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mjad Aug 2020
I don't want him to close his eyes and only see me
A first love is never over
It's just in disguise
Hiding behind the comfort of closed eyes
Isabella Jul 2020
I'm sorry

I made a mistake
I stepped on a rake
I tripped in a lake
I danced with a snake

Did I say it already?
I'm sorry.
wrote this in 30 seconds :P
hlynnn Jul 2020
A spoken poetry

I remember when I texted you, hastily heading home with Nikki,
In the busy streets of a lively city.
Standing in the façade of a high-end mall,
Constantly texting the number whom I thought was Grab.
A notification popped,
battery critically low
I frantically borrowed Nikki’s phone,
Sent my last text, instructing him to shout “Lily” when he arrives.
As Nikki bids goodbye, my heart started beating unbelievably brisk.

I remember when I met you, in the middle of the night,
under the bright light of the moonlight.
A matte black Corvette lit up my whole face,
Still processing the thought of a Corvette being Grab,
The debonairly-dressed man stepped out, and shouted, “Lily?”
His words, ringing in my ears, deep as an underlying tone in my favorite song.
His illuminating beauty syncopates with the moon’s aesthetics,
Left me freezing, unable to utter any word.
He shouted once again, “Lily?!”
But this time, it was full of annoyance.
The exasperated tone struck my reflexes, causing to raise my hand,
neurons fire without purpose.
“Get in.” his expression was bland and unreadable.

I remember when you told me, words of regret you feed me,
Words you thought would destruct me, but I found it atypically addictive.
The pain you inflicted sensualizes my wounded psyche.
Subconsciously, I was craving more.
I tried to converse with you, but all I receive was hatred.
You discharged bullets of abhor,
But I threw them into the stream,
and persevered to alter your feelings.

I remember the first time you laughed,
Science was your forte, and mine was in the comical aspect.
I kept bombarding you with science-inclined humor, hoping to connect,
And later on, you found yourself battling in the arena of emotions.
You taught yourself you can’t be in love with me,
But it was contrary to your actions.
You started replying to my nonsensical chitchats,
You started talking about me.
Everything seemed perfect until my eyes became clear of what you were doing,
and reality hit me.

I remember when you broke my heart,
Did you deserve all the romantic thoughts I have of you?
Maybe we don't belong together, maybe I'm just desperate and delusional.
The imaginary love was so sweet, it makes me sad to see it crumble away.
But maybe all you are is a boy, who wants her girl back.
And all I am is a girl.
And maybe we are just people,
Searching, searching for something we have yet to find within ourselves.
So I will let go, I will let it sail into the wind
All that poetry, all those thoughts.
And I will learn to love myself,

I remember the time you came back,
We were about to get lunch, when you shouted my name amidst the crowd.
Reluctant, I declined and proceeded to walk past you,
But you were different that time.
You held my hand tight, with certainty,
As I look upon you, your eyes were filled with solitude.
Your face painted a peculiar type of persona,
And with that, I have depicted the real you.

By Mistake, I found the love, the best I could have, until the end of time.
I wonder, do you ever wonder?
How far we have come along.
With all those fights and in all those thunder.
We managed to live so long.
You made mistakes and yes I did blunder.
Still, we forgave, as we know where we belong.
I remember, you remember how we met at first.
It wasn't the best nor the worst.
We were happy keeping alive the thirst
Looking back, I see us in each day submerged.
looking back on how we have survive so much and still together.
Priyadarshini Jul 2020
They ruined my honour under their feet,
They hunted a girl passing through that street
Empty roads remind me the day I was all alone on that rainy day .
Walking through the wet road
I got the signature of "shameless" on my notebook.
When I found a foetus inside me
I was a hot topic in the society
I find myself all alone on the road full of people
There sharp eyes sees my body figure.
I wish I had died in the hospital.
Now I am dead writing this with a great regret
It was not a suicide
I was murdered by the society not once,not twice,not thrice, a little in every bite
I just found a way I could free myself
So, I killed the foetus
Now at least the so call society would say a girl choose to die because she was *****
I know this society would not drop a tear on the name of me but the one gave me birth must be searching for me!❤❤
Jim Jul 2020
Oh jeeze
I made a mistake
Ignored wise advice
Tread on the snake
Count that as number 8973
And add some pain and experience to me
Maniacal Escape Jul 2020
Fall on your hands, drink some more wine
Open your legs
Take some more shots, take off your clothes
Stay on the bed
Take some more  lines, drag yourself up
Lay down your head
Keep your hands down, open your legs
Innocence lost.
Boris-Bryce Jun 2020
fate crossed our paths and intertwined our hearts
we were once the remedy to each other's souls
until we became each other's poison and ceased to grow
out of love becomes for one adoration
but for the other it becomes exasperation
never enough is my unrequited love
oh - immaculate being from above
when I look at me I despise my own reflection
how then could I ever really perceive your true perfection?
The biggest mistake we make when it comes to love, is making someone else the source of your happiness, an addiction that ends up fatal
Mari Jun 2020
Grow from pain,
Learn from mistakes,
Embrace your scars.
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