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Have you ever met someone who won gold in The Suffering Olympics?

The one-uppers.

She's the woman at work who always has it worse than everyone else, and he's the uncle with a blasé attitude, a balding head and a belly full of baby pork...or maybe they're your friend, a parent, your loving wife or hardworking husband.

Don't you feel just as bad as they do?

Are you sick...enough?

Even pain is a contest that you can't win and you're sick of that, too.

It hurts, but not that much. It could always be worse.

But worse would be death and even then, they'd say they died twice that week.

The only thing you're winning is a silver medal in the race, and now you understand that one second is the difference between winning and losing.

Why are you happy? There will always be someone happier.

Stronger, prettier, wealthier.

How can you enjoy existence when comparisons are the only way to add contrast to your world, that make you feel like you're actually achieving something?

This isn't a sport.

You are not a number on a screen.

You are not an athlete with a bib tattooed on their chest.

There are no awards in this game, honey, there's only you.

And you're enough.
Juno Oct 2019
So like
She’s amazing
I’m her friend
But yet she rubs it in my face
Oh, you know, “it” as in “I can draw better than you.”
It’s confusing
We both love art
We have our own style
We’re both quite good.
But still she has more friends
So she gets more popular.
And she rubs it in.
Heavy Hearted Sep 2019
Austin and I
Move at different speeds.

The fatal race of life we each compete
at a pace unique to ourselves.
I find myself disoriented all the time,
exiting delirium, now on a regular basis...
Each time
A reorientation
Without which myself is lost.
When each reorientation
Is less accurate than before,
it all becomes inevitablly  lost.

That initial destination I may never know.

Through the haze In my mind
Waves Austin
And in a heartbreaking protest.
Waits Austin.
in a Tribute to nostalgia-
it's Austin-
And in an intersectionally unique pain  we are connected. There, he stays.
And as I slowly, But surely,
Continue my own race-
I glance back, constantly, and his hand still waves me on-
the gift of direction..
Now as I lay here
Before I can rise
I force myself to record it
for a better me;

Austin and I-
Move at different speeds.
F A Pacelli Aug 2019
more collaboration
     than competition
more compassion
     than callousness
more creativity
     than conformity
M e l l o Jul 2019
always making everything
feels like a competition
from attention down to affection
when everything gone wrong
end up in culpability
we're going in circles
then we ask ourselves
what's wrong?
we could've avoid this mess
if only you hold your horses,
aren't you tired playing this game?
Poem of the day. July 21
Sabila Siddiqui Jul 2019
We were similar,
we still are.
We used to understand,
and support one another.
Stripping vulnerability,
over vulnerability.
Our friendship was deep,
our trust rung strong.

But then you grew thorns,
that would *****
when I would come near.

I just wished we helped
one another bloom rather
than let our insecurities
strive us to compete
as to who will bloom
better and faster.
Ziya mansoor May 2019
Not only the racers in competition
but there are also racers ,
In the competition of life
we compete for happiness
and sometimes the losers get
awarded with sadness,
We compete for sucess and pleasure
and sometimes the losers get failure and gloom
but this game has no winners either losers  
the game of the life is a tie
we all get happiness
we all become sad
we get success
we even fail
but there is no one who had never gone through any particular section in this ,
we all are winners at the same time loosers
so never feel bad if you are loosing
because as this life is a draw competition
you will also win
at the same time we can even fail
maria k May 2019
i refrain from picking people up
i drop them on the ground
and allow them to weaken
in the eyes of my existence
my careless mind that ceases to find
the good in life
but strives to make the
fittest of the fittest thrive
as i abandon those that
plaintively cry
hyper competitiveness...instead help others and become a better person
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