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Word Therapy Apr 2015
Second time lucky! - This failed
The nine word poem competition.
Do as ye do because thou loveth it,
and compete foremost with thyself.

Should ye happen to best many others:
Great. Good for thee. Consider teaching.

If ye happen to be worse than others:
Keep yer chin up. Seek to learn from it.

Become neither hubristic nor discouraged!
Hark! I shall be waiting at the finish line!
Kira Nightraven Jan 2015
Living, does not mean to compete.
Living, need not leech off others.
Living is not to trample down
Still living souls of those around.
To exist is not to fight
For deaths of others
To fuel your life.

Yet one in a million actually abides
By the rules unwritten.
Yet there are always cunning ones
Who seek to be unbeaten.
The unscrupulous side,
Of humans,

Seal the mouth,
Bite the tongue,
Swallow the words.
Close the heart,
Guard the mind
Lock the soul.

Trust none; never call for help.
That's the promise I made to myself.
A totally unstructured piece...merely a spur of the moment expression :)
xx Jan 2015
We always run
On the chain of desire
As the last person
At the end of the line
It's easy to give up
Make your run stop
No one will notice
Everyone's ahead
But we somehow stay
Though it's the hardest
To stay behind
And keep what we have
But we somehow hope
That what we're running
Is worth aiming for
s Jan 2015
Numbers matter so much to people.
A scale.
Numbers aren't even objects.
You can't hold a number.
We rank people, low class, middle class, high class, all by numbers.
Girls rank themselves by numbers
"She weighs 10 lbs less than me"
In competition the lower number the better, we all want first place.
When in the end its only a number.
Why why why
do we care
so much?
The Jarl Nov 2014
Completely wrapped around the finger of burden
We compete with eachother to who can carry more than
To try to win at every turn isn't winning
To make everything a challenge isn't fulfilling
Weighed down by the pressures of our surroundings
Everyone tries to be a hero, but the insanity is astounding
Attempting to shine in a room filled with uncountable bulbs
Is a wish that should be approached with care
My least favorite piece, I forced it.
Open your eyes and who do you see?
Climb into the high and what can you read?
While trying to find in what you will creed,
One tries not to die while trying to exceed,

Open your eyes and tell me who’s there,
And see with your heart if for you they care,
When destiny takes away time to be pairs,
What have you not but to treat those unfair?

Open yourself and pass all the pain,
Because it is the only one way to gain,
And if not then one puts itself to insane,
Cause if not others may maintain all their fame,

Now you know who is always real sharp,
Don’t grief on it because its only the start,
And whilist one gathers light to form one’s star,
Foes put one through stress because they can’t get far…
Endless Horizon Aug 2014
I came to an art show,
where a friend stood proudly beside his painting.
Many people liked it,
and it made him genuinely happy.
So I tried making a painting of my own,
and I hung it beside his.

Seeing all of the other artists’ paintings.
Beautiful palettes of color and hue.
I could see why flocks of people
were huddled up in front of it,
praising the artist for his tremendous work.

I made it my goal to improve my painting.
And so I did.
People liked it, huddled around it, praised it.
And I genuinely felt happy.

My other friends saw how lovely,
all the paintings were.
So they decided to make their own,
all of them, three.

I was astonished…proud…happy
to see people huddled around each of their paintings,
praising them for what they did.
And they felt genuinely happy.

All was good, until one day,
when one friend said,
“Hey, let’s make this fun and interesting, and play a game,
whoever gets the most praise at the end of the year,

I didn’t want this to be…
I never wanted this to be just
another competition.
Just another stage,
to brag how great they are.

I hope,
that this will never come to that.
You are all artists in your own special way.
You don’t have to get all the praise,
to know you’re good.

Continue making those awesome paintings.
Never stop improving them.
Because one day, I know,
people will start huddling
around yours.
Sorry if it's long guys. This is something thats happening to me, and the thought would be lost if I cut some stanzas down. So sorry again :)
(you know who you are students, peace yo)
Katy St Germain Jun 2014
I hurt you?
This isn't a competition.
When I say something, your response is you have it worse.

I'm sorry I make you feel like a bad friend.
It's my fault.

I'll spare you the pain of my friendship.
I don't have the strength to make the sacrifices anymore.
Even though I love you.

I really do.

Sometimes, I wonder if you ever loved me.
You say you do, but why can't I feel it?
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