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Ninah Aug 2020
the cursed rattlesnake hissing
realising now i knew what had been missing
**** my mind mind mind for lying!
to myself, smiling
promising i could fix him;
rattlesnake hissing
"you're the only one who needs fixing"
Theology refers to the incident inside The Garden of Eden as the "Fall of Man" as, against God's will, Adam eats the forbidden fruit offered by Eve, which allowed him to distinguish good from evil. However, the bible does not actually mention an apple. In Latin, evil is 'malum' and an apple is called 'malus'. This could have been either a simple mistranslation or a deliberate play on these words.
Karijinbba Aug 2020
You're my reality, yet I'm lost in a dream
You're the first, the last, my everything.
heart of gold King of hearts
Dear twin flame twin soul
we are lost and found again
profile after profile I seek thee
let's bless, the curse
darling to heavenly grounds
transition our fated paths.

No more sadness your joy and pain is my own into the forest land we roam free at last, nothing can break us apart

No Naga snakes can deceive me
to strange geek sociopathic Medea infested lands mislead ****,
nor poison me.
I feel safe in the dream scripted
for us crafted

I know there's only,
only one like you
There's no way they could have made two we are uniquely tied in one dream
St JudeOhpat my Saint
you're all I'm living for
Your love I'll keep for ever more
King of Hearts Adam true love
I am your Eve lover.
Thine beauty Eve is me Karijinbba
from here to eternity.
Ye paint mine own Heart's divinity;
two spirit souls forever one in unity
my first love my last
oh my everything!
glued together babe oh babe
sweet baby oh darling
I love you.
By; Karijinbba 08-2020
there's only one of you and one of me.
Knut Kalmund Jul 2020
just like my eyes hurt, whenever I venture
a step outside my antrum

so they do, whenever I look at you.
and when I shut my eyes, the sun is gone

your eyes still pierce through
rebellious daughter of Midas

you turned your left wing into gold
of what avail is the other one now?

and your heart that glistens
oh what price you have paid
Thank your for reading.
Marri Jul 2020
You take me to a field.
Overgrown with weeds, grass, and wildflowers with a mind of their own.

Our fingers make 10 promises as you lead me barefoot through the brush.

You chose a dark starry night with the moon to oversee our ventures.

Pulling me through,
I lift the hem of my dress in an attempt to save it from stains.

Your feet stop.
“This is it.”
You say.

Pulling me to my knees,
The bare ground tickles me fancy.

I look up to see you towering over me, with the moon as my witness.
You push my arms over my head,
Tugging my dress,
Shrugging it down my shoulders.

Exposing me to the Earth—
I feel everything.
The grass, the stars, your every exhale, and the hiss of a snake. (Somewhere in the night with us.)

You smile down at me, and of course,
I smile back.

I start to speak,
You push your hand over me.

“You mustn’t speak.”
I comply.

Your eyes glow yellow in the dark.
A flash of regret and guilt flutters into my heart.
“Are you sure we should do this?”

He reaches to shed his shirt, molting layer after layer,
Revealing new skin, cold to the touch.

Pressed against me, bare.
Out of the crook of his neck:
I see the stars.
Blinking, flickering, dancing for me.

Beautiful, angelic,
You create a new woman out of me.

Clearing at dirt, grabbing at grass, and gasping at the sight of seeing stars.

Crickets sing into the night, frogs croak a melodic ballad, and the birds whistle in their sleep.

A chorus of the night.
Snakes hiss join in.

You use me anyway you want.

“You mustn’t tell anyone.”
I seal my lips with the taste of a red kiss.

As the moon grows tired of the night,
The sun peaks into our world.

You lift me up, slipping my dress back onto my shoulders.
Zipping me up with ease.

I look down to see it tainted with green grass and brown Earth.

‘Was it worth it?’
I sigh, but smile.

Our hands meet again for our last ten promises as you lead me again through the brush.
Through tall grass, tired weeds, and wild flowers.

You lead me out into the sun.

“Here is where we part, my love.”

“Will I see you again?”

“Only on your darkest days.”

You kiss me again.
The shakes hiss and night choir sings. Angelic.

Eyes open—
You’re gone,
Gone with the night.

I turn for home.
(Wherever that is.)

“Where were you, my other half?”

“I was with the night.”

“What’s that in your hands, darling?”
“Show me!”

As if magic, I feel an object pressed against my palm.
(The palm that once held you.)

I slowly open up, breaking our promise.
I reveal the only remnant of our night:
A red apple.

With a fresh bite missing,
My mouth tingles wet.
Merry Jul 2020
Eve ate the untouchable apple
And was made to leave Eden
With Adam, beside her, and his child

Persephone ate the pomegranate
And was made to stay in Styx
With Hades as her husband

To stay or to leave,
I want a man to eat fruit with,
As lovers, loyal and sublime
Lily Priest Jul 2020
It all lay in amber
Frozen in its golden heart
lingering lost in the garden -
Sentinel that had stood for all the good
And all the bad of knowing.
He hissed his holy hopes for her
As red and rosy and sweet to taste
As she remembered, sticky on her fingers
And as naked as the day that she was born
From breath.
Tempter and temptress looked one last time
Eyes in line, he among the deadened leaves
Of a deitys dream, she at the gates
Wondered at each others mistakes,
All encased in amber.
Steven Boston Jun 2020
Seed planted
lost lands of confusion
meandering the field of persuasion
the well watered words wearily sewn
out of proportion the yeast expands
yesterdays horizon vast and plentiful
today's frayed threads coming loose
A small poem about the doubt that was planted in Eves mind in the garden of Eden.
through magenta clouds
dazzling shards of eve sunlight
did cleverly cut
Karijinbba May 2020
Adam beloved I'm your Eve.
Who hears your snores that once patrock-Rick me to sleep?.
Who claims your lips on aching thighs
to priceless Boomerang thrills,
exploring some other river rapids
but meandering to my bliss.
You keep looking at my starry skys.
Milky way Andromeda closing in.
We know why this is,
something higher reels
my Eve for my Adam afire is
ever riding in our midst.
Copy Rights apply: 05-16-2020
Loving each other from a distance
suspended in the midst..

"I somehow observe
that we hurt each other too deeply,"

but love one other .

Living a lifetime in mourning
was my soul's turn to atone pay.
Penny Laine Apr 2020
I lay naked under the moonlight
For God to see the Apple with a bite
Though unlike she before me
There's no shame to see
I lay bare as a sinner
Like Judas before the last dinner
A taste of forbidden lust
My virtue in others hands I now trust
Just a simple bite
Has set my body flight
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