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Nat Lipstadt Jul 23
A Dyad of Love…


for my friend, Poetoftheway,
whose love stories
chipped this one off the
stoneface of ancien memories..


The dyad definition is the close relationship of two people over a long period with many interactions in different settings. The most basic requirement for dyad sociology is that there are two members of the group. The dyadic communication definition pertains to how the two group members interact with each other.

What business is this!

Curmudgeon crusty old man,
go back to bed, it’s early morn,
and you’ve got no business, any more,
writing of trances of love dyads!

the vague recall of the vagaries
of complete surrender to a state
of captivity, a single star of devoted
adoration ‘of the lovers, by the lovers,
for the lovers,’ which ties us up
helpless, forming bonds that crazy
stretch in ways that cannot be but are,
these recollections bare~remembered,
of driving through the night, to capture
one more moment of love~light~night, before life’s
necessity imposed an unthinkable, a
separate conscious that made the
chest groan out loud with alternating
currents of elation and a loss, that
collapses and coalesces and grows
beyond unbearable…

no reason to step back to that dyad,
when the world was defined by sideways
glances that thrilled, oh my god, all
control lost, every sonnet, every song
on the radio was written


for your telescopic universe of
microscopic mutual gravity

and you two misspell words with unconscious
rapport, soul and sole used side by side
interchangeably, and no else can perceive
the lack of definition, where the amoeba
bodies merge into a single cell unity…
and seeings  new composition merge, a blending, exact,
the world is comme il faut,  as it must be,

not yet Seven AM, and you sputter and weep,
teary eyed of memory of seconds of a single days helping,
when you understood the
meaning of peaks, and nothing of valleys,
and the unthinkable did not exist, and the
one next to you sleeps soundly secured by
the knowledge, fervent belief, that you will
be there to welcome her back to life, with smilies
of smiles, fresh coffee, and fingers that soothe
the temples, erasing all that need not be
remembered, not now, not today, and the old
man whimpers with delight at these, his very
own words, that drifted from his consciousness,
unexpectedly, just because he stumbled on
that very old word, dyad, with its multiplicity
of shadings, but! a singular expression,
so all encompassing that he must cease to
compose for his eyes are too blurred to see…
Jul Tue 23
two thousand and twenty four
Paul Jones  Jun 2017
Dyad - 42 -
Paul Jones Jun 2017
I sit on the fence       that keeps two sides from
tearing each other      down. I built that fence.
10:00 - 02/06/17
State of mind: doubtful; contemplative.

Thoughts: from thinking - about how I am sometimes accused of sitting on the fence and not having much of an opinion on current affairs.

Every conflict needs a mediator, a diplomat to quell or cool the heat of an argument.

Questions: what is the value in seeing all perspectives of an argument only to side with none? Is that really indifference or is there something deeper to do with acknowledging that there is no truth, only interpretation?

09:50 - 04/06/17
Afterthoughts: change is important because it encourages diversity. Conflict stimulates change.

I think what I am developing with this thought is more to do with the conflict in shaping what people believe is the best environment to exist in. In reality, there are many. There should be many and we should be free to move between them.

The internet is an environment. Some people ascribe to it, others don't. But both it and alternatives are important. Many facets has the diamond.

I believe the fence is symbolic for realising that there is not one perfect way, but many and is wrong to tear down the diversity we have in favour of a singular way.
Paul Jones  Jun 2017
Dyad - 43 -
Paul Jones Jun 2017
My faith in you comes     from believing that
what you know is true      and I feel is good.
13:00 - 03/06/17
State of mind: hopeful; anxious.

Thoughts: from thinking - about belief, what is true and what is good.

Questions: If I am true to myself what truth do I represent?
Is a persons self-expression a declaration of their truth?
Paul Jones  Jul 2017
Dyad - 78 -
Paul Jones Jul 2017
As I was looking     at cells, I saw stars,
as if my parts were     a whole universe.
23:15 - 19/07/17

State of mind: awe; deep-thought; curious.
Perspective: universal; philosophical.

Thoughts: from conversations - about microcosms and macrocosms. About the uncanny similarities of the small and large of natural phenomena.

Questions: Why can all the cells in the body get along with their differences but humans are incapable of this? If we fear what we do not understand, does that mean love is the path to understanding?
Paul Jones  May 2017
Dyad - 26 -
Paul Jones May 2017
In the emptiness      of a deprived soul,
there is an ocean     without its water.
00:15 - 11/05/17
State of mind: sorrow, tiredness.
Thoughts: from memories...
Question: none
Paul Jones  May 2017
Dyad - 29 -
Paul Jones May 2017
Our eyes met, hearts knew.      Signals flashed like code
bound with beautiful,      arresting silence.
15:30 - 13/05/17
State of mind: thoughtful; calm.

Thoughts: from thinking - about how important silence is and the intervals between on/off signals found in communication systems - code. Silence has meaning. Also, Wittgenstein's quote - ' What we cannot speak about we must pass over in silence'.

Questions: How can we use silence as an expression? Silence is usually reactive - how can it be active?
Paul Jones  Aug 2017
Dyad - 90 -
Paul Jones Aug 2017
All I have to do      is care, tend to you
and when you flower,     I will feel human.
22:45 - 10/08/17

State of mind: divided.
Perspective: natural; spiritual.

Thoughts: from thinking - what makes us human is an expanding capacity for love. It's the thought that counts... and your actions that add up.

Questions: What will you do with the sum of your addition?

