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smokey basil Mar 2018
I hate how you yell at me.
You call me
and so very rude.
I really am trying my best,
I just can't live up to
your level of expectations.
Ally Gottesman Mar 2018
Do not give me a
Structure to follow
When you tell me to
Be diverse and myself
In this rigid *******
Faolan Okan Mar 2018
People Strive
to see the ocean beyond the great island
But often do not realise
that we are all in the same pond.
We feel the ripple in the water
Calling us
Feeding us thoughts that create an image of
How the world wants YOU to see
But when the water is drained
And the steps are set
We often question where we began
And what was left
Merely an idea of how the world presents itself and what you expect of it, until you grow up and realise what's really behind the doors (not very literate or structured, just for fun)
Nicole S Mar 2018
Identity is a lot like clothing.
It is rooted in the idea that you must-
absolutely must-
wear it in order to offer anything
to society.

But sometimes, your body changes.
It is a natural process,
a revolution of cells and mathematics
and biology merging,
or thinning into white lines.
It is something that every human
inevitably experiences,
and yet we are taught to punish ourselves
for our bodies
if they do not fit the clothing
or the style
that is "in."

I used to be thin and nondescript.
I conformed easily;
my skinny jeans were snug and comforting
and entirely right.
But as I grew older,
they began to struggle to climb my hips,
to nestle my waist and claim ownership
of the land they once recognized.
They became a distraction.
They became a discomfort.

So I traded them for something looser.
Something new.  Similar, yes, but different.
My friends did not understand.
"Why couldn't you just go a size up?
The old style was just fine.
A bigger size would suit you better,
so why not at least try?"

Why, indeed?  I still wonder.

Perhaps it was because so many people
tried to buy me new clothes.
I didn't understand or particularly like
the ripped, frayed blue jeans,
and I definitely did not favor
the vulnerability of short skirts
or tight dresses.

Why should you dictate
what I decide to wear,
as if you have any right to my body?

Why do you insist on such precise fits?

Why can't I dance through my days
in something loose, something flowing,
something I myself don't understand?

Instead, I still tried to wear my old pants.
And when again they no longer fit,
stretched and miserable and wrong,
I lay down in the laundry basket
and waited to be discovered
and tossed out
with the ***** clothes.
Let me be free.
There is no more painful love
than unrequited love
A heart that is open
pouring out to another
but an empty space
like a vacuum
with nothing in return

Like giving a gift
‘Tis better to give than receive
And the heart offers freely
all of its wonderful presents

Free of expectations
when truly filled with love
It blindly releases itself to another
With a simple creed
‘I am for you’

Like the wall of a dam
suddenly letting go
A deluge of emotions
Thoughtful, interest, caring, warmth, love
A flowing waterfall
of Niagara proportions

However, without intention

which goes without saying
since the truer the love
the blinder it be

The vacated space
creates a sudden vacuum
A sharp, deep pit left
where once all of itself was housed

For a brief time
the heart is unaware
still glowing in the warmth
from the happiness and joy
of the love it gives

But slowly the glow fades
And the presence of the empty space
becomes more obvious
and apparent

A coldness sets in
An addict looking for a fix
The heart desperately seeks
in return what it has given

Never intending to give with strings
but so it finds itself
now tied to another
with the strongest of bonds

The intense fulfilling feeling
once experienced
Replaced with anguish,
longing, loneliness and pain

The mind and heart begin
an epic civil war
Feeling the torment
and seeing the destruction
the mind invokes all its resources
to break the bonds
the heart has created

But with hope that is
almost sad and pitiful
the heart refuses to let go
So sure of the ties it made
And fighting back with all
of its might to defeat
any attempt
the mind has
to remove the bonds of love

A man at war with himself
will find himself at war with others
And so, the inner conflict
resonates outwardly
displayed aptly with defiance
and destruction

Like a pebble in a pond
each action creates ripples
Slowly at first
but then with exponential speed
a life is destroyed
leaving only a broken
and beaten shell

And after all the destruction
and loss
All of the pain and suffering
The tears and sorrow
At this moment
standing on a pile
of nothing but debris
The mind,
with a sense of arrogance
and certainty,
confronts the heart
and pointedly asks,
“Do you see now?!
Do you see the
error of your ways??
Look what it has cost us!
Do you see the
mistake you’ve made?!”

