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Mark Wanless May 2024
my mind was just stuck
thinking of you again so
i happily dreamed
Do I really have to completely and painfully forget about us, deeply and frenetically in love, passionately devouring each other?!
Must I abandon my sincere dream of being joyfully and profoundly yours?
How can I escape being so obsessed with all of you? I’m surprised by my own strength, acting as if none of the turmoil around us matters.
I can’t overcome this silence and emotionless moment, but I swear it’s all due to the melancholy inside me.
I’m depressed, yet you’re still the one and only who can drive me crazy.
Mark Wanless Apr 2024
i am not thinking
clearly no more drinking does
a toll on my mind
eleanor prince Apr 2024
He lives in fear of the cobwebs of time
wrapping themselves around his eyeballs
stopping him from seeing what others see
those who avoid dark shadows and pitfalls

For the cracks and corners of most of life
remain a mystery regarding the nuance
of how everyone else seems to exist
in various tones absent for him
Some people's minds are differently configured and much regarding interpersonal relationships remains a mystery for them
Chelsea Quigley Apr 2024
And again.
A mind empty ,
Now full of dread.
Thoughts of confusion,
Moments in illusion.
Following an order
From strange intrusions.
My mind is chaotic
With harsh infusions.

Feelings they urge me,
With wrong solutions.
I’m home again,
with the same tragedy
that I used to smile through.
With the same cup of coffee prepared,
yet I’ll never drink it.
I’m home,
yet lonely,
seeking solace through my silence.
I have no expectations for tonight,
except finding joy
in solitude.
In love with the silent moments
of mine.
I’m home.
Luna Pan Apr 2024
you and me
we are far off on a foreign coast life
you in your black hoodie
me in my good girl clothes
entering our eternal summer
my cheeks blushing from wine
your hands locked on mine
dark nights, crashing waves
your eyes glows like champagnes
inviting me to dive
Luna Pan Apr 2024
hot, salty july night
you and me in this greek tavern
moon is high but so are we
dancing, laughing, kissing like we are gypsies
you with your wine, me with my martini
we are drinking but we are drinking each other's sorrow
your orpheic mouth on mine, my limerence is on you
my Anam Cara
all the things you'd do to me in this greek tavern
Luna Pan Apr 2024
like a siren you are calling me, seducing me
i'm dreaming of your crimson red lips
even the sight of it makes me a saint
i'm dreaming of the way you say my name
even the sound of it bewitches me
i'm dreaming of the way you touch me
even the thought of it gives me bedridden
like a siren you are calling me, seducing me
you are the reason i'm asking myself has anyone jumped off of a cliff and survived?
Simran Guwalani Apr 2024
Block these lines
that come to find
all these insecurities
in your mind.

Let yourself be heard
let yourself be seen
Fly like a free bird
and break this cage that’s never been.

You are confident
You are enough
You yourself are a complement
You are brave and you are tough.

Break these shackles that hold you back
Let all of it go
There’s nothing that you lack
then watch your life grow.

Grow, to the way it’s supposed to be
The way you have always wanted it to be
Never conceal
Always feel

Be true and see what happens
Because that’s the way of life
You attract what you imagine.
Copyright Simran Guwalani
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