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Kaiden Lewis Dec 2024
Have you ever wanted to escape to a place where no one can see you?
Maybe you tried imagining the place by yourself.
The innocent little dreams turned into maladaptive daydreaming.
And suddenly, you're sentenced to being mentally ill

The imaginary world begines to grow,
Consuming you more and more.
Soon, you can't see the difference between the real world and the one
You made up.

You slip into derealization
It drowns you while giving you short breaks for air
To let you stay alive
While still hurting
i dont know much about delusion/derealization but this is how it works for me (at least now) so yeah
Karma Nov 2024
I wish I could know you longer.
Talking to you,
I open up so much more
Of what I had hidden.
I can never wait
To talk with you again.

I know I've told you a lot,
But I love how simple you are.
I love your enthusiasm
And how cute you can be.
Sometimes you can be awkward,
And quiet,
And we end up sitting in silence,
But I love those moments too.

I love how cool
And accepting you are.
I love the worry
On your face when you
Think about how long I'll be gone.
I wonder what face you'll make
When you think of how long
It'd have taken me to come back.

Though, I think I hate you.
I've spent so long-
So much time-
So many years-
So many months-
So many seasons-
Just avoiding feeling.

I hate you.
You come along and it feels like
I'd be betraying myself,
And you,
If I told you a lie.
I feel so sick with myself.
Pouring my thoughts,
And my feelings,
Into this letter I call a poem
Just to make writing this feel
More natural.

I hate you.
You make me feel so ****
You make me feel so strangely
You make me feel so much
I fear that you'll become important to me.
I fear that I'm already important to you.
I fear that while I'm gone,
I'll lose you.
I don't know what to.
Maybe to yourself.
God, I hope it isn't to yourself
I feel so sick.

I wish I could know you longer.
Talking to you,
I don't think I want to stop.
This is so new.
Even now,
I want to hear you again.

I want to disassociate again.
I want to take every tie I have
And set it all on fire.
I want to gather its ashes
And I want to burn them all over again.
I want to see my own blood
Flow from my hand
To my wrist
To my elbow
To the floor?

Why am I like this?
Why does it all go away
When I'm with you?
I hate this so ******* much.
I should stop.
I don't want to feel anything anymore.
I want you to forget about me.
I don't want you to hate me.
I don't want to forget you.
I don't want to hate you.
I don't hate you.
I swear I don't, so please just-
Ok. I've decided

I don't know what this is,
But I know what I think this is.
After so much time of nothing
It's all it can be.
After so much time
If keeping everything quiet,
I can finally talk,
But this is the one thing I can't say.
I can't even write it out.
How ridiculous is that?

At the beginning of this,
I made a wish.
You shared that same wish with me.
I wonder how long that'll last.
I've already lost someone.
I learned that
Someone I loved is gone,
And I wanted it all to end just then, but
That's not how it ends.
It will never be over, and
More will surely follow.
How long will this fear follow me?

I'm so sorry.
Knowing you, you'll probably
Feel responsible for all this
And worry about me,
And worry about all these other thoughts
That I fail to put into words.
I don't deserve it
But I feel like you don't care about that.

I'm sorry.
I feel so awful writing this,
But I'm going to wait.
I'm going to wait all that time
And every chance I'll get,
I'll come find you.
I'll find you and we'll talk
And talk
And talk
And talk
Until I have to leave again.

One day, I won't have to leave.
One day, I hope you'll let me stay.
One day, I'll become afraid.
Afraid all over again,
And I'll try to push you away.
I'll try to run so far away-
So far away that
My feelings will never reach you.
So far away that
Yours will never reach me.

Please stop me.
I know it's selfish
But please don't let me run.
I've felt so little
For so long.
I like feeling.
And still, right now, sitting here,
Writing about someone
That’s important to me,
Though contradictory
To the usual dictation of time,
I hope I’m smiling-
And I hope that reading this,
You are too.
Kaiden Lewis Nov 2024
Going to
Find a way
To capture
Us both and i
Will have to
Run away to
A special
That is
Just a
First time writing something like this, I NEED TO FIX UP MY VOCABULARY..
(also, the last word would be "me" but it didnt fit)
just want someone
to be lowkey with...
Garbage Mammal Oct 2024
There’s an ancient myth of immortality that inhabits the minds of tyrants and farmers alike. For the ultimate power – for the ability to avoid their ending. A river that never erodes its bank; a flame that never burns away its wick.
For the twisted, the demented, there’s something more. Mere elevation of life holds no appeal, but the fictional, the bread and circuses of the modern world – that, is something worthy of eternal continuation. The last word should never come, there must always be a new chapter, another episode, one more level.
Because there’s something primal in these fictions, these stories. From the first flames of bonfires, humanity has shared tales, the characters becoming legendary, and the audience holds them in their hearts for the rest of their lives.
We learn to love these fakes, in our own sick way. We learn what they desire, what they fear, what they love and what they hate. We learn about their background, their hopes, their struggles. And through it all, we empathize with them. We cheer for their success and feel remorse at their failure. They’re a one-way friend, one that speaks to you, but that you can never speak back to – but there’s no need to talk back. You just need to be with them, even from a distance. That’s enough.
And then, when the story ends? It elicits a pang in our hearts. It’s as if the characters we’ve loved have died, buried in their Happily Ever After. Our distorted minds, so illogical, take this metaphorical death with a weight. We grieve, perhaps not with the fervor of one who has truly lost a loved one, but we grieve, nonetheless. We are left then with an emptiness, a chasm that can never be filled in exactly the same way; a hole that gnaws at our very core for days, weeks, months – even years.
But why? These people are fake, they were contrived. These worlds are mere imagination, none of it is real. Why can we not, us ****** few, simply throw it away like a used consumable? Why the grief? This lingering pit in our stomachs, this hole in our hearts?
Why must it end at all? Why can’t we, hand on book and eyes on screen, make happy evermore? Why can’t we stay wrapped up in our little fantasies, surrounded by our paper friends, swept up in the dream? Why can’t blinking pixels become the north star to our joy; why can’t the credits, our lullaby? Does it really have to end?

