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Stifin 22h
Rite & lite
Hold me tight,
Just one night.
Bite me light,
Ohh, Treat me right.
Cry I might,
Why love despite?
Random ahh poem. My friend's profile picture was a rite & lite drink, and that got me an idea to make a poem rhyming with "lite". So I made a quick poem about it and yeahh..

Also this poem is quite different from my other poems.. well this is a random poem afterall, turns out to be quite nice!
We like to see the things, black and white...
We don't want to get into, What's wrong... What's right...!?
Struggling against the situation, we usually forget our power and might...
When the day feels heavy... We write, to keep our mood lite...!
We dodge the darkness of trouble from our powerful word's light...
Observing the nature, from the start of the day till the end of night...!
We pour our thoughts and imagination on the paper, when we start to write!
It's 2nd part of my poem — "We write"...

Read first part here
👇👇👇 ...

Wasn't active here from last few days... Coz of my sem. Examination... But now my examinations are finished... And I'm back here again 😅 again, I'll start exploring new poems... And 'll try to interact with most of the writers 😊😊...

Another flow of rhymes 😅😅
NeroameeAlucard Nov 2016
You can hear them
Can't you?
The shaking of my shackles
The inmates moans and cackles
Its almost time
For us to get out
To make people scream and bones splinter and crack!
I'll be free! Free from this prison that they locked me in! The voices can speak for me!
On our ****** and merry

Hallows eve!
aviisevil Sep 2016
In today's society we do not get sad because we are sad, but because we were expected to be sad. It's ingrained in our minds. What's good and what's bad. Think about it, we get sad when we think we're on the bad part of the society ( normal people like me obviously, everyone better than me stay out of this please. Your superiority complex hasn't subdued yet or maybe it can't because it's genetic and in that case I am sorry. No Matter how insensitive I've appeared because I just don't care... And also it has a very rock-n-roll-hey-i'm-an-******* vibe to it) and get happy when it's vice-versa. So, is happiness and sadness a human creation ? I don't mean in a biological sense ( philosophy, bro ? ), I mean more as a modern day concept. Why are we sad ?, Relationships, cosmetic issues ?, Jobless, underpaid, couldn't get the new iPhone ( **** those seriously). Most of us are just being sad because everyone before us were sad, on things that don't matter, on things that makes no sense when you look at the stars at night and see how big the universe is, or unless someone points out its not realistic, we need to be realistic ? Realistic all the danm time ? That's not human, human is to dream and imagine and create. Sadness is beautiful too, that's why great poets were born. But the fact is, sadness today is sold and bought, given names and even made fun of.. today sadness is as superficial as happiness. It is, it really is. There's no worth to our sadness, it means nothing. It's in our head because someone put it there. It's not natural anymore that's all I'm saying and it kinda bugs me. Have a nice day. It's okay to be sad if you are a man. Yolo.
Saugat Upadhyay Jun 2015
Light is a way,
Light is a zone,
Light is a past,
Which shows the future.
Light is a mountain,
Light is a hurdle,
Light is a debt,
Which leads to the quest.
Light is a beginning,
Light is a end,
Light is  a truth,
Which gives us a fruit.
Light is a flower,
Light is a fragrance,
Light is a life,
Which gives hope to survive.
Zac Hill Jun 2015
Like a Firefly you light the darkness in my presence
Revealing my path so I won't be lost once more
Like a Firefly you are foreign to me, not recognizing your kind
You beauty is rare in these parts
Like a Firefly your actions are peaceful like the beats of your wings
The more their are the brighter your light stretches around me
Like a Firefly I want to capture you in my glass jar
To gaze and admire your unique beauty
Like a Firefly I will release you to your home
Hoping that you'll continue to light my way into your world
Silence Screamz Oct 2014
I like a good laugh... I write dark but laugh lite.
Justin S Wampler Jun 2014
tell me, upon returning...

"Returning from where, I've been right here?"

...did you gasp for breath?

"I no longer fool myself into believing that breathing was ever an option,"
-thought my hand out loud
"I merely close my eyes and concede myself to the asphyxiation."


*" my darkness of eternity."

— The End —