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Jellyfish Nov 2016
You could tell me anything
And I'd believe you always
"Rebecca you're left handed."
"Oh, I never noticed, really?"

"Oh, wait..."
Yeah, I'd probably fall for it.
I'd take the bait,
but it's only because I trust you,
and believe the things you say.
Waiting4TheStop Jul 2016
Deception mistaken for protection.
 Oh so naive.
Unwittingly taking fiction as gospel, wholeheartedly, they believe.
The art of lying, simply unable to conceive.

In these formative years, all the elders did was sugarcoat.
 Upon uncovering the truth.
They realize all that they've been fed is poison, slowly, it has been secreted.
 Down their throat.
 Cruelly cheated.
The innocence of youth.
(C) 2015
sayona Jun 2016
love lies
and so did you.
i believed your lies
all the way through.
naive and gullible,
that i was.
all because of a stupid thing called love.
*sometimes i like to write about situations that i'm not necessarily going through at the moment*
Keren Jun 2016
When I was younger
I was taught to never talk with strangers
For I was gullible
And they might fool me with no apparent reason

When I was a little older
Strangers turned into acquaintances
Acquaintances turned into friends
Friends turned into lovers

I learned that my elders were right
When they told me to never talk with strangers
For I was gullible enough to be fooled
I shouldve listened to them
Free Bird May 2016
They tell her that's she's gullible
They tell her she's naive
All she wants is to see the best in people
She truly just wants to believe

That there are still good people out there
Decent people, like herself
That live their lives with integrity
Helping others for more than an exchange of wealth

Yet time && time again,
People seem to take advantage
Of her kind hearted nature
Of her willingness to always bandage

Everyone else's wounds
All she really wants to do is mend
The hearts of all the broken
To listen whenever they need a friend

The girl whom is always helping
To fight other people's battles
The one that you deem weak
For helping piece back those who have been dismantled

Though she feels all alone at times
Though she could use help with some stuff
She'll never ask for anyone's aid
For her, helping them out is enough
Kindness is not weakness, it is strength.
Kenna Marie Feb 2016
Exasperation is the new season, flaunting it around instead of holding it inside.
Yes, these bags under my eyes are designer.

Help arrives in the nick of time, losing your unfiltered mind.
Bricks thrown, all sorts of sizes, too. Collecting and building, haunting your shrine. Hovering above is my denial. It reminds me why what I experience is such a trial.
Such a set back, run another lap. Farther and farther away…
Introduce me to the style.
Expired ideas are lightly sketched.
I gave up my sight of fashion when pressure popped out my eyes.
Nigel Finn Dec 2015
I sometimes wonder
if I were to write the word "gullible"
on the ceiling in cursive script,
how many people would have
enough faith in me
when I told them about it
  to look up.

There's a thin line
between trust and gullibility
and I'd like to think
that none of my friends
would be so gullible
to believe that I was lying
based on the public opinion
  of what I said.

Regardless of what the world
may think of me
with their downcast eyes,
my friends would look above
for the truth in my words
  and smile.
Brent Kincaid Dec 2015
I once dated a ******
And I loaned him money.
I laughed out loud in church.
Well! I found it all so funny.
I bought a used Chevy van
Without the proper paperwork.
I tried to get my money back
And the guy called ME a ****.

A friend told me I could buy ****
From a guy on the edge of Watts.
Eleven o’clock at night on his porch
Me, a stranger, waiting. Stupid ****.
Once I knew another guy, not well.
He wanted some dope from me.
I agreed to sell it, then realized
The fellow worked for the FCC.

I let a gal move in with me
A hippie from Haight Ashbury.
She drank my *****, ate my food
Then stole all she could carry.
It was just the kind of thing,
The sixties games we played.
Free love, open heart and then
After all that, I didn’t get laid.

A guy was selling hot TVs
From my place of employ.
A fool and money, you know
Is all about a gullible boy.
And, since the crook was a gal
I fell for it, because naturally,
A nice lady would never, ever
Try to swindle the sweet young me.

A guy was plunking his guitar
With a sign that said he was blind.
I gave him my last buck and
Figured I was just being kind.
At five o’clock, he got up to go
And I thanked my lucky star
That I was not blind like he was
Then I saw him drive away in his car.

Doing stupid things does not mean
That a person it a certifiable idiot.
It can mean that we trust too much
Or that we’re greedy and don’t admit it.
We see a chance to get a profit
Or even to do something nice
Then get stupid, do what we know
Is contrary to all good advice.
Meg Howell Aug 2015
I sat on your swing
and I kicked up my feet
You were pushing me softly
with the wind running through my hair
You started to pick up the pace
As I began to let go of the ropes
I trusted you
And the swing broke
And I cried
You sat and watched
for a minute or two
and then asked me to swing again
It's too late for that
Im not a child anymore
and the playground isn't my friend
If you personally know me, you’d know just how gullible I really am
You could tell me the sky’s falling and I’d believe you.
You could tell me you’ll change.
After the umteenth time I’ll finally realize a leopard doesn’t change its spots.
Like a wise man once said, “fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me - you can’t get fooled again.’

Okay, maybe George W. Bush wasn’t very wise but neither am I
Everyone makes mistakes so I’m sure as hell not one to judge
But I’m definitely good at holding a grudge
So don’t ever expect a hug from me
I’m speaking to all of my past friends that used me and the people that emotionally abused me
‘Luckily’ in my case this is to everyone but my family

Yes I’m emotional but I’m only a human
And yes I’m gullible to think I’ll always have the same friends
Some come and some go, but those that really matter are the ones that are there for you when you feel all alone
No I didn’t cut my hair for you guys to like me more or find me ‘attractive’
I cut it for myself because I started to dislike how I looked and I wanted to give to those who needed it more
The idea of making some little kid out in the world smile and happy about their appearance with a fresh new head of hair,  makes me feel a little bit better about myself.
But hey, if you don’t like it. There’s the door.

From here on out, I’ll be sure to only let positive people into my life and into my arms
But without a doubt, in the end, you’ll be remembered for the things you did and the things you’d never done, the people you hung out with and those you never even spoke to
Most of you may look at me and say, wow he really enjoys talking about himself or this poem is dumb
I wrote this poem to tell all of you at once that you shouldn’t do or say things you’ll regret
Learn to  look above the horizon and reach out to people you’d never imagine yourself talking to
Because someone out there will reach right back and bring you to a beautiful garden where the butterflies only exist in your stomach.
Don't be gullible like me and hear one opinion and believe to be true
Don’t let a group of people let you feel blue
Just as I shouldn’t have listen to those people back in middle school who called me worthless and dumb
Because I’m only human and I think I’m **** good one
Yeah I'm gullible, you can tell me you really like me and love everything about me and I'd believe it to be true.... In reality I literally dont have the slightest clue.....
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