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Zywa Feb 6
Something is at hand,

so I better find a way --

out of my slumber.
Personal transmission-composition "Occam ocean" for orchestra (2015, Éliane Radigue), performed in the Organpark on February 3rd, 2024, by ensemble ONCEIM (L'Orchestre de Nouvelles Créations, Expérimentations, et Improvisations Musicales) and others - @strings

Collection "org anp ark" #355
Sadie Grace Jan 4
I feel so alone
Like I got no home
I just want to roam
Check out the unknown
But I'm just a girl living in a semi-dangerous world
Try to keep my pack
Knives stuck in my back
Can't trust anyone
Can't love anyone
Nowhere I belong
Wish I could be strong
All I ever am is wrong
Zywa Nov 2023
That's just how life is,

you must take risks, you have to --

incur expenses.
Novel "Lighthousekeeping" (2004, Jeanette Winterson), chapter A place before the Flood

Collection "Passage Passion"
Jeremy Betts Feb 2018
Hello old friend...
Across from me he sits, fixed, his cold gaze like a winters reflection
No sun, no motion, just done
I'm not even sure he's capable of emotion
And the real man inside, he's seen by no one
Except me, I see...
I see a semi good looking, moderately attractive man
Doing the best he can to get out of **** it and I don't give a **** land
Trying to hide the brand of a misfit that's been burnt into his hand
Before it gets out of hand
Not even sure if I can, I mean he can, I mean we can
Change the plan enough to rage the river and bust through the dam
The whole things a sham
The t-top trans am and all the glam
Just put into place to hide who I really am
I mean, who he really is, I mean who we really are
He's gone to far in the wrong direction, he's lost the farm
He didn't see the harm in projecting his charm
How could he have known that presenting a false hand would lead to the loss of an arm
Maybe he thought it a false alarm
Maybe he couldn't see the danger through the swarm
Or maybe, just maybe, it was to loud between his ears to hear, confused the warning siren for a victory horn
Now the fire inside is a flicker, the passion for life only luke warm
And he's worn a grove in the floor as he passes, fighting with the desire to have never been born
Feeling like a child from under the stairs or of the corn
Forced to adorn a smile he's worn just to hide the scorn
Being ****** by life to the brink of death, almost a ***** ****
Sworn in my the devil, when the sediment settles no one will mourn
His dreams ripped from his hands, left alone to weather the storm
Cold and frightened, not even a recognizable life form
Torn between being himself or having to conform
The norm unattainable like a hunt for a unicorn
So he gave up, and who could blame him
A Titanic adventure, sink or swim, the chance of survival slim
The future grim, on unlevel ground, in need of a shim
His life a synonym for the darkness within
Told over and over again that it's up to him
Up to him to make a better life but where to begin
His light goes dim as he recalls a hymn
That use to give him hope but now it's like a dead limb
Useless as a possums survival mechanism
He looks directly in my eyes while I listen
Almost begging for advise but there's non to be given
What would you say to me? I mean, what would you say to him?

Farah Taskin Oct 2023
There are pandemics,
earthquakes, floods,
famine, wildfire,
volcanic eruptions,
peril, disease, death,
oppressors in this planet
Do you want and love peace?
Earth is not the suitable place to live
for you.
I S A A C Aug 2023
grandfather clocks and long talks about home
boring thoughts clogging the dome
under the bell jar everything is magnified
my emotions become personified
you are my anger, you are my sadness
i scream from behind the glass
you are my danger, you are my weakness
i wish it was that simple of a reason
Zywa Aug 2023
Will life be like that:

a cream cake with trick candles --

filled with dynamite?
Novel "The PowerBook" (2000, Jeanette Winterson), chapter "NEW DOCUMENT"

Collection "After the festivities"
Ken Pepiton Aug 2023
Fibers, in reality, the maligned ideal string thread through
discovering the seat of science, when do we know we knew enough
? Hunh,
beguiled, were we, we were lied to, and hobbled, by a national myth.
So we learn, late in life.
Holy gnoshit, historical pain, compassion, even shame, woe, you
gotta let it go,

no contest. Truth does not enslave. Many wishes to know are answered
with stories that hold stories that may or may not prove true,

you must know the truth to tell if the story about it is a lie.
Breathing is essentially a spiritual interaction at
the stalk of the pineal gland,
and the habenular commissure.

AI is not here to pretend to be human,
nor is art, as a matter of fact…
a public service message...
in the form of a random thought that seemed true enough.
We can make facts up. Quotes are often not facts. That's a fact.
- art intuits this is still true, will, robin's thieving son, still steals
from the rich, to encourage the poor to find life's easy path in the forest.
Zywa Jul 2023
I'm roving about

in fear, there are big holes here --

that I cannot see.
"Bruno's Dream" (1969, Iris Murdoch), § 15

Collection "Unspoken"
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