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Malia Nov 2024
In my bones, I am a poet
And every word I trail shows it
Like a fingerprint to trace
Conjures an image of my face.

Any essays, I might write
With golden flourish, thrilling heights
With wide crescendos, rumbling frisson
Soft like silk and smooth like ribbon.

So when my teacher does request
A lab report or written test
I may bring tears to their eyes—
Still, I did not get it right.
Todd Sommerville Nov 2024
I touched her and she ran.
 Not far away,she didn't run to leave,
she ran to stay.
Just to the edge of where my eyes could see.
Hovering there in the periphery,
somewhere between hope and illusion.
She haunted me.
 No,Hunted me. 
A cat with great skill, lying in wait its ****.
I touched her and she ran, not so far as when first began.
It happened again at least a time or two.
As I was starting to understand,
It came to me,
(Stupid Man)
Don't you see?
 She's caught you.
Todd Sommerville Nov 2024
Making love in the afternoon underneath a blue sky, that's free,
That's you and me baby.
Kissing your fair skin, every freckle on your face.
You taste like sunshine, strawberry wine, and ***.
You smell like wildflowers and sweat.
You wreck my senses, break my defenses.
I am lost in the clouds in your eyes.
Making love under a blue sky.
That's free, that's you and me baby.
Absolutely free.
Just you and me.
this poem has been added in video form to my you tube page
copy the link or search @tsummerspoetry on you tube.
Todd Sommerville Nov 2024
Wishful eternal sphere formed by emotion
Where shatters come together in love
A new day whispers promises of hope and dreams reborn
As cloudy purple skies dissipate against receding storms
New life blossoms into a new dawn.
I tried to incorporate all the suggestions I received in the comments, please forgive the liberties I took in piecing this all together.
Thank you all for participating and please tell me what you think below.
Jennifer DeLong Nov 2024
You are daring and fun
You draw me in
I can't resist
I can play
I give it right back
sacarastic & flirty
You wanna try
I give it right back
Call me mouthy
I can see
see what's going on
I got ya baby
Wanna play
Let's play
Dam he's ****
I like this game
© Jennifer L Delong 11/2024
I'm your mothers favorite bad influence
Perfect and in line enough
to ignore the major red flags that should induce reluctance
and instead label me hard working and tough
the perfect girl to get to know

I'm who your father thought he would be
music that grates and teeth bared just sharp enough
an idea of who to be and the will to be free
smooth around the edges but inside too rough
the kind of seed in you he'd like to sow

I'm the disgrace with a pretty little face
and the intelligence to lie
and get by with just enough grace
so that one day this persona may die
as I fade from their neat little row
they wish i was on drugs, then they could have a reason not to like me
neth jones Nov 2024
in pursuit of you                          
i put myself in harms way
something ‘teethy’  entered my bloodstream
and  flooded   i hoped for the best

we crashed   and meddled   and crashed
a fixed ache  we were yanked back to
chairs, tables, sofas, beds
bending to the shapes and endurance levels
sounding off of their abilities to aid our act
          even thrown over washings machines
tatting against their vibrations
tossed about in bathrooms                                      
our clothing pulled from us outdoors
risking winter exposure
                                    dragged to the gritty pavement
and hurled against solid public art
all very much in tune                                            
        with natures ludic intentions
           and without a mote of embarrassment
                                               on our part
june 23

extracted bit -

shot through the seasons together
we thrashed about in the snow - in the night -
in the sick freeze of the city -
the trash -
quiet deafened and jarringly loud after the pubs let out
Robert Ippaso Oct 2024
The sun is hot
The birds all flock

The boats convene
Revelers serene

The drinks are cool
They make you drool

The wind blows soft
White sails aloft

Sleek Dolphins jump
The water thump

Our faces smile
For quite a while

This is the life
No thoughts of strife

Our own cocoon
Our sun - our moon

For just this while
We live in style

But all too soon
We're not immune

From noise and sound
Our senses pound

Reality hits back
Our peace off track

And yet we smile
For but a while

Thoughts of that day
When we might say

The sun is hot
The birds all flock

The boats convene
Revelers serene
Hope you enjoy
MetaVerse Oct 2024
Frisbee flies
Like a UFO.

Blue skies.

A tic-tac-toe
Of them trails
Called chem trails.

Nanoaliens hatch.

A wonky throw—
He makes the catch!

Jennifer DeLong Oct 2024
Ghosts & Goblins
dance in the dark
Skeletons are crawling
in yards everywhere
Cauldrons begin to
boil as brooms
ready for flight
Witches gather
in delight for
soon it's
It's time to prepare
to ***** and scare
Time to plug in the
lights & decorate creepy pumpkins  
Don't forget the spiders
they like crawl and bite.
Let's all have fear & fun this
Halloween night !!
© Jennifer L DeLong 10/2024 ☠️🎃🧙
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