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Salmabanu Hatim Jun 2018
She was the epitome of simplicity,
A key to elegance.
It was her style,
Her signature on what she wore.
Her own style she picked from fashion,
Cause fashion fades quickly,
Style remains forever,
It represents quality.
The colours she wore were those that looked good on her.
She dressed not to be noticed,
But, she dressed to be remembered.
It gave her confidence,
Boosted  her personality.
Promoted modesty, beauty,
And above all elegance.
Louisa Coller Mar 2018
Trembling, wondering, knit together tight.
A blanket of stars, swept upon the shoreline.
You count each dreamer with a smile on their face.
How can the world say their struggles are fake?
Toothache Feb 2018
Brighter than the blinding flares of the sun, shimmering outward with power of thousands of stars
yet comforting
yet soft.
Filled with oceans crashing and wild, turning over ships, rushing under a powerful storm.
yet still
yet calm.
Filled with wonder and curiosity, yearning for the unknown, desperate for enlightenment
yet wise
yet content.
Eyes so wide, so deep, filled with delicate roses, the power of mighty warriors, elegant as the flowing dress of Venus, filled with souls of thousands, with passion, with yearning, with desire.
Filled with beauty
Filled with you.
Thomas King Feb 2018
Flowing effortlessly
as you arabesque twirl and spin,
as the music in your heart
starts to begin.

Poised and graceful
as you move to the sound,
as if your talented feet
are not even touching the ground.

Fluid and elegant
like wind through your hair
as you fouette’ and leap
and fly through the air.

Delicate feet
landing softly again to the floor;
to impress all the world
like never before.

You are poetry in motion
and our hearts you do lift
to be able to witness
your beautiful gift.
Angie S Jan 2018
the night unfolds elegantly
i wedge myself again in between
its elegance and my weary thoughts
i imagine wishing for silly things
on the passing shooting stars
but if i snap back to reality
i remember that one wish i keep on wishing
and i look out my window
waiting for a star to come by and hear me
the night is too elegant
for such a wish,
such thoughts,
as mine
i wonder if this even makes sense? hahaha.
i hope everyone's 2018 has been good so far.
Nonso Amawuru Nov 2017

She was adorable in her coffee tinted skin
Her beauty as rare as the clustering of dragonflies
Amazing to look upon like the gathering of butterflies
Through her eyes stars felt closer than ever
Her lips was as beautiful as the opening of petals

My heart paused when our eyes came in contact
I felt like i have seen the queen of all that is beautiful
The envy of every woman there is to be
She was thin tall and adorned in elegance
Endowed with charisma of an Ethiopian princess

Her smile was first born
Her beauty always suffocated the crowd  
All i could see was the wonder of her skin
I have fallen under the spell of this black queen
She was a fragile treasure, the elixir of beauty

She sparkled like she was kissed by the morning sun
She was never satisfied with her perfection
Trying to fix what GOD has personally certified
Denting you to wear a skin that isn’t yours
Like sharp sand i watched her beauty sink rapidly

She was deep rooted in self-doubt of her skin pigment
Not knowing the magnificence of her existence
She never knew she was a gush of glamour
Glorious to behold and graced with melanin
Gradually she became high on inferiority complex
She became lost in a world she was created to own

Your beautiful brown body is a work of art
Dipped in black gold and coated with brown sugar
You define an indestructible uniqueness
Your black skin is a badge of superiority
Black is magical and above comparison
Black complexion is the new religion .
the uniqueness of your color is above definition
Carlos Nov 2017
It's stories above where the butterflies rustled,
Whirring between the lights in aeolian bustle.
I'm smiling spritely at a neon halo,
While my organs writhe in jacqueminot El Niño.
Wading the nightscape  with a glitched simper,
I could not change nor attempt to tinker,
Just breaching the moments passing to linger.
Fingers, then palms, then lips, then black,
Then for a few seconds the world collapsed.
A breath, a sip, some wit, I'm back.
Shed the murky vision of captive cataracts.
And now,
The sylph saunters in epitomized elegance,
And I've buckled on the inside to the resonant reverence.
I follow the fragrance in her wake as paralyzed sedatives,
And anything I might say could only lack eloquence.
Then magnanimous mantras attract exact,
It seems way down the rabbit hole I've finally met my match.
There's a mesh of flesh, a smooth caress,
Then I wake and realize these were not visions yonder death.
Particles of my brain erupt,
I can't explain away the unfading elation of touch.
Every pose palatial down to the pixels,
I'd gaze deep in the sheen of her mind gleaming as crystals.
Her eyes open like daybreak in flashes,
Sunstreaks glint over the horizon of her lashes.
There's morning songbirds behind the taste of coffee,
I think she's figured I'm just a well decorated softy.
Unveiling my most human of contentions stripped to the eclipse of logic,
My former self laughs in tones pitched sardonic.
Euphorically strumming at gossamer heartstrings,
Etched in the fabric as sakura carvings.
When will people observe,
the inner, poetic elegance…
of Christ Jesus in my life?

Does everyday nonsense of
my human routine, disguise
Him, while promoting strife?

Striving for self-control,
under an atmosphere of peace,
my spirit is subtly stirred

to honor my Lord; woven into
my life is His fabric of Truth,
that’s sustained by The Word.

Though I’m utterly imperfect,
my brokenness allows His Spirit
to quietly glide around me-

and touch the lives of those,
who seek to arise above the…
constraints of their humanity.
Inspired by:
Gal 2:20

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
amazon (dot) com

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.
Joe Black Nov 2016
If you would seek the moon, it is her face.
If you seek musk, her hair is hiding place.
She is a paradise, arrayed in splendour,
Glorius, graceful, elegantly slender.
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