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Tahlia-rayne Jan 2019
It causes controversy doesn't it?
Admitting that maybe you really aren't all that happy
"Don't say that"
"Don't be silly"
"that's too dark to talk about"
But I'm hollow
I have these moments where I almost feel so full and overwhelmed and so carved out and hollow all at once
like there cant possibly be life pumping through my body
why must we always be so bright when sometimes we feel like a dark faded light bulb flickering as it goes out
Maybe I'm okay but oh sometimes
sometimes I'm anything but okay
And sometimes all we need is hope
Meg B Jan 2019
I tasted a lingering shot of ****** *****
on my tongue
before my mouth tasted
the rest of the night.
I pretended that I was
much drunker than I was
because I thought that would
make it easier,
less painful.
I gave myself a pep talk
and should've understood
that nothing wanted
needs convincing.
I've suppressed the act so much
in my subconscious
that I only remember it in flashes,
like a slow motion replay of a life-ending
car accident you'd see in a movie.
In some ways,
that scened ended me;
the world was fuzzier
than it had been the night before,
when I woke up no longer wearing
my agency.
The normalcy with which I picked myself up
from the dingy navy couch
was underwhelming
and haunting all at once.
I left with my dress and my shame clinging to me,
fearing not for myself
or how I had said no so many times before,
but instead that
giving it all still wasn't enough for you;
losing myself,
unraveling my soul wasn't worth
what I thought it would sell for.
All I saw was
the satisfaction that I had given that didn't satisfy you.

An emptied shell;
you took it all,
and I've been hollow ever since.
Whisperer Jan 2019
I just need a closure
A real reason why you came and left

Did you come to carve me deeper ?
Cause all the excavation work has left me hollow
With deep scars and traces of overburdening

Or did you come to me for your benefit ?
Cause now my 'friends' are slowly slithering to you

Or maybe...
You came just for entertainment
And now the movie has ended
And you've left without any comments or suggestions
You're back , with repeating episodes
Lost Girl Jan 2019
In your arms, you held me tight.
I smiled and laughed with you by my side.
But in the darks of the night,
I still felt hollow deep inside.
Love heals some wounds.
I kept watching
I did nothing but tremble in fear
Yet I knew it all

How could they be so mean?, I said.
How could earth bear their existence?
Now I see myself one of those I once despised.

Is it too late.... Is it even possible..
To undo what had been done?
But I know that falling is far easier than standing
So call it a day
Call it a year
Call it a life

That once could be a good one.
Kyla Duncan Dec 2018
This weight
on my chest
slipping into my core
and pooling there
eating away at everything else
and leaving only this hollowness
I am empty, I say
I am hollow and cold, I say
fill me, warm me, fix me
But you don’t need fixing, they say
You don’t need anyone but yourself, they say
I know I know I know
what do I do with this heavy hollow feeling?
it drags me down like an anchor into the dark depths
I want to laugh and dance and go wild
I want to breathe in life
and exhale everything else
I want to be held, to be touched – anything please
I want to talk to kiss to love – something please
I want meaning
burning desire
but more than anything
I want calm, quiet, perfect happiness  
I want love
I want to be known
Audra Dec 2018
Some want louder love
But all I need is such in total
Every day is my reminder
Of the empty, hollow feeling
When I’m with a whole crowd
But no one truly cares.
And no one stops to see
The tears that could be falling—
The tears that would be falling
If I truly showed myself.
this is the girl I turn behind me and see
JAC Dec 2018
To the old blue bicycle
chained to the pipes
on the corner of University
and Dundas street West

I saw you first in early October
showing off my new shoes
walking to work on Sunday
you were prized and new
a little scratched but true
with speedy silver highlights

the next time I saw you
you had lost your front tire
someone needed it more than you did
and perhaps you willingly offered

by the end of the month
you had no more silver
and both your tires were missing
you hung by your chain
your paint peeling in pain
but again I just walked past you

when it first snowed too early
I found you again on the ground
once sturdy, gleaming and fast
now rusted, robbed and hollow

you and I have much in common
old blue bike on University avenue
we both were once so strong and proud
but little by little we were pulled apart
someone needed each piece more than we did
and we thought we could help so we gave

now we're both our own rusted frames
scattered and empty in the busy street.
lins Dec 2018
a hollow figure
fallen to the ground
shattered pieces
were once whole

being smashed
they destroy
the outer wall

they didn’t know
inside the shell
was nothing more
than emptiness

what they wanted
could never be
provided by
the hollowness

lying in pieces
there, disjointed
welcoming fate
of destruction
lately I've been feeling more and more like a failure and it's beginning to weigh on me
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