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How sultry cool she is
Shes on the veranda
To soothe the blues

Reynaldo Casison
Maximus Tamo Feb 22
Atmospheric ice,
Sculpted lines across the sky,
Remnants of beauty,
Nature Feb 13
Sun is overhead, temperature is high.
All are tired and removed the tie.
Prayed for rain, but no gain.
It emptied a river, it emptied a lane.
A sudden thunder hits a cloud,
Over bumped cloud, burst aloud.
Drops of water hits the land,
Satisfaction fills the mind.
A sudden splash stopped the rain.
It ends the Summer Rain!
i'm a light machine gun.....
locked up and loaded in rounds......
firing all kinetic energy and reason..........
across the trenches and the fields i've sent..........
pistols, shotguns, autos to their knees.........
but as i unlock and reload and cool down..........
and the panicked silence settles in.........
i have to ask in kind......

s n i p e r..

do i have your eye?
ben dover Jan 29

This is a poem
This is the second line of the poem
this is a poem i wrote in year 8
used To
read My poems
in Talent shows
i Don't think i will this year
i Worry i won't come off as well as the singers and dancers
i know that They will clap the same for me
but Are they
really Listening?
I like writing secret sentences in these, it's pretty fun.
Hebert Logerie Oct 2024
Parlons du charme pittoresque de l’automne
Des cloches de l’Angélus qui carillonnent
Des fleurs autrefois jolies et fortes, sur le gazon
Oh ! Automne, tu es une très belle saison!

Parlons des pétales et sépales tombés du ciel
Où les arbres sont médusés et presque dévêtus
Et les oiseaux stupéfaits sont tombés des nues
Oh ! Automne, j’aime ton sourire doux et naturel.

La saison de l’automne a un charme sensationnel
Une fraîcheur tiède et confortable et un ton solennel
C’est l’or du soir qui tombe toute la sainte journée.

Ce sont les feuilles et fleurs multicolores sur le tapis
Oh ! Automne, tu nous donnes beaucoup à imaginer
Et nous montres comment mirer des moments polis.

P.S. Ce poème est dédié à Victor Hugo.

Copyright © Octobre 2024, Hébert Logerie, Tous droits réservés.
Hébert Logerie est l’auteur de nombreux recueils de poésie.
olivia Oct 2024
i come home crying
tears slither down my cheeks
i am simply ugly
for my nose is too big, horribly wide and contorted
my eyes are too small, beads of obsidian on my pale face
and my chapped lips are thin like crushed scribbled paper
my forehead is too big, i could write all of this down on it if i wanted to
why must i seek validation from those who will never respect me, even in my purest form
but my purity is not good enough
society gazes upon me with it's large luminous eyes
i am sorry that my hair is not straight enough
or i am flat
and when i look in the mirror my reflection cries, its hands reaching out to me through the fractured glass
yet why must i weep
beauty is in everything,
in the smoldering fire which dimly lights my cold room, sending marmalade sparks across the floor,
in the grimey walls, grout growing in the cracks and spray paint slowly crackling off,
in the failed paintings, where the splotches of cobalt and splashed of marigold are too thick,
in the cheap foundation i slather across my face,
in the maths equations my brain cannot contemplate,
and even in me,
there is beauty
year nine is so depressing oml
MetaVerse Sep 2024

cool morning:
     garbage truck sings
to a steel wool sky

solEmn oaSis Mar 2024
w -e may notice why the
       first letter of some
       title sometimes might
       be a little one
  R  -earrangeable once
      we set the capslock
      botton and make it

  i -used backspace
     eventually for me to
     change and delete it at
     the same time

  S -erenade peeking at a
     maiden played by
     young singer deeply So
     in Love

  T -hey press and hold
     shift key in their left
     and right just to
     control dull moments
     in long lonely night

    © Easter Sunday
        March 31 2024
        11:20 a.m.
When the _w
seems to be so silent
while it has been sent
predictably, R_ is next to it
before the vowel such _i
followed by an alertness
of the consunants
_S tailed by T will conclude
there'll be another w R i S T without taking the Risk somewhere down those parallel roads.
And I will take over when zigzag is upcoming , patiently I won't over take in midnight blue with a blind curve.
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