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I see the sad and awful color of racism not every other day
But every minutes of the day
I see the serious mental and physical damages
That this cancer has done throughout the ages
And is still doing to our beloved human beings
Others treat our people like they are leftover beans
On a pet's plate. Our people deserve respect
Fairness, justice, acknowledgement
Compassion and better treatment
Our sisters are tired of being left out on the deck
Our siblings are often harassed senselessly, persecuted
Falsely accused and relentlessly prosecuted
At one time, they were hunted by the system
At other time, haunted by an organized medium
Created to destroy, ravage and annihilate
To ridicule, punish and discriminate
I see the color of racism, when the police for no apparent reasons
Stopped, frisked and handcuffed our homeless, elderlies
Or our law abiding citizens, like it was open seasons
To hunt for mule deer or bears, who behave like enemies
Of the civilized society. I see the sick color of racism
When our people are not hired not for being unqualified
But because of their skin color; they're quickly disqualified
Dismissed, fired or terminated. I see the monster of cynicism
Every minutes of the day. The arrogance is unparalleled
Beyond belief. The racists forgot that God only created one race

One human race, one human race.

Their false pride, their ignorance is unleveled
And their audacity, incomparable. I see the colors of racism
Not that I want to search for them, not that I want to find them
Most of the time, I simply cannot evade or escape them
It is not easy to ignore the litanies of bad or negative mannerisms
The bigots easily function like lethal venomous vipers
That **** out the emotions, and that destroy all positive characters
I see the ugly color of racism not every other day
But every minutes of the day.

One human race, one human race.

Copyright © February 24, 2015, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved.
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems.
murderous war fiends
pleasure in lethal pursuits
they know not of pity
Àŧùl Jun 2020
These are my thoughts for you,
In my arms every night, you will perish.

Yes, you will squirm and squiggle,
When my tongue inside you, I shall swivel.

Yes, you will lose yourself in my embrace,
When I shall touch you, you will live again.

Yes, when moonlight will glitter your face,
Then I shall kiss you back till forever.

Yes, you will love me more and more,
Intensely and insanely, in sweet pain.
My HP Poem #1862
©Atul Kaushal
Mateah May 2020
Love leads to pain.
There is no way around it.
People change or leave or die...
...and your soul’s throat feels slit.

But even if love were a prison
With this lethal injection as my destiny
Should someone discover how to make it...
...I would still refuse the key.
This is a draft that I’m pretty sure I’m going to add to eventually. However, I kind of like this version of it so I thought I’d just go ahead and throw it out there. I think a lot of people could relate to this one.
feh Mar 2020
impossibly human
the bite, the strike, the temperament
When threatened, the mamba comes out
Strike, strike, strike, strike
The mamba is relentless
His venom coursing through the veins
Of his foolish challengers
His coal black eyes, hungry
Defeating, intimidating, vicious
The mamba bite is always fatal
For he has no antivenin to defeat him
No mortal power can wither him
To the dust
Strike, strike, strike, strike
The common name of the snake
Is given to no common man
Only the name of the fastest, most protective, most aggressive,
Tallest, biggest, lethal-est snake
Belongs to the man with the biggest, lethal-est presence
Strike, strike, strike, strike
Formidable anywhere he is placed
Strike, strike, strike, strike
The crown of the kingdom sits
Comfortably atop his temples
Strike, strike, strike, strike
How fitting
The world’s deadliest player
Be called after
The world’s deadliest snake
In loving memory of Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gigi
Ingram Jan 2020
I am a toxic person
so if you are trying to get close
I suggest you stop while you’re ahead
Because my lethal dose
Isn’t worth being spread.
Mystic Ink Plus Dec 2019
And when it comes to
Too much

Too much
Romantic thoughts
With a cup of coffee
Could be
Lethal for
Your wellbeing

It seems ridiculous
But it has been
Genre: Observational
Theme: Examined Life
shil Sep 2019
They keep warning:
Love is CYANIDE.
It is lethal.

I keep cajoling:
The lack of it is.
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