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A Alexander Dec 2015
Brief conversation ignited here and there.
but little did I know, you had so much to share.
Shy from possible rejection, and fear of words leaving your mouth
all jumbled.
The fear was evident in the way you carried yourself,
guarded from what may have hurt you before,
leaving you crumbled.
You forced yourself to open up and write me a letter.
The paper was your release, and in choosing me to write to, I won't ever really know the reason, but all for the better.
I see a friendship in the making, you have drawn yourself closer.
I'll admit, I needed this friendship too, more than you will ever know.
Someone who deep down wants to be happy and at peace with life.
While everyone is lost the chaos, we are still, appreciating the present.
Looking forward to the next time we meet, for it is your company that I truly enjoy.
E Townsend Dec 2015
Do you ever have a moment
that suddenly it     SLAMS             into you
                                                             ­     you          are    alive.
And seven billion people     write the same story. You wonder,
  alone in the crowded Seattle-Tacoma airport, if someone
   will ever hold your empty heart       like the man in a gray business suit
   and the woman wearing a striped neckerchief. Will someone ever be upset your flight didn’t depart at the expected time, and give            the bouquet of rhododendrons to a stranger. Will someone               ever burst into a full sprint
upon first glance at you, deliriously happy that you are
Will someone ever    acknowledge that
  you are alive,   breathing for a change, wishing    for a slow dance,
loss of insanity. Will someone ever, in the passengers
   of the world,
                   notice you.
I keep repeating lines, not sorry. Had to write a poem for my final within two hours and this is the best I could do without a computer. The spaces look better on Word, I don't know why it's messed up here
EDB Dec 2015
help me know
the points that you make
help me grow

My reflection in your eyes
the inflection in your voice
that look on upon your face
It shows

Yeah I know
I'm reaching closing time
But still
You haven't seen the best of me

Youre fire in my eyes
Spark actions just in time
Time erases Destiny
a good moment
Maryrose Alarcos Dec 2015
The frosty holiday breeze
flowed against my pale exterior
as I walked over white paralleled lines.
And as if fate was on my side,
I met a pair of dark brown orbs
all too familiar
all too beautiful.
In an instant my line of sight zeroed
on those enchanting eyes,
I was left in a sweet daze.
This figure I know all too well
sent shivers into my own.
Time seemed to stop
as we our gazes locked
and everything else was a blur.
For a moment,
it was only us.
Paul Butters Dec 2015
Right now I’m alive
For now.
How long will I thrive?
Don’t know.

For most of Eternity
I’ll be dead.
Such is Mortality
It’s said.

Let me meditate on that.
Let me contemplate the moment.
Sitting on my mat
Dreaming a romant.

Yes I’m alive
Of that I’ve no doubt.
But where’s my drive?
I must have a scout…

Been to Tenerife and Malta
Scotland and Wales.
Never Gibraltar,
Few travelling tales.

But I’m not a roamer,
Rather stay at home.
Yes ever the homer,
And often alone.

My laptop and telly
Are all that I need.
Give me Keats and Shelley
For a good read.

So it’s right in the Now
I really must stay
No why, who or how
To darken my day.

No thoughts of the past
Or dreams of the future.
Make each second last,
Turn off that computer.

This moment has gone,
Now that you’re reading.
Let’s have another one,
That’s where I’m leading.

For now never lasts,
That we all know.
It’s lost in our pasts,
No longer on show.

I try here to paint
What has been and gone.
An attempt to create
The eternal song.

Paul Butters
The lads have gone and I'm left alone in the pub for a few minutes....
Marcus Belcher Dec 2015
It caught my eye on a slow Tuesday
The leaves falling

**cool, damp ground on which everything will come to rest on soon
Wanted to make it longer but something told me to stop
One morning in India, I learned
what I am remembering now
folding soft brown blankets,
beginning my day.

Taught by example, without any words
as brightly-colored fabric
flew deftly into perfect folds.

However simple our home, we honor it
with our care, to its walls and floors,
to ourselves, the people living within.

We honor it most of all with the words
we choose, with the silence we keep,
defining our lives in each simple moment.

Folding back winter clouds, resplendent
with color moments ago,
a prairie wind clears the sky
honoring this one and only today.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
LifeBeauty13 Dec 2015
Regret has been the bane of my existence,
It has guarded me with a gilded fence.
Looking back into my past,
Wishing I would have been in a cast,
As the leading lady of my story,
Where I could show my enlightened glory,
And not the constant darkness of my mistakes,
Making the right choices would I make.
There would be no wrong,
In my Life Song.
But Mankind has a melody of good and bad,
Happy and sad,
And if I live in my past, I will miss out living in the moment,
And I am not willing to continue being my own opponent.
I will learn and I will try,
Beginning to learn about the Why.
Abigail Mary Dec 2015
I fell off the face of the earth into a blinding realization. My body turned to ashes. I felt the pull of voices trying to take me back, but it was too late. I was fire. My mind saw a dark world of metal and smoke. The air was heavy, suffocating me. Every back was turned to me, every door closed. The grass was brittle and lifeless. Soon flames were everywhere. I could not escape. The sky turned into a mirror, reflecting my sunken face. Purple and blues filled the color of my skin. All I needed was a paper and pen, but I was not there for I was only ashes and flame.
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