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Paul Jones Apr 2017
To venture into     darkness is frightful
but I know that that      is where light is born.
10:15 - 30/04/17
Paul Jones Apr 2017
A lone wanderer,      forgotten by time,
I throw myself like      dust into the wind.
23:30 - 29/04/17
Paul Jones Apr 2017
A heavy thought is      dropped into the mind.
When it becomes light     it will resurface.
23:00 - 29/04/17
Paul Jones Apr 2017
In the stretch of time,      I sow my seeds so
I may leave my life     like light leaves the sun.
Paul Jones Apr 2017
I'm disabled and     frozen with anger.
Like ice you've returned     to arrest my rage.
Cecelia Francis May 2016
Slit to split slip
knotted strings
attached to every

balloon chocked up
colored chakra covered

balloons Up with Ellie's
babies and belongings in a
cloudless storage space

Unnecessary thus unused
then unreal: the fading of

love as a mother tongue
unspoken for generations
at a time dies out, eventually

the helium depletes or
something pops off
a two note chord, perfect fifth interval
Paul Jones Jan 2016
The storm has passed. Its     surrender was swift
as chalk wiped away     from a wet, slate board.
Paul Jones Dec 2015
What haunts the hollow     hallway of dark hours
fails again. A friend,     not fear, grips me.
Paul Jones Dec 2015
The more I mean it     the more my will melts,
with resolute strength,     square's into circles.
Paul Jones Dec 2015
The unwavering     will, awoken by
a thousand threats, is     shook but never thrown.
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