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Trinkets Dec 2024
some dream of warmth
some dream of flying

some spend mornings lying
balancing on the edge
between sleep and awake

half dreamt images
of dancing flames
heat warming their face

or lingering sensations
of falling
remembering soaring
through the sky

meeting someone
share the dream
such a rarity

find and be found
instead of searching
the reason we search

few words needed
when minds mere touch
feel like home

to know already
the smile in your voice
to words not said

the touch of your hand
in mine
without holding

few words needed
none allowed

to share a dream
is unspoken

there had been signs to indicate
you too hid matches in your coat

if one were to find them now
others not to be ignored

tasting on your skin
a silent longing for
someone to share your skies

nothing now in your eyes
but squinting back to see

attempts at finding
wordless answers

some do not remember dreams
they have but half dreamt images
lingering sensations

if you had but asked
if only I had shared
I never wanted flying

I dream of fires
showyoulove Dec 2024
Let love like sweet perfume
Permeate this sacred room
No longer is Jesus in the tomb
The stone was rolled away
To reveal a brilliant light
All around stood amazed
At this miraculous sight
The sweet perfume of lilies
Was caught up on the breeze
And lifted up to Heaven on high
Like the prayers down on our knees
He is risen, he lives once more
Oh, come let us worship and adore
Like sweet perfume, we are drawn
To follow and to seek the source
We search for an invisible force
May our lives turn out to be
Like sweet perfume unto thee
Attractive to others, a blessing too
But, in all things, may it point to you
Let your love, like sweet perfume,
Surround me and always enfold
As I strive to listen and do what I'm told
A love worth more than all the gold
Let your love warm my heart and soul
Kindle the flame of love in these coals
Let me burn for you with holy desire
Let it reach ever farther and higher
To you, our prayers are oh so sweet
Without your love we are incomplete
Fill our lungs with the sweet peace of God
That we may walk where even angels haven't trod
Written Easter 2019
M Dec 2024
there is a fire inside of me. not a good one.
a cold warmth, shallow,
not nearly deep enough to permeate through surface skin.
the kind of temperature that doesn't seep into you,
the feeling of a fire that has been left out in the air too long,
and has cooled off in the meantime.

it is a disjointed heat, spread through me like flushed skin,
spotted and blotchy, an uneven feeling. i am off-balance,
always have been. an awkward child, with scraped knees
and a head that tilts leftward. i'll tell myself i'll change,
i'll grow up. i do.

now i google symptoms in my free time and stare through slats in windows and think about you.
i wake up sometimes and my body feels like it is walking too fast
and too slow at the same time.
i wake up sometimes and
i am not in my body.

my knees are clean, knuckles scraped;
i start hitting brick walls in my free time,
when you aren't around.
my head still leans slightly to the left.
i watch movies
where people explode out of themselves
and understand the feeling.
i get it, i get it, i do.
my stomach is empty, so i do not eat.
i am making a home for something inside of it. there is nothing nesting inside of me yet but i know there will be.
the waiting weighs me down.

my heart prickles inside of me.
i'm all muted now. maybe always was.
there is a fire inside of me. that's not who the home was for.
showyoulove Nov 2024
From the ashes of the dead, new life is born
And hope will rise like the sun on Easter morn
The same fire that ravages, gives warmth and light
The same fire that destroys, on a candle, is a welcome sight
We will rise again on the wings of the dawn
We will dance with the joy of a newborn fawn
It is a chance to rebuild, restart, and renew
To see what beauty lies hidden from view
From out of the ashes, we will rise again
We say: "Let it be done" Amen
From the crucible of fire, we will survive
Having been purified, we will now thrive
The loss is real, but it mustn't feel
Like the end. It is a brand-new start
And the memory will remain here in our hearts
I truly believe that out of the ashes we will find
Evidence of something profoundly divine
That in its wake there will come a grand revival
An awakening of faith that will have no rival
There will be a day of great jubilation
Where people will come from every nation
To join hands and hearts as sister and brother
Where peace resides and we love one another
From these ashes, I pray we will remember
That life is fleeting, and life is a treasure
But we will rise above the ashes and dust
To find something in which we can trust
Written on April 15, 2019 around 6pm CST without prior knowledge of the fire that occurred at the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris around that time in CEST (Central European Summer Time) just after 11am local.
Kian Nov 2024
Into darkness carry fire
when all seems grim, and bleak, and dire,
When shadows loom and hope retreats,
Let not your spirit know defeat,

Through the night, when fears conspire,
Let your heart be a burning pyre,
With every step in the abyss,
Hold fast to dreams, onwards persist,

In storms of sorrow, in waves of pain,
Tend your flame through wind and rain,
When in the dark and facing foes,
Be the light, the torch, the glow,

Though the world may tear and tire,
Keep your spirit ever higher,
Against the tide and through the mire,
Into darkness carry fire.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light
Nahin Nov 2024
The boy I met on the river bank
Told me a truth
Unasked, unruth -

How do you smile
without a fake?
As if,
To cast a fire
And burn on a lake.
Some confrontations of unnoticed truths.
Roxy Oct 2024
Maybe I like putting things on fire.
Maybe that's the way I am.
Maybe I've always been a liar
saying I don't give a ****.
Maybe your eyes are my torment,
maybe I can't commit.
Maybe my mind is a storm, and
maybe it can't be fixed...
Trinkets Nov 2024
we have an understanding
you and I
carefully tiptoe around

no touch waltz game of mirrors
and pretending
we do not see
attempts to follow or to lead
all focus on to hide
enough to please believe

I am worthy of the dance

inner thoughts printing press
working overtime
writing stories variations
hundreds thousands
locked up overflowing
when any one would do

finding myself
grasping lighters
hiding in my pockets
desperately wanting
something real
a fire all consuming
destroying what is me
to burn all past beliefs

I would grab old stories
by the handful crumpled paper
dismiss all for just one truth
throw them all to fuel flames
for just one scribbled piece
of any story from you

answers in a conversation
surrendered for imagined somethings
the nature of human loneliness
reading only what there is to read

there never would be fires
or firework displays

no darkened smoke
no burning out
no disappointment

just endless inner libraries in decay
Jeremy Betts Nov 2024
Self destruction
With no red button
Internal spontaneous combustion

A flipped switch
Quick curve ball pitch
Veered straight for the ditch

No countdown timer
No red, no blue wire
Just a smoldering dumpster fire

Struggle with each next breath
Welcoming a last breath
A timeless back and forth with death

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