach me through the timelines of other cultures
and I'll teach your hand to trace pathways to more than my heart.

Take me to the Capital of the World
so we can stand at its highest point
to watch couples pass on the streets below
and know that's what we'll never be.

Take me to New York City,
because if this is just ***
let's make it an adventure
that playwrights on Broadway would applaud.
I truly love how iconic NYC is, and I want a love that's just as bold and timeless.
These streets
are home to countless
emerging for a moment
to feed
or breed
or just to breathe the sun

One by one line up
for the chance to
make something
out of nothing

Who are they and
where do they go
while the city refuses to

Doors to endless lands
line the avenue
each its own portal to the

A family of four
with the yapping mutt
or a lonely cat lady
whose entryway wreaks of *****,
a drug dealer
door slamming
every hour on the hour
or an empty snowbird's nest

On the surface
everyone pretends
they don't have a hole to
crawl back to
or walls that know
every night

But below the sewer grate
a world filled with
the stench
of what could have been a
good day

Many a barkeep can
shed some life
on these drunkards'
rat king
or at least a story of those who
made it out

Once or twice it'd be grand
to see the bottom of a martini glass
left with a sip or two
instead of the casually tipped
lipstick-clad cocktail,
drained of doubt and despair
until morning warms the
frozen dreams
of those retired to
a paradise unknown
New York City streets
Joel Ochoa Oct 2015
Smile with me, sing with me, laugh with me, cry with me.
Live with me, breathe with me, fall with me, rise with
Walk with me, crawl with me, run with me, jump with me.
Be with me, free with me, Die with me, all i
©Joel Ochoa|Oct.19.2015
Joel Ochoa Oct 2015
The smell of your skin embedded deep into my brain, i often find myself alone wondering if you are thinking of the life we always wanted. The taste of your lips is the one thing I crave more than any other poison. Unlike any other you have a chain wrapped around my heart and you wont stop pulling on it. Keep pulling, i love the way that you hurt me. Pull so hard that my heart rips out of my chest and into my hands so i can hand it over to you, that is where my heart belongs. That is where my heart has always been, with you.
©Joel Ochoa|Oct.20.2015
Joel Ochoa Nov 2015
In the back of my head i can hear them,
Tiny voices pulling me near them,
Asking me begging me to write these words.
The voices of dead poets all speaking to me at once
Telling me the words they were never able to speak.

Entrusting me with the words that remain unwritten and unknown.
Inside of me i can hear them growing louder and louder and behind each word the feeling, the passion that burned inside of them.

Like so many things in life the only way to silence them is to satisfy them.
So i desperately write until my hands begin to bleed.
Until tears run down my face and trickle onto the page.

When i run out of ink i will use my blood,
I will write and write until i cant anymore
then i will join them...
I will join the voices that once haunted me. I will become the voice that keeps YOU up at night.
I will become that voice that screams in the back of every writers mind.
©Joel Ochoa |Nov.21.2015
Joel Ochoa Mar 2016
He said she said-
.... everytime she turned around and looked at me with those glazed eyes I didn't want to let her leave. Eyes full of passion, desire, dreams. It felt like I could see the world in her eyes. She walks into my car eyes fixated on me the entire time. The sound of the car door slamming shut lets me know my fantasy has begun. It's like that dream you have over and over again, I know what happens next.  I could tell by the way her mouth pounced for my upper lip that she was a dominant one. She was rough and raw and ready. A lioness among kittens she was. The other girls where simply just that, girls. When I'm with this woman though my body just responds to her every touch, to her every kiss.  Its never long before one hand leads to the other, and her lips find their way around me because we have finnaly found our love again ;we complete each other. We burn in that raging fire that is love and enjoy each second of it. It's a wicked dangerous game we play but her and I walk the same path. We were opposite sides of the same spectrum making our way to each other with every touch, kiss, and ****. The way she straddled me feeling those thighs clutched tight along my side, nails digging deep into the dermis of my skin. I would bite her neck and chest leaving marks all over her body and her on mine. It was always rough and always passionate, and it didn't take me long before I realized I was looking in a mirror. I had finally found someone just like me. It was enough to make any man confuse the feeling with  love; and thats exactly what it was..

He said She said is a two part original  poem about a man and woman who share a deep infatuation with one another. Hope you all enjoy....
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