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Danielle Jun 2022
On my exploration, there are still secrets
that kept under my  sleeves; it would be a
twisted knife in my defenseless night.

Between the heaven and sea,
there are traces of him, keeping me
haunted and wandering at it.

Between the orbs and galaxies,
we're building towers,

we're praying and pleading for a myriad miracles,
I nestled gently on his lips,
it was all downhill.
Wilder Jan 2021
I hit my peak so long ago
I was six, on top of the world
On top of the jungle gym,
Not that it was different.
But since then,
rolling downhill
um so I'm not gonna post that often anymore (not like I ever did, but) I got a ukelele and it inspired me to finally put music to the poems I write (which usually I have a tune in my head when I write them) I've been meaning to start writing music for a while, and I'm finally doing it :)
Danté Le Beau Feb 2020
Your feet locked into your board,
You’re rolling to the crest,
The point of no return,
Heart pounding as your eyes scan the road,
Checking the surface for bumps, stones and grates,
As your board builds up speed,
Your mind empties,
The board wobbles every so often,
Your body on fire with adrenaline,
You begin to feel like Kerosene is pumping through your veins,
You hit the first bend,
Your heart races as the board slips out,
You reign it back in,
Controlling it like a wild Mustang,
You begin back downhill,
A straight,
You see the bottom where the floor levels out,
You begin to breathe a little easier,
You hit the bottom,
You let out an almighty “WOOOOOO" as you slow down,
The feeling of facing death and winning,
Leaving you in a state of euphoria.
Cherish Dec 2019
I really don’t have much time left
really want to spend all my time with you again.

It’s been a year
I’m missing you so badly each day passes
Yes we’ve chat, we catch up a few times.
But the bond isn’t the same as last time
Because you probably move on already

I love you so much, I’m sorry to say it now
Because when you want hear it so badly I couldn’t say it out. Time will tell. And time really tell, how can I love you when it’s been a year?

Don’t made me a fool
because of you I look a ******* fool
I put so much efforts just to get close to you again.

One day we won't have this skin.
Our bright eyes may even sink.
Without Summer days,
or our cheap wine for veins.

Though we had coming things,
though we had dreams,

we couldn't know.

The past only a day ago,
then two years to four.
Eight seemed a ways,
A decades erased.

Time seems the *****,
too steep to be paved.
Victoria Laws Jan 2018
We don't know how to love
without a war

We are most passionate
on the battlefield

We speak in bullets
and every argument
becomes an explosion

I walk in a barren field
passing soldiers of our past

I watch the corpses of my happiness
turn to ash

I watch us destroy the "we"
we worked so **** hard
to create.
neko-nae Dec 2016
Up down
the hill that I just keep
finding my feet
flowing but I can't stop
and my knees
lock and bones grind
breaking my teeth
forced into falling down and down
but an up comes, yeah?
do you know
when the rivers flow back
and my heart
finds its beat and the woods sing again

I'm not sure,

and my arms
outstretched towards the endless sky
I weep for the moon and mostly
for you--

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