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cndc Jun 2019
what used to be so vibrant
is now dull and lifeless
what used to be so bright
is now covered in darkness
her heart that was once so vivid
and contained every hue
has now turned into gray
all because of you
Amaris Jun 2019
Sky overcast, gray
Will the sun come out to play?
Let's dance in the rain
Jason Drury Jun 2019
Veins of sheets,
entangle us.
She tells me,
without sound.

Without pause,
she speaks,
in the backseat,
under frosty moonlight.

She feels me,
in blurry crowds
and through
crisp empty roads.

Follow her voice,
through mornings
painted gray.
She tells me.

Smiles with her eyes,
it's audible,
almost divine,
she glows.

She lets her hair down,
a breath of gold,
sweet and comforting.
You’re safe.

She is there,
solid as stone.
She is here,
for me.
L Jun 2019
Heating your tubes,
Resolving in stroke.

Live while you can,
All of your might.

One day it might
All Run out.

Run away
From you.

Out of reach,
Out your grasp.

Reaching far
Fingertips width away.


Skys dull to grey.
I may look gray but im feeling (strawberry) blue.

Im only part white.
Anastasia Jun 2019
forever waiting I shall be.
for my love to come to me.
there is a pain in my soul.
the time collects in a crystal bowl.
waiting forever, shall I be.
i shall wait until the end of the sea.
till the sky fades away.
till the flowers turn to gray.
for my love, forever, I shall wait.
David J May 2019
Its just suprising
How quickly the world can change
From colorfull... to gray
"Back so soon?" my heart says to istself, "yeah, i guess i'm back." I reply "but, it was kinda nice..."
I will return to that emotionless state, but this year... it wasnt so bad, i got hurt but perhaps the high was worth the pain...
ManxPoetryGuy May 2019
I'm stuck here,
in this place,
in this in-between,
in this Gray.

There is no light,
there is no dark,
I'm not anywhere,
but I'm also not nowhere.

I stare into a shaded sky,
it's end unforeseeable,
it's depth unimaginable,
but it's presence growing stronger.

It's quiet here,
but it's not silent,
like someone with words to say,
but not the voice to speak.

I'm neither cold here,
nor am I ever warm,
the Gray envelops them,
both the night and the morn.

I'm stuck here,
in this place,
I'm starting to fade away,
consumed by this world of endless Gray.
Hi guys, sorry Iv'e been absent for a good couple of months but i have been very busy university wise and health wise. I will be writing more frequently now as I have more free time, bit rusty but hope you enjoy : )
Amaris May 2019
I forget that the sun shines every day
In a part of the world somewhere
I’ve lived in the gray for so ******* long
The nothingness is more than I can bear
It’s rained so much I wonder if I’m drowning
I can’t seem to climb out and save myself
Every breath takes more effort than I have
All I’m good for is gathering dust on a shelf
But when the skies clear and the day glows
I can blossom and flourish like a flower
I will be bright and beautiful
I can be my own power
In favor of the sunny days of incoming summer
Matt Bernstein May 2019
A broken haze drifts down
form a gray and weary sky.

Who has cast this blanket?
It is dampening our light.

Lift this dull affair.
Bring the sun back to our lives

End this tiresome evening
of speckled windows and soft sighs
April May 2019
Waves again and again
chant the dirge deeply and sadly.
Petals are sprinkled on the water
for there's no moonlight on that day;
My memory submerges with the tides.
Coldness numbs the skyline,
lamenting the deposited good old times.
Time waits for no one.
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