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MSunspoken May 2020
You aren’t broken
Emotions are a constant flow from you
-a growing stain on your perspective

You aren’t sad
Tears may leak you a river
But you haven’t looked up in ages

You aren’t lonely
Always surrounded by onlookers
-you just don’t feel involved

You aren’t depressed
A cloud has only passed over your head
Raining down on your conscience

You aren’t scared
What even is fear to someone
Who always has the electric bill paid

You aren’t a liar
Experience just hasn’t caught you yet
Wait until what you say is true-
Naive-don't say what you don't know.
A universal word.
Nik Bland Feb 2020
Cracked China cup
At a chipped table
Stained cloth dressing
Do you still see
Tell me now
As broken candles
Broken things
See broken things
And cracks hide
I see you
This crack’ed thing
And I see you
Lovely you
But not outdone
They try to
Break you
Take you
Because you’re the only
A cracked cup
That runneth over
Can still hold your
Oh precious
How you’ve grown
Setting a place that
You deserve
I pray that
You are filled
Cracks only
When you can’t

But I’d gladly hold
Nylee Sep 2019
In a second
I experienced the life
sweet and sour
Humanxyz Jul 2019
Full stop
In conclusion
She fell in love
He caught her
He cheated
She died
#love#end#alone#cheated #lovelies#broken#lesswords#heartache#alone
Left Foot Poet Mar 2019

“La natura è piena d infinite ragioni che nò furò mai in isperiètia”
Leonardo da Vinci


that the very next millisecond blink
will be, reveal a, theater curtain rising,
a play of your composition,
a painting of your composure,
a newly cresting reason,
infinite in number,
infinitesimal aggrandizing majesty in granular shapes,
a shock so grand you say out loud willingly,

therefore, I am

the first word
of the next page or poem you turn to,
will change your No. 1 reason for living,
to your knees dropped trembling,
comprehending the renaissance of his
isperiètia (experience)

there are infinite books and infinity words,
do the probability calculation of inspiration
and confess
every sun rising, every rainbow unexpected,
every moonlight solstice,
every glance freely stolen taken,
is nature,
your nature, revealed,

these are your unveilings,
revealing the fullness of you,
the likeness of discovery
how what we see in our uncommonality
is our communion


This year marks the quincentennial of the death of Leonardo da Vinci, the Italian Renaissance master who died in May 1519.
4:24pm March 21, 2019

This year marks the quincentennial of the death of Leonardo da Vinci, the Italian Renaissance master who died in May 1519.  


Leonardo da Vinci
Sara Marsh Nov 2018
And so I am here again
Starting over, remembering the difference between what was, what is, what should have been

And so I am defining love
Unselfish, steadfast and unwavering through all that may try to invade what has been build to last

And so I see it for what it was
A desperate wanting for untainted promises and pure devotion by one who said he would

And so I see what I missed
The two were not equal; one was not tested and true. For she was the only one that was prepared, that was...

Mongi Jan 2018

A luxury common across mankind
But intriguingly,
Never experienced the same
Just never
We love and want to love differently, but it's all love
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