Listening to: The Lumineers - Angela.
Paul Jones  May 2017
Dyad - 23 -
Paul Jones May 2017
I have a feeling     and it carries me,
through the veins, to the     heart of the matter.
18:30 - 09/05/17
State of mind: anxious, troubled.

Thoughts: from thinking - originally about how my thoughts are like a lightning storm... and then this.

Question: Is emotion to the mind what oxygen is to the body?
Paul Jones  Jun 2017
Dyad - 60 -
Paul Jones Jun 2017
There are some who walk      calmly through darkness
because they know how      to kindle a light.
00:00 - 23/06/17
State of mind - calm; thoughtful.

Thoughts: from thinking - about creativity and how amazing it is that human's can bring such wonders into this world.

Also from conversations - on talking about extroversion and introversion with my friend. I put it so introversion is like kindling a light in darkness and extroversion spreads that light. They are both instrumental and equally valuable qualities in a person.

Questions: can it be said that creativity is the instinct to create a nature of our own?

...Or is it that our nature creates us specifically as a creative tool of its own?
vircapio gale Jul 2012
she is my nihilistic god;

i am a stag leap.
the fainter wind-caress
felt deep in trunks and boulder bed.
i am delight for loosened thorns
that piercing underfoot will spur to run
my naked body's open-air embrace
atop the callus of my seasoned fun,
skirring flora shadow-dancing bright
descending mountainside of noon
in blurrs refracting sightful bones.
i am the sense of
transtemporal glacial moans,

the heartbeat of the soil breath
to puff from feasted log a mycophile's awe
or want for all placental webs in view
for naming earth a seeping sorrows tithe:
my consciousness of things alive.

the stinging lungs atop the path
are emblems of a winging truth
to overcome her nearing death.
i am the lingham of creations' race.
i am the sensate reeling blow by empty blow.
the gravity of light and dark;
gray theopolis of fists and falls.
envelopment of massive meanings filled
in nether-branchings' net
and mediatrix scorn: the wider world absorbs my self as ~ all~
~. .all. . ~
prating some nepenthean law
to sour our poetic hate
and deeply bury seismic seeds she wants to sow, like
ancient clues of metagender fact:
hermaphroditic **** to 'normal' eyes.
icecaps to resize and singing moralize;
a dolphin midwife toning yoni love
for labor certain nuns call "gift"
as crown of pleasure heights
on par with mysteries;
regrowing infant fingertips,
to pi recited over days,
to vaster mindscapes drawn in ways
'beyond the genius of the sea'

why wait for ease of shame?
thin veils of culture lift
and family bonds anew to tow
the peace from out irratic weight of nation rifts;
instantiations burst beyond the tunnel course~
rhythmic doomsday yearnings line the halls of humantime:
prophetic visions of a sea to come,
Utnapishtim keeps himself alive
to garden with his wife a thriving mortal line.
Quetzalcohuatl finds himself *****
to bloodlet savior sexuality,
his heart a morning star, a Mayan Venus shine.

i see the standing trees
entwine slow-love to sky
so i can swing and heave
my universe above the words,
to carry thorns as well as petals, doves.
the vision ends. the new begins
to filter dyad lies through
corporeal lens.
embodied ivy climbs the tree of death
to rewind love and deepen love,
to bound the loss with goddess wisdom ends and other ends
of ouroboros shedding clear
of limits insight thrives to near.
sunglance peeking is the hovering of me,
steady comfort crosses floating lotus feet.
the softest rock has melded under thee
to join a forest pausing here.
a berry soaks itself of all i am
while nutty chipmunks chirp in whirls;
the clouds are girls you've been,
Nephelae to tease in quenching gowns
the verdant book of men we've known, who leaf
the air to taste another form of fairness lent.
silver is the sun in times of stillness overached.
sifted tensions drift to lie awake, but
drowning in a stream of glowing calm,
i am the woody balm.
the scent of bark unnestled dry
and leaves remembrance when
the breathing stops, the final
fleshing in of nowhere, never then.
you are transcendent of transcending
pure. end, endure and lucid ending live again
in empty worship ringing plenum om.
Paul Jones  Dec 2017
Dyad - 97 -
Paul Jones Dec 2017
The wind moves through trees      and waves find a shore
but with my embrace,      I am missing yours.
21:45 - 09/12/17

State of mind: happy; sad; longing.
Perspective: natural; personal.

Thoughts: none.

Questions: none.
Paul Jones  Jul 2017
Dyad - 73 -
Paul Jones Jul 2017
An ocean apart,      but a bridge is built
and old souls meet on      the road less travelled.
21:20 - 09/07/17

State of mind: joy; peaceful.
Perspective: personal; spiritual.

Thoughts: from thinking - about impossible dreams. There is something instinctive about striving after goals that are hard to reach or have never even been thought of before. To achieve this is to have walked the road less travelled.

The fourth part - 'the road less travelled' - is inspired by M Scott Peck's book of the same title. The overall message of the book correlates with that of this dyad, which is that love is not necessarily a feeling but an activity... such as a dance, I would say.

Questions: would you care to dance?

Listening to: Ed Sheeran - Perfect.
Paul Jones  Jun 2017
Dyad - 63 -
Paul Jones Jun 2017
In the freezing cold,     blood rushes inwards.
Dance with me, move me     to be warm again.
12:30 - 25/06/17
State of mind: curious; deep thought..

Thoughts: from paradoxes - when affection is not received, the affected may become distant to their surroundings and begin to internalize the process of neglect. Distance is accepted when closeness is needed.

Questions: How can you give what you need?

— The End —