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mk Jan 2017
We order a mushroom-cheese omelet

Now see you’re the kind of guy who eats jam on toast
And I’m the kind of girl who doesn’t eat toast as all
So when the plate comes, I give you both pieces of toast
And you spread the strawberry jam on it
While I’m busy cutting the omelet in half
But before taking a bite of anything
We both pick up a hashbrown simultaneously
As if somehow we’d planned the entire thing
And we both take a bite of it and
We love it
It’s cooked to perfection and potatoes are my weakness
Back to the omlet though,
So I’m not that great at cutting
And the omelet cut unevenly in half
So you take the smaller piece
Even though you’re bigger than me
And I steal the bigger piece
Even though I’m smaller than you
And you eat your half in three bites
While I’m struggling with mine
And the string cheese is caught somewhere between
My fingers, my mouth and the plate
And it takes me a while to eat
About twenty bites in, there’s no way I can eat more
So I ask you to eat what’s leftover
I guess I should have given you the bigger half to begin with
But I guess that’s just how we work
Where you’ll always take the smaller portion
But end up eating most of the food
Because I’ll always take the bigger portion
And leave most of it untouched
You eat my leftovers in two bites
And the coffee arrives
I almost knock over your espresso
While reaching for the complimentary cookie
I eat my cookie
And then I eat half of yours too
And by this time I’m pretty full
But I see a sign for a free cookie
And I want it
You don’t really care for it but you laugh
Because you haven’t seen me want anything as bad
As the cookie (it's free!)
And so you get me the free cookie
And I’m too full to eat it
So I put it in my bag
Very proudly; it’s my success for the day
I finish my Americano faster than you finish your single shot espresso
So you give me a sip of yours
But you drop a few drops on me
And now my pants look like they have blood stains
And I smell of espresso
And you’re trying to clean it with a tissue
But the waiter thinks we’re doing something naughty
So I tell you to stop
And even if we were doing something naughty
Who’s the waiter to say anything anyways
So we finish out coffee and we call for an uber
And my pants are stained
And I’m carrying my cookie
And I don’t think I’ve ever been happier
While we wait for the uber
You steal my glasses
And you try them on
They look funny on you
I like them on you
I think I like you
And you can’t see anything
And I can’t see anything either
Except for your outline
That’s enough for me
So the uber comes
And he calls us
And we’re leaving
At the counter you pay
And I see a Nutella cookie in the window
I want it
But you just paid for breakfast
So I’ll keep quiet
We sit in the car
And I put on pomegranate lipbalm
And I give you some too
Your lips look nice and soft now
And I think today has been a really great day
And I think you fit me well
Because you love toast and I leave toast
And it works out
(except for that baked tomato no one ate)
But look the point is
Is that we work
And we squish in the back of an uber
And guess what?
The seat was made for two.

We ordered a mushroom-cheese omelet
It was a good day
Shashi Jan 2017
It was a moment of destruction,
that created something beautiful.

When your eyes met mine,
for the first time

Love was created,
and the heart....  destroyed !!
Short Tales of Love #1
Mio Seanachaidh Jan 2017
Warm and spent
We are one
Morning After.....
Indigo Morrison Jan 2017
"You were a moment . You are not beautiful enough, you don't give back enough to interrupt my solitude. "
Ricky J Jan 2017
Make no mistake I don't like the cold
for it tinkers with the prospect of getting old.

The feel of wood thrills me, it reminds me of the old tree it used to be.

I am perplexed by the ordinary, like how I can move my hands, or touch my toes.

My note book is full of junk, maybe useful for some. Scribblings of the day, so much undone.

This seat is comfy for now until I get an itch, thoughts run wild, feelings fleeting. What exactly am I meant to be teaching?
Ronjoy Brahma Jan 2017
मुगासे सिमां नुनानै सिरिमोन्ना
आरोबाव आं मुगासे कम्बल सिङाव
सिरि मोनहां मोनहां जाब्लानो
बियो बिरबोदोँमोन गांखं फुवारनानै
बेसेबा गुसु दोमैलु बारजोँ लोगोसे
दा बियो बिरलांबाय सोनाब फारसे
बिनि सायखंआ आंनाव नांदोँ
आरो गासै आंनि सोरगिदिँ खोमसि जादोँ
हांसो सिलारिया माब्ला बिरलांखो?
आं उदिस मोनस्लाबाखिसै
जानजि हमलाय खेबफा सानेरलाय
बाबांसिन आंनि बेसर फुनायखौ बियो नायदोँमोन
आं मुसुरदाव मुसुरदाव दुब्लियाव मोसौ लायना
नआवनि गेग्रेब गलियाव खाफैनायखौबो
बियो नायहरदोँमोन आं उदिस मोनै
दा बियो बिरलांबाय सोनाब फारसे
बिनि सायखंआ आंनाव नांदोँ
आरो गासै आंनि सोरगिदिँ खोमसि जादोँ
Ili Norizan Jan 2017
Tell me again,
How you fell in love with me,
This broken stranger,
A hollowed heart whistling,
Tunes of past lovers,
Who left without said goodbye,
Taking every bit of her with 'em,
Not giving her a chance,
To keep some love for herself;

So tell me again,
Please darling pray tell,
What was it about me that you find attractive,
Which part or missing piece did you fall in love with,
Was it the fact that I've no beating heart,
Or that it pumps ink and bleeds at your touch,
Writing prose, poems and haikus of gratitude only for you,
Because honey, that's all I'm able to do,
For I've nothing left to offer,
Nor do I have anything to give to begin with,
As I was robbed of my care and trust,
Honestly love,
I'm not sure if there's anything left,
Much worse if it's enough;

Now will you tell me again,
How your feelings develop,
Or has it now slowly changed,
Dissipating with the struggle to understand,
Do I still entice you with my beauty that only you can see,
Or have you finally seen the lines that carved through,
From where my tears flow,
Wary of what ifs and what could be,
Do you still see me as that kind and tender soul,
Or have you finally encountered the darkness I hold;

Darling do tell me again,
If you meant a word that you've spoken,
How love came to you by your own admission,
And not because I was clinging onto you,
Not wanting to let go of someone new,
Someone whose soul feels true,
Someone whose heart beats like mine once do,
Someone whose caring ways transcends distance,
Someone who can show me what I've been missing,
Even if it's just for a brief moment,
Just as long as you tell me that you do love me too,
For I am irrevocably in love with you.

This one's for you, Umar. I still like that name best, even if I don't call you that anymore.
K G Jan 2017
You're like a necessary drug
Repeatedly pumping in my veins
Occupying your borrowed space
I embrace, I cage myself within
Vowing never to drift out & in
After the moment with you
Stepping on your toes
My feet are dizzily heaving
Squeaky clean denim jeans
Become filthy wet strings
Even though I aim to please
I just mess up these things
PeonyInTheEve Jan 2017
I've lived for a million seconds
But there's a second i remember the most
I remember even the smell of the place
It's when your past approached
When our eyes meet again
After once in a blue moon

There are warmth in your eyes
That makes me stay to stare
We didn't say a word but,
That was the longest and sweetest
One second in my life
Buddy T Dec 2016
I wont hold you back
please go on ahead,
but if you may, please
remember my love.

I'm so afraid
I'll never catch you
why, your presence
it surrounds me.

How your light dazzles
there's so much to know
I want to know you
everything, please.

Alas, I cannot,
mysterious soul,
I am but a speck
a face in the crowd.

Everything I do
revolves around you,
why do I love you
let this moment last.
to big to comprehend
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