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Nicky Feb 2019
Can you gently sense, another person's pain?
If you felt the depth, would it ever be the same?

Are you aware of how much they might hide?
Can you comprehend, the fragments that have died?

Do you try to listen, to the words that they don't speak?
Do you see their fight for freedom, and compassion that they seek?

Do you decipher, that vacant look in their eyes?
Do you justify your judgement then forget to question why?

The detail is the void and the truth is the lies
Often misunderstood, as is your look of clear surprise

If you walked those seven years, whilst wearing their shoes
The rain would fall hard, the sun you would lose

Would you find the strength to rise again every day?
Or would you stay locked inside , too afraid to say?
Seven years!
Jo Barber Feb 2019
The blinking cursor
forever fading in and out,
mocking me
for my inability to create.
The words don't come
as they once did.
Blink. Blink.
It's daring me not
to stop typing,
so I don't.
Words flow.
Ideas flow.

Who can tell if any of it
is any good anymore?
allure Feb 2019
I write until my fingertips bleed
from pouring my coffee-stained thoughts onto the page
through my veins
I carry creativity
for so long in which I have kept in captivity
to avoid negativity
but I feel as though
my words need to be shared
my blood was meant to flow
the garden in my brain
is of plants in full bloom
while the vessel I'm in
is sat in my room
with a laptop
and a tea
for this is me
a writer at heart and a writer meant to be

Noah Clark Feb 2019
Never underestimate a
creative mind.
No matter how
many books you
memorize, creativity
will always be
more powerful.
Uvuyo Feb 2019
Climbing those stairs to find you there, facing my fears with an inch of my insecurities. Pain doesn’t seem so bad when I’m with you, it’s sting lies beneath our skin like sweat from being at the third heaven. Dreams smell like colors of purple, red, & orange glazed over your body, the night isn’t as dark when you’re present because the moon is in the foreground of your face behind those pupils are memories of us I wish to relive not because we won’t share anymore but because love is too great a thought to forget. Mystery yielding.  Frightened, illuminated, reborn, strengthened, trust (My First) I hoped to be protected by you like my father would have or maybe cherished like my brother did. But you gave me something else, poetry that was for me. Not the girl in the corner that knows she’s loved but me the one who sometimes doesn’t believe that I am. I hold onto your words like she held the hem of His garment but in this case He makes us whole. I feared you not because I thought you would harm me but because I knew I could fall in your arms and you’d catch me here I am thinking you’re not capable but somehow the pain of the past life dwindles in your eyes as I tilt my head back to see that smile, it pours in me like water from a well, washing the hurt with a stare. that God formed in you as a child. I know you’ve been seen as less than by those who wish they had what you possess,
I don’t see you as less than or too much of, but just enough to quench this sojourner’s search for truth, kind to the eyes is your countenance pure is your beat. Shoulder to the heat, ear to the street frightened to become one of them. Pursuing me with fear that I’ll leave not believing the trees are green breath escapes the one who runs too far, let curiosity be your bed and drape your body with this nitted blanket of affirmations from me to you. That was created by pieces of your heart. No I have not seen what you have but I have lived my struggle to the fullest and now I’m ready to embrace lit rooms with echos of your voice contorting my body to it’s tone moving this dancers hips to a tune she’s not familiar with, but then again danger seems safe with you. So I am safe with you
We aren’t apples and oranges we are the seeds of Him to be watered by hurt, disappointment, rejection, and love because when we blossom we will be a manifestation of HIS creation not a product of their discrimination.
Vy S Jan 2019
It didn't matter. We didn't matter.
"I saw you and felt nothing."
"I know...and felt something."
That's what you said to me.
You don't want to keep hurting me.
You didn't want to keep lying.
Those statements didn't make a difference when I confronted you, crying.

"Honestly, you're sick."
Disgust and a sour taste filled my mouth.
Your feelings for me are too intense?
That was the same for me.
Notice how that sentence was in past tense.
You couldn't breathe for a second?
You didn't think about your lapse in judgement?
I'm not asking for the world, which you wouldn't be able to give.
I'm asking for the respect,
r the prospect.

Now I'm here, confused.
Tell me what am I supposed to do?
Hold your hand and be a healer
or slap it away because of fear.
Tuffy Mutombo Jan 2019
Just ask (ed) what happened to being loved
Derrick Jones Jan 2019
With my mental acrobatics, I create verbal aromatics
Conjuring sweet scents with my perfect meter and tense
Using my dense prose to weigh you down like soggy clothes
And then I dry you right in time with my fluffy rhythm and rhyme

I execute mental backflips as I dodge Freudian slips
Spinning into the subconscious ’til my wordplay makes you nauseous
As I twirl around in this whirlwind I am reminded that the world could end
But it hasn’t happened yet so I might as well forget it
For more poetry and essays, follow my blog on Medium at
Thanks for reading!
annh Mar 2019
My friend, when life demands that you change;
When you realise that you can no longer continue in the same way;
What comes first to mind?
Resistance, inspiration, heartbreak, creativity, relief?
Whatever the case - I guarantee you will find it.
'Dare to believe in the reality of your assumption and watch the world play its part relative to its fulfilment.'
- Neville Goddard

'If you expect the battle to be insurmountable, you've met the enemy.
It's you.'
- Khang Kijarro Nguyent
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