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Maria Feb 13
I didn't leave fast,
Just bit by bit.
I didn't leave all at once.
I stood and I waited.

I vanished not quick.
Just drop by drop.
I vanished as a fog,
Till I determined to stop.

I couldn't stay more.
I had to leave quick.
We had to break up.
We both were like sick
Man Feb 13
There is not one
Which I have not rewarded,
One I have not punished.
From Cyrus To Moses
And each of their children,
That is their nations.
From Rome to Germany
And their siblings,
That is their family.
You stand with your tribe
And you stand against the species.
You believe in nothing, and you'll fall for anything
I used to cry when I was alone,
I was scared of people leaving me,
I was more scared of getting used to it,
I have to thank you though because now,
I have no reason to worry all of that because,
I have you to stay with me and you have me too.
I'm so sorry I left you that first time around knowing how it felt to be left.
You taught me to love
You taught me to smile
But you couldn't even stay
All but a while
Maria Jan 30
Sorry, but you have to stay.
I don’t let you go. You hear?
We both have some things to do.
I won’t get through them alone. I fear.

Maybe you like quite another.
A cushy life without any jerks.
But tell me, please, at least for the last time,
What should I do with my love in fact?

My love is mite, but it’s so forceful!
Touch it slightly, it’ll burn you at once.
Leave it answerless, it will be prickly,
Tameless and cruel. It’ll die to us.

My love isn’t pampered, but it’s with pretense
For languishing gaze and beautiful phrase.
You tamed it firmly, you made it subject.
You didn’t wean it. Just put it in maze.

Sorry, but you have to stay.
I’m still in love with you as yet.
I’ll cope with my life on my own totally.
But the fate of my love without you will be sad.
Maria Jan 26
Don’t feel sorry for me. It’s not your thing.
And I’m not good at taking regret.
Let’s just sit and keep quite. Come on! I please!
And split up. Yes, just like that.

You’re tired no end. Believe me, I see.
For so many years you’ve been dragging my grief.
I’ve let you go! Go out of here!
But you haven’t left. And I’ve nowhere to leave.

So, you and I will continue to suffer,
To ******* each other, to contort oneself.
Just the two of us again in a circle.
In the end we’ll forget who we are ourselves.

I feel bad right now. But I’m used to it.
I’m not criticizing or blaming you.
Let’s break up now just for the hell of it!
You’re leaving and I’m releasing you!
Psych-o-rangE Dec 2024
The mountain calls to me, demands my presence, I meet its gaze.

Me: What do you want from me?

Mountain: I want you to climb to the peak

Me: I can’t bring anyone else with me

Mountain: I do not ask of you to bring anyone else, in fact, you should leave them behind, now climb me

Me: No, I can’t just do that

Mountain: Whether you listen to them or listen to me, makes no difference but I know you, and you want to climb, with no safe pathway down, no net to hold you, you want to see from this height and this height alone

Me: What if I want off?

Mountain: Then jump, but know the ground awaits you, you are never free

I stand in its shadow.
You had every right to leave
But not without saying
I needed some closure...
Karmen was Heard Nov 2024
I left You
I can't live now
Will You let me back?
Karmen was Heard Nov 2024
I leave You
I cheat You
Then wonder why
You aren't there

Then I say
I didn't leave
I didn't cheat
How come, I ask
You aren't there

But I know now
I left You
I cheated You
I now know why
You aren't there

But now I say
I want You
I need You to
Keep coming back
When I leave
Because nothing thrives when
You aren't there
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