Of course, it does. It always does. The book will have its final chapter; a movie, its final scene; a game, its final interaction. And left in its place will be the ending. The ending that it was all leading up to. The entire point of the story in the first place.
And us twisted, demented, distorted, sick, ****** few, will hate it. We’ll cover our eyes and ears like a petulant child. We’ll reject the ending, taking up pen and keyboard to make our own path, to extend the escape. Forsaking the creator, we know we can do better. We can, somehow, keep the flame lit, keep the wicker solid, keep the wax formed.
And in doing so, we can live forever, in a dream of our own design. We know it’s illogical: we’ll be stuck in the past, and everyone else will be marching towards the future. But the pain of this loss, however illogical, denies us any other recourse. All we want, all we need, is to float in an endless narrative, accompanied by the ones who were never real to begin with. To bask in their wonderful perfection, to find the comfort and companionship we know they can provide. We’ll never have to be alone again; nobody will have to die.
We’ll be deluded,

but we’ll be happy.
And for us, maybe that isn’t so bad.
This is a pretty long poem, but I like the way it turned out, so I'm not going to remove lines or anything.
Nyx Sep 2024
Everyone knows what becomes of energy.
It cannot be created
It cannot be destroyed
And so, since I've caught it
Now I must set it free

I watch it slip away, in mourning
See it soar up to the sky
And break past the atmosphere

It flies years away
Straight to the end
Where the stars hold their breath at the edge.

Wait for me
Take the light and weave it into the dark
Dance with me
Not a shadow of a doubt in sight

I'd like to think time moves differently here.
No past nor future to speak of
Just two souls intertwined
Existing, evermore.
What does this poem mean for you?
Yottalomaniac Sep 2024
Delusion One among many Like others
Why so different Why special
My pain changes twists and deforms
makes the World unto Itself
Fire with Fire Duel one must Choose one must
My soul changes twists and deforms
makes the World unto Itself
Deform the Cube into a Circle Into a Ball Into the Earth
Giving Essence and Resemblance Back Pain is gone
Soul no longer needed World returns to World
In a way, thinking is an act of omnipotence. One takes the myriad sense-data of the world and interprets them, makes them unto oneself. Sadly, it sometimes happens that it is not Us who makes the world unto ourselves, but our minds. Then when the mind is ill, our entire world becomes ill.
The presence of the 'Me' is only in the 'We'
For the 'Me' is absent outside the 'We'

Till the 'I' and 'You' is united as One
Till the 'Us' and 'Them" is denounced
Tell the 'We' and 'They' is discredited

The narrative will continue as is
It is in the 'I' and 'You"
That a delusional wall of seperation exists

Validated by the eyes images of 'Us' and 'Them'
Endorsed by the minds stories of 'Mine' and 'Theirs"

Orchestrated by the ego
Played by fear
For its is in this ideology
Suffering is rooted
Pain is ignited

Truth of origin is denied
Light of soul is dimmed
Voice of love is deprived

For there is no truth found of who we are
In the physical existance of what we see
No truth is held in the body
No truth is carried in the mind
For these are tools to be used
Only to serve our soul's purpose

For the error in this believe
Constructs but confusion
Inner conflicts and outer battles

As the
Heart and soul knows its truth

Yet the
Mind and ego created its own truth

With each label we build one more bar of seperation
With each bar stands another column of fear
As we build prisons upon prisons
Walls upon walls, bars upon bars

We indoctrinate our mind
We magnify the seperation

So what we see in the streets of the world
Is but a representation of inner struggles

For we have become strangers among our own
For we have forgotten
An attack on them is an attack on us
For there is no 'Us' and there is no 'We'
For they are 'Us' and we are 'Them'
For we are 'One'

For what we are
Transcends the eyes visibility
Surpass the minds perception
For we are not created by mind
The mind will fail to know us

For the truth of whom we are
The infinite soul
Divinely connected
A representation of a miracle
Assembled of love
In physical form
That knows no boundaries
That knows no fear
That knows no seperation

And let it be known
I say this to me, before I speak it out
In the hope of upholding these words
I choose to extend it to all
With love to us all

For perfect I am not
So mistake not that spoken is
The embodiment of me all

For I fall prey too
To this indoctrination of seperation
So let us all be the reminder for us all
Humanity Is Not Political.
To bare witness to all that my eyes have seen I must voice it - This is how I choose to express it. May the universe listen to this call!

I invite you all to take a moment to call the words forward into reality. This is not a far fetched floating prayer or romantic fantasy based compilation of words. It is our truth. It is our essence. It is at the heart centre of our core being of existence. Let us not be robbed of our humanity by allowing our pulse to be politicised and monetised with the delusional tools of fragmentation, division and seperation.
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