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showyoulove Dec 2024
Imagine! We see God's image in creation
He created us in His own image and likeness
I see in my mind a dim and glorious image
Beautifully, I behold this wondrous visage:
In tongues of fire the Spirit descends
And with boldness, our faith, we defend.
Preach the Gospel by your words and living
And with great gladness and joy always giving
Of yourselves in service to your fellow man,
And using your gifts as best as you can.
We are called, we are equipped, and sent out
By the Spirit of God whom we shall not doubt.
My weary bones are filled with new life
My blood is hot and almost burns
I am electrified as the Spirit comes alive
My flesh cries out, my soul how it yearns!
If you are what you should be
You'll set the whole world ablaze.
May the love of God spread like wildfire
And may the nations forever praise.
What an image: imagine!
Sam Levine Nov 2024
How wonderfully divine
It is to be human;
To hold mortality in the mind,
And infinity inside.
My eyes are boundaries of grey,
A promise so colorful.
And I am thankful, for
I have claimed it
Ten thousand times over.
Steve Page Nov 2024
How relaxed are you with the prospect
of the quiet that heralds her coming?
How comfortable are you
in her subtle company?
How much do you give her time,
make space for her conversation?
How slowed are you in her presence?
How attentive to her movements?
How attuned to her voice?
How empathetic are you
to her wanton sisters:
intuition and instinct and expansion?
If you are wise
you won't refuse them.
Found this amongst my notes from July.  I can't recall what prompted it TBH
kel Sep 2024
to my imaginary lover,
I wish you were here,
cuddling me,
together cozily in the warm
with my hands in your
so you can chase away
the iciness from my fingers.
but there's no way
that could happen, hmm?
you're just imaginary,
after all.
a figment of my
The DREAMER that DREAMS, and
that likes to EXPLORE,
They SIT and they WONDER,
what is to become,
as they continue to IMAGINE,
Hoping ONE DAY,
as well as it SEEMS,
for ALL TO SEE!!!!

Date: 9/9/2024
Ela é o motivo de estarmos aqui
Ela aprecia
Ela despreza
Ela recorda
Ela desvanece
Ela tem saúde
Ela adoece
Ela cura
Ela fere
Ela ama
Ela odeia
Ela cria
Ela incendeia
Ela é minha
Ela é nossa
Ela é o motivo de nós partirmos
Cuide da imaginação.
Steve Page Jul 2024
You said no heart has imagined,
but you gave a few hints
of a massive mansion, a river
and a fruit tree with 12 varieties,
sprouting monthly.

You said we couldn't imagine
what you've got prepared,
but I can't imagine anything beats
a Coronation Chicken sandwich,
with Branston,
on a warm summer's afternoon
with friends and laughter
and Monty's head
resting hopefully on my knee.

You called it paradise
and you mentioned wine.
If that comes with a new body -
one that doesn't protest
to a fine Merlot
then that'll be fine with me.
That would be paradise.
That'll be heaven indeed.
So long as you don't forget
the Coronation Chicken
and the pickle.
1 Cor 2.9
... no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.
Jeremy Betts Jul 2024
It's hard to imagine anyone loving me
When I hate me so completely
I'm sorry
But if I have to love myself
In order
To feel love from anyone else
I might as well put myself on the shelf
Out of reach from everyone else
I'm afraid love will never win
It's not as easy as just letting it in
I have to keep battlin'
Just to keep from drownin'
Due to a timeline filled with so much abandonment and rejection
Over and over and once again,
I'm sorry,
I'm sorry my sorry means little to nothin'
My devotion didn't start out this thin
This is the outcome of both creation and evolution
Going head to head,
And coming out in the end,
As a problem with no solution

Jeremy Betts May 2024
I wasn't bred from good stock
Or birthed with any hope of a shot
Can't imagine that coming as a big shock
Couldn't possibly hide the rot
A thick scar dug into both wrists visually express what verbally I could not
Flesh color replaced the black rorschach ink blot
To clarify, a stark reminder was all I got
KO'd after a turned cheek an awful lot
Like knock knock
Who's there?
Just a nobody,
A lowly placeholder of a single census spot

Simran Guwalani Apr 2024
Block these lines
that come to find
all these insecurities
in your mind.

Let yourself be heard
let yourself be seen
Fly like a free bird
and break this cage that’s never been.

You are confident
You are enough
You yourself are a complement
You are brave and you are tough.

Break these shackles that hold you back
Let all of it go
There’s nothing that you lack
then watch your life grow.

Grow, to the way it’s supposed to be
The way you have always wanted it to be
Never conceal
Always feel

Be true and see what happens
Because that’s the way of life
You attract what you imagine.
Copyright Simran Guwalani
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