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There's trouble in my thoughts
There's guilt in my conscience,
It feels like hollow inside
With a confusion I cannot confide.

In my self there's a heavy burden
Added with the fear of being abandon,
Thoughtfully unto it but heartily  not
I'm in it yet there's one question "but?".

I cannot reckon myself anymore
My mind's in troublesome horror!
Help oh please , please ,please !
Assist me to feel at ease.

I cannot sleep
Thinking all steep,
I'm lucky having that is mine
Yet this does not make me feel satisfied.
Here  stands
Holding both hands,
In my mind there was a girl
With a hair slightly curled
I waved and say hi
As she marched along the church aisle

Thoughts of being with her
Thoughts of commiting forever,
As the bell rings'
I imagine of white curtains on hung.

I can hear the ***** playing
With it, groups of people were singing,
I will be with you forever
We will live together.

As the father say Do you accept this woman?
I do with all I am
And you will say the same
As you tossed that bouquet

I  carried you around my arms
And I promised when you're with me you'll be unharm,
As we go on with our new life
With I as your husband and you as my wife.

Cause I fell inlove
For me your eyes are the brightest
You're perfection at its best,
With your rosy cheek
like, them goddesses you mimic.

You're mysterious I could say
But you can make me smile  by your own way,
You're sweet yet bashful
Also an Artist so beautiful.

Like sweet cottons in the sky
With the winds' sweet lullaby
I want you here in my arms
I'll kiss your forehead as you yawns'

Gods' beautiful gift was you
Serving Him and commiting to you is my queue  
Till death do as apart
You will still be in my heart.
Don't be blind
Mariel Ramirez Jan 2018
All I wanted was love, but I swore I’d never ask because it doesn’t count if you force it. So at the start, I brought you cookies and sat beside you in every class, chattering endlessly. I wrote you letters, and made tiny watercolor paintings of your face. I didn’t think it would work, but I guess I was so good at falling in love that you thought you were too.

But then, just because ‘I love you’s are exchanged doesn’t mean the feelings are the same, and when you started taking longer to reply and were barely by my side, I began to wonder. So I went further—bought you only the most expensive presents, gifted you even the parts of myself I’d been saving. Who could blame me if I just longed to make you happy, and thought that meant giving you everything you asked for and wanted?

Towards the end, I realized you wanted more than I could ever give because you looked for it in someone else. But like a fool, I still loved you. Am I not nice and sweet, not right or enough for you? Here I am, still begging. Who else would have forgiven you? Who else would have needed you that much, wanted so badly to be with you? I deserve to be loved back.

But you know what? If even now, you’re still not sure about your feelings, then just admit you don’t love me. Let’s leave it at that. Even if I plead and cry, don’t let me force you. Love isn’t supposed to need convincing. Just because I want you, love you doesn’t mean I don’t deserve better. And it doesn’t mean you can love me. It doesn’t mean you’re supposed to.
We were supposed to write a one-minute speech for school, with the topic: “Why you should love me back.” I hid my face in my hands and sighed. I didn’t want to write about you but there’s never anyone else on my mind. I sometimes think I know no other words but these. They might not be easy, but they’re all I have.
Hanafuda Jan 2018
Oh, my lover, turn around, look at me once more.

Don't look at me, look at us, together.

Under small touches of love and soul,

Give me a last kiss, the last chance of life.
And don't dare let me go, let the parfume of  linden and jasmine,

Take you thought of leaving and come back to me.

Let us be one, to exist one with another, not as two, but as one being.

But you left, leaving me in our bed,
Imbued with your parfume and my

With longing flowing on the cheeks you used to caress,

With the memory of what made my insides tickle

And gave me wings to hope.

But how can I still hope? Hope that you will come back, my lover,
How can I still breath? Breath if it isn't the same air as yours,
And I know that you won't come back, leaving me to drown in my own bitterness.
"And when love speaks, the voice of all the gods make heaven drowsy with the harmony."-W. Shakespeare
Max Alvarez Jan 2018
This morning
In bed with you
My good arm draped over you like the blanket you like to take in the night
I watched your peachy skin begin to glow in the rising sun’s light
I adore your hair
That auburn color that greets me as I wake
I count the seconds of my life with each and every breath you take
And what beautiful breaths you take
I love when you wrap your leg around mine
And our fingers intertwine
For moments that I can only describe as forever
We become one
Until I whisper something silly in your ear
Because your laugh I love to hear
Truthfully, I just love you, my dear
Perri Jan 2018
love* was the excitement
for the next moment we'd meet
it was the the warmth of your hand
when you first brushed my cheek
it was the vulnerability
of inviting you
into my sheets
love was that you were
proud of me
while all the others had been so discreet


in love* is your scent
you leave on my pillows
that is oh so sweet
it is the the rush of blood
that leaves me tingling
from my heart to my feet
in love is the way you look at me
with eyes
full of passion and heat
while you hug me hard
and kiss me so deep
because being in love with you
is being away for the week
and yet knowing
everything is still so concrete
Grace Spellman Jan 2018
and i guess i am selfish. because i really, really want you to be happy, always. i wanna see that smile that made me fall so hard for you. but i dont wanna see you happy if its with another person. i dont want you happy holding someone elses hand. i dont want you happy celebrating an anniversary with someone else. and i definitely, definitely dont want you to be happy, in love with someone else. because i want to be enough for you, i want you to feel your most excitement and wholeness and inner peace with me. i want you to be in love with me. i cant just be all poetic and beautifully tragic about it. i cant just think "i want you to be happy, even if thats not with me," because its not true. i want you to be happy, and i want to be the person that makes you happy. its as simple and frustrating as that.
love is confusing.
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