(Poppy tears)
"Why you crying baby?
You've been sober ten years!"
Dopamine, slow adrene'
My dog cried tonight
Sad soul was on the rug last night,
Had a shape like my best friend
And a face just like her grin.
There are droves of drugs in all the land
Fitting for every palm- and calm every hand.
For pride, for want, for lust, for hate.
The poppy tears make us salivate.
Sober or not, monster locked in the tower
Monster locked in cellar
Monster in the kitchen with grandpas cancer.
We cant help but look at each other and say:-
"The human race is pathetic."
Cold compress holds us back,
Every ant has a poison that gives her heart a heart attack.
With every wasp, and hornet kind
Comes a fever,
That just melts the mind.
FINV "The Allegation of Mui Po." v4 (9/20/17-10/2/17) by Evi D. Halo