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Ziya mansoor May 2019
Not only the racers in competition
but there are also racers ,
In the competition of life
we compete for happiness
and sometimes the losers get
awarded with sadness,
We compete for sucess and pleasure
and sometimes the losers get failure and gloom
but this game has no winners either losers  
the game of the life is a tie
we all get happiness
we all become sad
we get success
we even fail
but there is no one who had never gone through any particular section in this ,
we all are winners at the same time loosers
so never feel bad if you are loosing
because as this life is a draw competition
you will also win
at the same time we can even fail
maria k May 2019
i refrain from picking people up
i drop them on the ground
and allow them to weaken
in the eyes of my existence
my careless mind that ceases to find
the good in life
but strives to make the
fittest of the fittest thrive
as i abandon those that
plaintively cry
hyper competitiveness...instead help others and become a better person
Lily Feb 2019
Stinky, crowded, sweltering
Laughing uproariously
Bouncing up with every Michigan pothole
Falling down into the laps of our friends
Riding to yet another competition
Frantically checking to see if we have gloves and gauntlets
The band bus
A Feb 2019
Sometimes it hard to see
Though the foggy land we walk
Sometimes its hard to know
There's support among the talk
Chatter blurs my head with things unsaid
Should I have even tried at all?
There's only one way to know
I guess I need to fall

When it gets dark, it gets easier
Not knowing who's around
Their candle light burns in my eyes
No peace of mind as I hit the ground
I know they've tried
And opened up their eyes
But mine don't seem to work
I just want to try to get there
Without getting hurt.

Todays the day, is always the day
But somehow it's still tomorrow
"One foot in front of the other"
Is just talk among my sorrow
No one can do it for me
I'm lost and scared and cold and lonely
But the worst sound of all is my own voice
Making promises continuously
Specs Feb 2019
You say I'll never understand
Because to you, I'm whole.
The thing is, I'm ahead of your game,
And I am in control.

The spiderwebs that fill my head,
The boiling blood of my brain,
Tell me all things I want
I'll never, ever obtain.

You think because I don't complain
I'm happy all the time.
To me that thought's ridiculous—
There's no reason to that rhyme.

My mind is a smoking circuit.
Death is a trending topic.
My mind is dark, my thoughts are too.
You're too blind to see— myopic.

Your simple, shortsightedness
Has all but proved my theory:
You only care for me when you've time,
You are tired of me, and grow weary.

So please, tell me I'm not broken,
Please, tell me I'm "too good."
When I roll my sleeves and lift my shirt,
You'll wish you'd understood.

And maybe you do, who am I to say?
What's to say you don't see it every day,
That my heart is worn, I'm giving out,
I need to yell, scream, and shout.

But I'm close to six feet under,
Digging my own grave bit by bit.
"It's okay to ask for help,"
I said. What a hypocrite.

So tell me I'm not damaged enough
To hear you talk of days you rue.
Maybe you're right all along,
But I'll still listen to you—

Unlike you.
This poem makes my own blood boil.

Just because someone seems okay doesn't mean they are. There is absolutely no point to the pain game. Because the world is full of sad, sad, people, who simply care too much for themselves, and nothing for others.
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