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Ren Sturgis Jan 2022
It takes time to erase
the mistakes
that I've put in my soul.
But to take one mistake at a time
is to make me whole.
To play a part in this game
is to play a role.
But to remove all my mistakes
is my ultimate goal.
I am aware now that making mistakes allow you to be human and to learn and grow.
Brumous Oct 2021


walking in the path of enlightenment,
I choose to change;
not for my satisfaction
but for your very smile.

one step at a time.
Karijinbba Aug 2021
Love In person now required?
Love is omnipresent relax🐝📬
💌Transcends time and space.
without a goal a plan of action,
the chasm, the gap, the miles
🦋am I only doomed, in hope?
In cell computer, song what's up
call phone voice love in heart
Phone E-mail photo lyric poem
dance video these cards allies
Where there's a will 🦋
🦋there's a way.🐝✈️

Not our last dance love.
By Karijinbba.8-21
There it is, in the back of my mind,
gagged and handcuffed to a pipe,
covered in bruises and scars,
the long forgotten meaning of my life.
                               Humming a melody of hope,
                               stripped of dignity, insane,
                               beaten, mocked, almost tamed,
                               hoping to be rescued someday.
While you strive toward lofty goals
And work on them each day
Don’t ignore another’s need
But help along the way

While you journey on your path
Don’t be afraid to stray
Or tarry when a friend could use
Some help along the way

As you focus on your dreams
And try to shun delay
Stay open - with a loving heart
To needs along the way

Achievement and ambition
Are noble - yet I say
It may yet help another more
To serve along the way

So in our life of “end results”
Let’s not forget to pray
That we might see with open eyes
And help along the way
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A few days ago, Kim I were driving back from a trip to Colorado, and I asked her for poem ideas.  She said something about taking joy in the journey.  
She said the journey is part of life, and sometimes we hurry so much to get to our destination, that we miss the opportunities along the way.  We love our little hiking trips, and we always try to find new places to explore on the way to our destination.

In your life, look for the people who need your help along the way to where you are going (literally and figuratively).

To the sunshine in my day. The stars on a lonely night. Her voice is the only vaccine by which my boredom is cured. She fuels gleeful moments in my life. My dreams easily became true having found her earned me the most precious goal. To me she's worth beyond any diamond nor gold. She's my whole life my wife.

Got different encounter of this life. Different beliefs, different perspectives with diverse mindset towards it. But not anyone not a single soul even the sages of earth known enough. Man perish for fortune birds yet search for feeds. Life is really encounter. If you haven't feel you hadn't have life  lived to the fullest. He rode an horse wisdom back chasing, racing, a dream to caught. Ambition high way focus juncture off determination, goal lane destination.
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