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Anna Li Sep 2016
I thought forgetting you
will be easy
But you filled my head
with so much memory

Now all the time
I feel lonely
Because I know
you'll never be with me

I wonder if you feel
such sadness too
We could've been
but we chose not to

On rainy days,
I think of you
The moment time froze
just for us two
Anna Li © Sept 2016
Thomas J Koncel Sep 2016
No vacation compares to the comfort I find in your eyes. They are these big bright headlights that I can't help but stare at while they careen into me. There's a moment when our eyes meet before we kiss. A smile is exchanged. And I look away for a moment. Only to return to your gaze dumbfounded as to why I could have been so lucky to have this half second of joy. They close as I get closer with my own in tow. And with slight hesitation your lips meet mine. There in that moment is exactly what I asked for and something I could never quite put my finger on. It's the moment my heart jumps in the deep end, and I feel like anything could be said with out judgement. I whisper how awkward I am. You giggle or sigh. I pull back. Say goodbye even though I don't want to. You depart and with you leaves Comfort. Until our next embrace.
Mazen Edlibi Sep 2016
I want to throw up!
Things are stinky and gross inside me, pulling me inside myself!
I can't feel, except my weird silence inside every corner of myself and soul!
I feel i am in the center of nowhere except myself!
I know who I am! I know where I stand!
I know I am somehow alone! That what bugs me!
That what takes me to question my moment!
I hate that moment, when i long for a hug and Silence is the only welcoming hands that i end with!
That warmth is not inviting any peace!
That Peace is not inviting any rest!
That Rest is only a rest for another long tiring journey!
                 That is a Journey of my Choice!
Dae Staebell Sep 2016
Dear Stranger,

I remember the day I first saw you. An ordinary autumn day spent doing menial tasks and then I saw you. It felt like time stood still in that moment. Through my eyes you moved in slow motion. You were probably doing menial tasks too but you look so beautiful doing it. In the moment it took you to walk 10 yards I already imagined what life would be like with you. I wondered what you look like smiling. I wondered what you sounded like laughing. I wondered what it might be like to hear you say,"I love you," or what kind of things I would have to do to hear you say it and then you looked straight ahead and our eyes met for a split second, it felt like an eternity. I never looked anyone straight in their eyes before and held their gaze. I remember everything. How could I forget your raven black hair? The way it fluttered in the breeze almost as if to torment my obsidian soul. The blush on your cheeks, the way they glimmered. The way your high cheeks complimented your nose. The way your cheeks curve into your jawline and the way it shot devilishly to your slender chin and those lips, God those lips. I remembered every curve, every inch of you as if you were place here in front of me to torture my wayward soul. It was like I was gazing at a baroque sculpture perfectly preserved and in exquisite detail. Something to marvel at from a far and never in close proximity for the fear that even my breathing should erode the beauty I see but yet I wondered what your touch was like. Would it be one of Midas or the state of the Gorgon Medusa? Even just the mention of your touch should have its own story, to be written down and read as a work of modern literature. You even walked towards me with such purpose. Shoulders back and held head high, like a warrior, a shield maiden. And for a moment, a moment no longer than what it took the wind to blow a leaf, I shook the petrified kid in me and worked the courage to smile. A small smile, no more than what would seem like a grin to others. I still held your gaze but when I say it was like being mesmerized by a shewolf it wouldn't do it justice, it was almost a tame ferocity but still feral in its nature. I smiled at you, god did I smile and god was I ever ****** for it. It was like sailing straight into a maelstrom and I braced. I braced myself the hardest I could in that single second. And that was when I broke. Oh did I break ever so beautifully. You smiled back and it ended this war of attrition I was having with myself. That smile was the crescendo of the day, so silent but so visceral and so deafening. By all accounts it was probably just a normal day for you but for me that was a moment I'll relive over and over. How serene and peaceful I became after. I became solemn, I became happy, and I was driven mad. I wish I could explain it. Star struck, yes that is the word. I was star struck.
Ami Shae Sep 2016
A moment in time
that can never be retrieved--
regret and guilt
are its boundaries
forever holding it in place
as if the moment
can never fade
not even to a fair shade of grey
for the regret and guilt
hold it tight
and forever it will stay...
Eleanor B Aug 2016
Every night,
If you'll look closely enough at the sky,
You could see the thousands of Iranian children silently,
Walking trough the minefield,
With plastic keys hanging from their necks
that were promised to bring them
to paradise,
When the mines will
Let's take a moment and keep in mind all the Iranian children that lost their lives, while going before the army trough the minefields to "demoralize the enemy and to show the determination of the Iranian people".
Leila Valencia Aug 2016
Shut slowly. Inch, inch - quietly careful
Tirelessly weary
Ever so close yet seemingly distant

Before air could Not pass, a slight crooked hand slips through the seal
The eyes believe its a welcoming shake, so opening - inch, inch
It's gilded gleam deludes, the captured gaze. Ones Hypnotized.
Before you could open your eyes....

The charred hand covered in scars of the past shakes yours.

Do feelings come fast?
Hatred burns inside?
Do you recoil from the truth?

The past the present. Works the same. Yet if you let it, the past will hold - from the present....
Always, when your door inches towards you, Close your eyes and..... Shut!
Needing to move forward but something from the past is holding you back
Tehreem Aug 2016
She clasped his face
In her hands firmly
She broke off the kiss
To read his weary skin
Her eyes peered into his dark ones
Dead dreams swirled in them
All she saw was magical madness
This moment encased their worship
Together they were a nascent universe
Her devotion to be devoured
His lips inflamed for her touch
He struggled to kiss her weak
She held him more torn and lost
"Your lips are too pure to kiss me"
A prayer of connection.
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