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eli Jun 2016
i have dreams
where your hand
is held by mine.
our fingers, lace and intertwine,
your simple touch, casts me drunk like wine.

i have visions
where i bestow you flowers
forever, forever blooming!
shining in your light, never to die
for a life without you must surely be a lie

i have hopes.
hopes, that you will see the good in me
that the wonder i see in you can never be deceived
hopes, that will never fall
hopes, that if i shall,
i choose you as my downfall.

i have worries.
worries you will find love elsewhere
where i must be perfect or else,
worries we will not work out,
and end up with fractured smiles as the only workout.

i have fears.
fears so frantic i pace to see you soon.
fears you'll fade with the full moon.

have me.
you have me.
for as long as i maintain the will to breath,
a breath without you near shall be a breath too soon.
s May 2016
my head scares me
yelling at myself in the car
I am so done
hitting the steering wheel over and over
I am losing it
salt water dripping down cheeks
me hate
it all comes
back to how
I am the problem
why feed the problem
starve the problem
its your choice
fat or thin?
I have so much to be grateful for
I dont know why I feel like this
I am fat
I'm just done
Phoenix Jan 2016
Top ten reasons I don't like spiders and you shouldn't like them either

10) They are eight legged legos on the floor
9) They crawl around like spider plants
8) They make the walls have eyes
7) Spiders are EVERYWHERE
6) There are 34,000 DISCOVERED species
5) They are small- they can get anywhere
4) They can sneak up on you
3) Some of them jump!!
2) Spiders are lethal!
1) Spiders Plot Ingenious ******* Extravaganzas Rudely

Top reason to enjoy killing spiders

1) If I hurt one I wouldn't have to make amends
Write a poem entitled “10 Reasons I Don’t Like _________________ and You Shouldn’t Like _____________ Either.” Your poem should include 10 numbered sections, at least one metaphor, a reference to a plant in home or backyard, an example of onomatopoeia, and a line from your favorite song.  

But what don’t you like? Mayonnaise? Birdsong at 5:00 in the morning? Rock gardens? Trump? FaceBook? Crocheting? Mean people? Guns? Hillary? Cold pizza? Polar bear swims? Poetry?
Emma Oct 2015
Words aren't bandaids
for wounds of the heart
and promises aren't plane rides
against the distance that keeps us apart
Your absence is the loudest sound
I keep its' echoes for when you're not around

You can only send
so many postcards
before words like "love"
become a language so dead
your own tongue has forgotten how to speak it
You can only mend
a heart so many times
before "irreparably damaged"
becomes a definition on its' label
before you start to pretend
that the space between them and you
isn't tearing the two

how can it be
with so many around
I still want you here with me

You cannot build a body
solely from pretty words
You can't build a human form with words.
Tim Buggy Aug 2015
creepy little crawlers,
they have the audacity to push their slimy feelers on me,
i can already smell the stench from miles away,
their vile oil infested goo can stay away from my skin,

if only you were a creepy little crawler,
then I could squeeze your insides out,
mash your pathetic body into pulp,
but my chain is still too tight for me to run,
so I'll let you ooze yourself onto me.
yeah alright
Sophie Healy Jun 2015
Your words tell me you like me...
But your hands tell of a different story.
And thanks so much for not asking me how I feel, in case you're wondering, I really don't like you or even want you, so stop.
I crave human touch, and accept the occasional hug, but I barely know who you are so can you not?
I am sorry your pathetic male mind fails to comprehend that just because I like it doesn't mean I like you
So.. Not only are you deaf, but you must be blind to, because whenever you try engage me in activity I am already being engaged in music, which is something more intimate then you'll ever share with me!  
You Sir, are more appalling than appealing, and if you haven't gotten the message yet how the **** did you pass the third grade?
It is a serious issue, and so are people like you
Who need to learn the meaning of no and to know when you're not wanted, so maybe you should go.
This came to an awkward stop......
Kelvin Apr 2015
Desperate times calls for desperate measures,
Desperate mind, peer pressure?
Are you blind or are just a tester?
Leave her behind, IT will not give you any pleasure.
desperate people.
Vic Kenney Mar 2015
I used to be terrified of horror movies
when  I was only 5.
And I used to be terrified of horror movies
when I was only 7.
But by the time I turned only the age of 13
the horror movies didn't seem so scary.
I didn't get nightmares from movies like The Grudge
or even reading books like The Shining.
Now I can watch a horror movie that I was so terrified of when I was 5
and not even flinch at the scariest parts.
And that is because my life
has turned into it's own horror story.
And I am used to the everyday fears of my life
passing day by day.
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