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Delicacy8100 Nov 2021
Blindfolded laying on the ground.
Spinning round and round.
Inter looping peace & sound
Reclaim time lost N found.
Yousra Amatullah Nov 2021
He tried squeezing moisture out of dry sand
And made of his body, most deserted island
Don't lose yourself by helping people who don't want to be helped.
Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2021
The sunrise
Promise of a new day is a blessing I don't deserve

The autumn
Chance to change it brings is a gift I won't accept

Thoughts of beauty make me resent myself

Pulled me up a thousand times yet I still dig yet another hole to crawl back into

Dormancy making heart itch with restlessness

Living life in a frightened state of inactivity

Leaving pain somewhere I won't find it again but somehow it always makes its way back home
Like a lost pet
The best place
I ever lived
was in your heart,
I am no longer cold.
Indonesia, 9th October 2021
Arif Aditya Abyan Nugroho
Aindri Oct 2021
We couldn't live without each other.
And now,
We act like strangers
MJL Oct 2021
It's not your fault
You were created
Made for the rain
Given the hammer
That brings the gold
Use it for the dream
Days will turn to fire
You are burning now
Will you feel the heat
Before it it's too late?

© MJL 2021
"You are doing great!"
Repeat after me, I said.
You are doing great!
Keep doing what you love!
Love it at all.
It's all.
Indonesia, 27th September 2021
Arif Aditya Abyan Nugroho
Nicole Rountree Sep 2021
Do You Know Death by Nikki Rountree
You know, Death, can be a very scary thing
Death and the Grim Reaper having their fling
A snap of  Death's finger and then **** you are gone
There is always this battle between how we want to keep them
And when God wants them home
Oh, Death, do you have a heart at all
They are here one day and then they're gone
I'm perplexed--just like others I start thinking, who's next
Dare I say that you are not very complex--at best-- I would call you simple
Oh death, you are no friend
because we know eventually you will win
Grim Reaper, yes, that's your identical twin—
always creeping around looking for his next victory to win.
Death, I don't have to see you coming to know that one day you will.  
You and that reaper---always asking, "Can I keep her?  Can I keep him?"
As the old song says and I am glad to sing it to you --Weeping may endure through the night, but the joy the morning.
Mourning--no one can tell you a timeline. No one can countdown the days you grieve
Mourn at your own pace; there's no race,
but also seems like there is no reprieve
Death--we know you are real-I believe I do believe
Death-- you know that you have power in the tongue
It's said that death comes in threes- please don't take another one
I was told to write this poem...thinking it might take my sadness away
Spill my feelings by putting pen to paper;
Drying up my tears as I spill my thoughts like—
a person spills the beans
Releasing the ink that will break the link;
that makes me wonder what all this means
But then in the twinkling of an eye, you make us have to say good bye.
to the ones we love
Oh Death, today will be the last day I shed a tear
because this poem has released me
to no longer have any fear
over losing what's held so dear
Because, just as much as we hate the loss
It's inevitable that we not become lost
Live life to the fullest each day
Tell the people you love
how much you love them in every way
Because as you can see, if you don't, you won't have time
and death will come when it’s the very last thing that’s on your mind.
Like I asked....Do you know death?
This was written to help me deal with the loss of my sister in law, uncle and cousin (one family, in one week)
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