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Liyanne May 2020
And just like a butterfly
You appreciate me when i'm there
Then forget i ever existed
Once I disappear
Im here
Liyanne May 2020
Each day I wake up
And let my messages buffer,
What if someone chatted?
while I was on my slumber

I received the usual messages
From groupchat's of school and friends
I read each message I missed
Until the very end

I do this every morning
Unless I don't feel well
I put some messages in ignore
and turn off my notification bell

I don't know why I do this
Maybe I want people to see
The girl that had always been there
Hasn't been online lowkey

I still check my messages
To see if someone's there
I let my messages buffer
To find that it's all bare

That day, I learned the truth
The painful truth that scars my heart
Even though you're always there
You are never enough
Phoenix May 2020
You spited me for my actions
that I did without realisation.
You committed the same sins
With a clear mind.

Condemned for my distance,
forced to tear down my walls
only for yours to tower
and push me further away.

Our actions were one of the same,
our mistakes almost identical
The only difference was I loved you
and all you could love was yourself...

I wish you the best,
for my heart holds your image pure
but my mind knows the truth
Watch me push away my logic and let you in
old willow May 2020
Swift was dusk, reminding people how time flies by quickly before one realized.
Their world was separated,
two boundaries that could never met,
as was fated by heaven itself.

Slip from the crack of the boundary,
The two illusionary figures collide.
Stretching across the land,
White flakes cover every nook and cranny,
Their figures were like two magnets attracted toward one another.

She knew of his name that was covered in blood.
He had walked a path filled with corpses,
the murderer who slaughtered millions with his sword.
Looking at him from a distance, she laughed.
Nothing was needed to be said,
for words were meaningless to the both of them than the look they gave to each other.

The country is broken, though hills and rivers remain,
In the city in spring, the grass and trees are thick.
Chaos, like oil mixing with water, order is not to be anchored.
Enemy, are many;
Peace is few.
In this world, my enemy is numerous as clouds,
Are you willing to accompany my path?

Her smile was the blooming spring that would be coming.
Somehow, she had always believed in him.
He would never fail her.
If he walked the path filled with obstacles, then she would accompany him!

Alone in the northern lands,
The two of them burrow their feet in the earth,
Hands held gently against one another as they faced each other.
A tranquil solemnity befalls on the place,
as all of nature was to witness the soon unity of the couple,
Far from the turmoil of the world.

First, Prayer to the heaven and earth present to witness their love.
As if signifying their presence,
The earth shook, the clouds cleared.
Their heads held high, and their gaze locked onto each other.

A bow to Heaven and Earth,
This bow is as surreal as a dream.
First thanking Heaven for bestowing conformity upon the two of us,
Allowing me to meet you among billions of people,
Till white-haired yet never parted.

A bow to Heaven and Earth,
Kneeling love and hate into dust,
Before kowtowing the earth, permitting a place of quietude for the both of us.
let us imagine the world hatred as congratulatory,
In the end, neither of us owning the other anything,
This life, this moment,
There are only the twos of us.

And the final bow to Heaven and Earth,
the last to represent that they would stick through thick and thin,
a bow to each other,
Immemorial promises to remind each other that they are one yet not, alone yet together.
Their conviviality was sent as a prayer to Heaven and Earth,
coveting their thoughts for peace,
And may it last forever more, under the eternal heaven.

If not this life,
In the next life,
May we meet again.
old willow May 2020
Fragrant earthy scent, the sweet morning dew.
Last night was ephemeral, ethereal, and lonely.
Melodic splash,
‘Oh how it soothes one's heart’.
The scent of the mist left me hazy, like a lost traveler;
My gaze, distant and blurred.

The rain may shatter the silence, but not my loneliness.

A sip of wine, sadness begone…
Absented, contemporary sorrow bygone…
Memories and rain,
What’s the difference?

Forming of the droplet, is life.
Reaching Earth, is death.

Life is like this, a falling raindrop…
Obstacles are the wind,
Exerting influence on the falling droplet;
Few can reach the earth…
Many get lost amidst their journey...

Look further, memories are countless rain drops.

Oh how the splashing of the rain soothes one’s heart.
Yet, Indulging oneself in rain,
It’s hard not to get drench.

Oh how the moment of the past soothes one’s heart.
Yet, Indulging oneself in moment of the past;
It’s hard not to drown.

Below the mountain, a merchant cart approach.
With four wheels, it moves to one city, then returns.
Amidst storms, and rocky path, it carries someone;
resembling a mortal lifetime journey...

People lives, no different from a falling droplets of water,
a fleeting moment.
It’s formed, fall, then finally burst;
Returning to the earth.
Sorrow, bitter, and sweetness, contained in such a small drop...

My hand’s cold, stressed body filled with relic of the past;
Placing down a wine cup in hand, I sighed.
“When will the next storm arrive?”
Malikah Awan May 2020
Unnoticed, non- existent, who?
That is me.
Hidden behind the shadows,
that's all I'll ever be.
Me smiling and laughing is something you'll never see,
or is it something
you dread to see?

You glare at my every move
when what you should be doing is soothe
the feelings that put me on edge.
Isn't that what mothers do?
Not you!

You were never like others,
only ever comforted my brothers;
didn't ever believe in lovers,
prohibited love for others like me,
or was it just you didn't desire the best for me, we'll see.

Me smiling and laughing
is something you'll never see,
when you're wishing the worst for me.
But do you ever put a wish my way?
Do you even think of me any day?
Remember my name?
only a burden on your chest;
missed out on the chance of being protected in your nest.

Forgotten is all I am,
unnoticed, non-existent, who?
The Unsung Song May 2020
Clear like muddy water,
fluid, but opaque,
is my mind.
With each capsule that I swallow,
I get more and more,

Prescriptions as if I need them.
Needing them as though I'm broken.
Maybe I am,
Maybe I am,

Shattered as glass cracks.
In other words,
it doesn't.
Instead, it breaks into countless pieces,
never to be fixed again.

Oh, I'd give anything to be fixed again.
I'd give anything,
to feel clear again.
While I don't take medication for mental health, I do feel foggy and confused by my feelings a lot of the time.
I think I fell in love once,
Since then I have not been able to love another.
Will I ever truly be able to fall in love again?
I do not know, perhaps I lack sympathy to love another.
Pity, I pity the one who decides to fall for me.
I cannot love another human, I don’t think I have ever loved a person truly.
I cannot love unless I love myself.
Don’t expect much from someone that cannot show affection.
My mind is the logical part of me
While my heart yearns for everything that it touches
Split those two apart and my mind will always win
Don’t cry over us, we never had a future.
To my first ‘love’ I hope you are doing well, this will never get to you. I hope you achieved your happiness. I don’t know where my happiness lays at. The only thing I know is that I’m doing ok.
Nigdaw Apr 2020
the bread you gave us yesterday
was warm and smelt of home
it tasted sweet and comforting
our stomachs full to bursting

the bread you gave us today
was mouldy and hard to swallow
it tasted of bitter memories
of how you loved us once

the bread you'll gives us tomorrow
will be hard and cold as stone
it will taste forgotten like ashes
when the fire has lost it's soul
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