Without hesitation or waiver
the heart responds
with a steady certainty
that is calm and cool in nature,
“No. Love is a risky venture.
One always, ‘takes a chance at love’.
But I will not admit
fault for trying.
When I love
I love freely and openly
I offer all of myself
without expectations
It’s only when you get involved
and create conflict within
that we have problems
To love is to love
It brings joy and happiness within itself
If it is not returned
then it is not returned
but an open and loving heart
can not feel emptiness and pain for it is filled with love
And there is no greater reward
than finding that love in another
and having another
find that love
in you
Written: March 4, 2018

All rights reserved
amme Mar 2018
I imagine a biological plant,
I reach for It but can't touch It beacuse It's only my imagination.

I picture the same plant and reach to grab it but this time It's in 2D.

Now I am holding the plant. I can see and feel It got many features trying to prove itself being realistic but
It got no smell, no dirt, no life. It's just a prop.

Unlike your plant..

I can feel the warmth, the edgy imperfections, the good intentions of your plant.
I can see the healthy strains, the perfect ratio, the water flowing through your plant.
I can smell the unique aroma, the soul essence, natures soil all over your plant.

So I inject my plant with drugs, steriods and testoserone to match yours.
Look at my plant now world!
- Its just GMO'd.
Trying to be real made my plant more fake than It ever was.

How am I supposed to spread my seeds when my plant is so dysfunctional?
It would only create more confused and broken plants and eventually the world would be destroyed.

"Evolution could only come after a revolution"
Is a quote stuck in my brain.
Should I let my plant rot for the better
or should I keep watering It hoping for the best?
I really dont know anymore.
yellow-thoughts Feb 2018
i have always lied about my favorite color
i don't know why...

i'm saying it's blue, like sea and sky
but i have always loved white
i don't know why...

i love it's pureness
and white reminds me of possibilities
i don't know why...

the only thing i know for sure
i'm always striving for it..

Hannah Cutler Feb 2018
I’m done with sitting around
waiting for life to guide me
through a meaningless existence
as if things just happen.
hoping for problems to work
themselves out, regressing
to the safety and comfort
of nothingness,
doing nothing,
being nothing,

options have plagued the world,
so vast and unattainable that you’re
overwhelmed by choice,
disadvantaged by practicality.
expectations appear formidable
until you realise that most
lead a nine to five life,
hypnotised by the norm,
the mundanity is too much.

how do you begin to transform
a life that is settled in its routine?
to chance and hope without a
tangible end goal

then one day you realise
your meaning in life.
so precious and perfect
you must savour it,
cherish it. delve into
the world of possibility.

not everything works out.
truly there is no overarching
meaning to existence
but when you find your own
as different and quirky as it may be,
embrace its madness and
then you will be free.
I have been thinking a lot recently about what I want my life to be and how I am going to achieve that. I realised that there are so many routes a person can take in life, so much so that it becomes overwhelming to decide and almost impractical to start fresh. A lot of people end up trapped in their normal routine out of fear for the unknown and I am determined to break free of my predictable daily existence and live a life I can enjoy in its entirety, but I am still not sure what that looks like, yet.
Stephanie Feb 2018
Did you ever did your best?
And hopes that it will do the rest
To hope for something,
To start believing
That you can and you will
That this time it's real
Start every day with bravery
And ends it with victory

                                  But oh, why this happened?

Where are the efforts you send?
It flown away into the wilderness of nowhere
Where are the time you borrowed
To pay the success of tomorrow
Where are the hopes you hope for?
Are they now the predators who roar?
The beast named failure choke your dreams
Once symphony, now screams
Bravery, victory; where are they?
Only pain and cries today

This is not how it supposed to be
But it's exactly what transpire in me
And so to lower the dose of pain, I'd tell you
Lower the expectancy rate too.
Ellie Canty Feb 2018
If I could dream of anything,
You would have to be it.
You're better than anything else,
I could ever hope to have.

What if I can't tell dreams,
Away from reality.
I may never, want to, ever leave.
However, you are the only thing.
That I will ever need,
And you could never be replaced,
By figment or a dream.

It's truly you that I want,
And all I ever wanted.
But still when I dream,
I want to dream of you.
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